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Of course: Miss USA gets political again

Of course: Miss USA gets political again

After last year’s fiasco with Perez Hilton and Carrie Prejean over gay marriage got the Miss USA pageant more publicity than they pageant has had in years, it was inevitable they’d do the same thing again this year.

It started when a judge asked Miss Oklahoma, Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, her opinion on the new Arizona illegal immigration law. Her answer? She supports it.

Unsurprisingly, she didn’t receive the crown. Woolard became first runner-up, and Miss Michigan, Rami Fakih won the crown. She’s a Lebanese immigrant, and supposedly the first Muslim to win the title of Miss USA.

The 24-year-old Miss Michigan beat out 50 other women to take the title Sunday night, despite nearly stumbling in her evening gown.

She told reporters later that she believed she had won after glancing at pageant owner Trump as she awaited the results with the first runner-up, Miss Oklahoma USA Morgan Elizabeth Woolard.

“That’s the same look that he gives them when he says, ‘You’re hired,'” on Trump’s reality show “The Apprentice,” she said.

“She’s a great girl,” said Trump, who owns the pageant with NBC in a joint venture.

Fakih took top honors at the pageant at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip after strutting confidently in an orange and gold bikini, wearing a strapless white gown that resembled a wedding dress and saying health insurance should cover birth control pills.

Fakih, an Arab-American from Dearborn, Mich., told pageant organizers her family celebrates both Muslim and Christian faiths. She moved to the United States as a baby and was raised in New York, where she attended a Catholic school. Her family moved to Michigan in 2003.

Nothing’s ever that simple, of course. First, as Michelle Malkin points out, she hardly performed well enough to warrant victory in the competition.

She nearly tripped over her gown.

She called birth control a “controlled substance.”

She argued that contraceptives should be covered by health insurers because they are “expensive” — and then said you could get them for “free” from your OB/GYN’s office.

Birth control is not a controlled substance, by the way. And birth control can sometimes be expensive if you don’t have insurance, yes, but it is also not necessary. Bottom line, if you can’t afford birth control and don’t want to get pregnant, then don’t have sex. It’s just that simple. And, as Michelle also noted, can you imagine the uproar from the mainstream media if Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin had called birth control a controlled substance??

The identity politics crowd is too busy cheering on the Miss USA pageant’s newfound diversity to pay attention to any of this, of course. Completely ignored are the worrying allegations of associations with terrorists groups like Hezbollah.

She’s gaffetastic, not graceful or eloquent, and apparently a terrorist apologizer. Remind me again why she’s Miss USA now?

UPDATE: Well, it turns out she’s a real classy lady, too. TMZ is reporting that our new Miss USA is a pole dancing champion, winning a “Stripper 101” contest. Photo at the link.

Cross-posted at The Green Room.

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  • Springer says:

    I can’t wait until there isn’t a single white woman in the Miss USA/America contest.

  • Entep says:

    Aww, someone’s jealous, aren’t they.

    I know, when will white Christian women start winning beauty pagents again? THIS IS ALL TOO PC.

  • Melinda P says:

    “She’s gaffetastic, not graceful or eloquent, and apparently a terrorist apologizer. Remind me again why she’s Miss USA now?”

    Do we really need to explain this? Our president and vice-president are both gaffetastic, why not our Miss USA!?

    I have never watched the pagents, but it floors me that someone like this was actually crowned! Whatever?! I think they’ve been losing credibility for years, and this is just the icing on the cake.

  • Smithwick says:

    “First, as Michelle Malkin points out, she hardly performed well enough to warrant victory in the competition.”

    She slept with Trump and they needed something to get peoples attention (we are talking about it). That’s all this is, a shameless publicity stunt.

    The fact that she’s a terrorist sympathizer just means even more interest in the story. And of course anyone who questions the judgment can simply be silenced with cries of “racism”.

    Par for the course.

  • JRTG says:

    Well, regardless of who you think should have won, this much is certain… muffintop oinkers like Cassy Fiona will never win any beauty pageants. 200 lb. fatties like Cassy aren’t considered beautiful by anybody with an ounce of self-esteem.

