Orwell’s Got Nothing on the DNC’s Ministry of Truth

Orwell’s Got Nothing on the DNC’s Ministry of Truth

Orwell’s Got Nothing on the DNC’s Ministry of Truth

Waking up to the orgy of worshipful tongue-bathing of Joe Biden upon his ten-minute nothing-about-nothing address last night was the latest confirmation we are living in Orwell’s 1984.

But unlike the proles of Orwell’s dystopian world, without benefit of being ignorant of the real-time hijacking of fact and truth done in the name of saving “our democracy”. No, the DNC’s Ministry of Truth is rubbing our noses in its rewrite of history.

Consider, for about three weeks after Biden imploded during the June 27th debate sent his Puppet Masters into a frenzy, it appeared that mainstream media had suddenly rediscovered what actual journalism was all about.

But as the Potemkin Ice Cream party last night showed … we were had.

All the chin-pulling and solemn observations about asking hard questions, from ABC’s Lester Holt to CNN’s Stephen Collison, it appeared that the media had pivoted from relentless cheerleading and gaffe-splaining for Good Old (‘it’s just a stutter’) Joe to pulling back the curtain for us benighted proles.

It was all theater. Orchestrated performances to get others on the Dump Joe bandwagon. Regardless of 14.5 million primary voters who had exercised their franchise to nominate Biden for the 2024 run, the real threat he might lose was more than enough to curb stomp rank and file Dems and pull off a palace coup. The installation of Kamala Harris is just about complete and the reconstruction of her past and rehabilitation of her present is the job of thousands of Winston Smiths scattered in Left-controlled institutions across the country.

And being done right before our eyes.

You might remember when Joe Biden appointed Kamala as Border Czar. No, dears, you might see four fingers, but The Party is now saying it’s five …

From above:

And, as Axios noted in 2021, “Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ of migration.” As Time Magazine noted yesterday, Harris’ “mandate was much narrower.” Her job was “to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions” causing the migration crisis.

But examining and improving the underlying conditions of migration is not a “narrower mandate.” It’s a wider one. According to Democrats, including Kamala Harris, we can’t understand the crisis at the border as simply a border security problem. The “root causes” are war, oppression, and poverty.

“A mother who pays a coyote to transport her child through her country of origin, through the entire country of Mexico, facing unknown peril to come here,” said Harris in 2020. “Why would that mother do that? I will tell you. Because she has decided that for that child to remain where they are is worse.”

And the media in 2021 didn’t just claim that Harris was simply in charge of the “root causes” of migration. The media also treated her as in charge of the border. In fact, in a now-famous clip from June 2021, Harris lies to NBC News’s Lester Holt about having visited the border.

“The question that has come up,” he asked, “and you heard it here and will hear it again, I’m sure, is, ‘Why not visit the border?’”

“We’ve been to the border,” claimed Harris. “So this whole thing about the border, we’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”

To which Holt said, “You haven’t been to the border.”

At that point, Harris changed the subject. “And I haven’t been to Europe,” she said.

She then tried to act confused. “And I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making. I’m not discounting the importance of the border.”

The media is now doing the same thing Harris did, which is gaslighting the American people about what was really going on back in 2021. Biden tasked Harris with a larger and more important role in dealing with migration than the mere border. Dealing with “root causes” is a core value for Democrats, who have long opposed what they view as an over-emphasis on law enforcement, whether in cities or on the border, and an under-emphasis on poverty and oppression.

Axios now claims they were wrong in the past to call Harris “border czar” so just shut up while they change the past. You know, Winston Smith’s job at the Ministry of Truth in 1984.

Here’s an ostensible non-partisan organization, GovTrack, that just yanked their 2019 page on Senator Kamala Harris.

GovTrack, an organization that tracks voting records in Congress, yanked its 2019 rating that pegged then-Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as the most liberal member of the upper chamber – after several media outlets including The Post cited the statistic in stories on the presumed Democratic presidential nominee.

The website pulled down its 2019 ranking on Monday evening after it got renewed attention in the wake of President Biden’s seismic decision to drop out of the 2024 race on Sunday, its founder confirmed to The Post.

GovTrack had previously determined in its single-year “report card” for 2019 that she was the most ideological to the left member of the upper chamber based on her legislative behavior.

The page may be disappeared from GovTrack’s site, but the archived version still exists. The DNC Ministry of Truth hasn’t infiltrated the archive.today service.

So far.

You don’t hate mainstream media enough.

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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