    Seriously Cassy, if you want to do some good in this world, eat less food, you disgusting cow.

  • ParatrooperJJ says:

    Birth control pills are over the counter now?? If they still require a prescription then that means that they are a DEA scheduled drug and are a controlled substance by definition.

  • Chris M-G says:

    Well, one thing is certain- Ms O. has more spine than JRTG.

  • RuthenianCowboy says:

    Do we really need to explain this? Our president and vice-president are both gaffetastic, why not our Miss USA!?

    Threadwinner by Melinda.

    (Although I bet Miss USA is a better dancer than Barry O and Slow Joe.)

  • Matt says:

    Here’s the Conservative line for the day: “We’re being overrun by hot Arab women!”
    Seriously, folks. Is there a more absurd topic than being upset [or just skeptical] that an Arab-American woman won this?

  • Chris M-G says:

    It’s not that she won- it’s that she clearly didn’t deserve to.

  • Matt says:

    Chris M-G

    It’s not that she won- it’s that she clearly didn’t deserve to.

    No, Chris she did deserve to win. That’s why she won. Clearly. Why would it bother you that a very beautiful Arab-American woman won? Isn’t that what we want? Don’t we want Arab women to become liberated? Don’t you realize WE win when she wins. And the 16th century terrorist mentality loses?

  • Smithwick says:

    JRTG: I have no personal experience in the matter but judging by the pictures on this site there is nothing wrong with the way Cassy looks. Actually I think she’s pretty damn cute. Frankly I think there’s something wrong with the women (and men who find them attractive) that look like they just got done with a stint at auschwitz.

    Personal preference and opinions may vary but the “I’m slowly dying of an intestinal parasite” types don’t really do much for me.

    “No, Chris she did deserve to win. That’s why she won.”

    She deserved to win because she won, and she won because she deserved it. Circular argument I’d say. That sort of reasoning assumes that everyone who has ever won anything deserved it. I think we can safely say that isn’t the case (simply look at the Nobel Peace prize).

    “Why would it bother you that a very beautiful Arab-American woman won? ”

    It doesn’t. I’d say all the woman involved were beautiful. Was she the best looking? Very subjective question. But I do suspect she was chosen for political reasons and to boost ratings rather than for anything more meaningful.

    “Don’t we want Arab women to become liberated? Don’t you realize WE win when she wins. And the 16th century terrorist mentality loses?”

    Unfortunately she seems to side with those “16th century” folks (I think you’re being generous there, in the 16th century these people weren’t nearly as backwards as they are now). So not that much of a victory for muslim-womens rights as it might have been.

  • Mat says:


    The fact that Matt stated a “16th century” terrorist mentality pretty sums up the fact that this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about (unless he’s referring to the Ottomans, which I seriously doubt he even understands). I’d say it’s more 7th-12th centuries if one wants to get truly technical, since that was the Islamic heyday.

  • Seriously Cassy, if you want to do some good in this world, eat less food, you disgusting cow.

    Cassy is the loving wife of a man who risks his life in our military, blogs about issues that matter (as opposed to “Omigosh, that commercial is SOOO sexist!11!”), is a role model for young women, and engages in a profession that is rewarding to herself and does a tremendous amount of good.

    But because you are a liberal man, all you can do is to reduce her accomplishments, character, and values to a sneer on the way she looks and a suggestion that she needs to engage in some mentally disturbed self-loathing.

    Contrary to what liberal “feminists” may have taught you, JRTG, women need not be neurotic anorexics with daddy issues in order to do some good in the world; in fact, the opposite is true.

  • Awww – thank you! 🙂

  • Rob M. says:

    You really want to take politics out of the beauty pagent??

    Get rid of celebrity judges and get Donald Trump to sell his Beauty Contest business.

  • PrettyAmiable says:

    blogs about issues that matter (as opposed to “Omigosh, that commercial is SOOO sexist!11!”)

    Oh! Important issues! Like “Omigosh, an Arab woman won Miss USA! She said one or two silly things! It should have gone to the white racist instead!11!!”

  • PrettyAmiable:

    Um, first of all, “racist” is not a charge to be thrown around lightly. (Funny how liberals think that it’s sooo wrong to call someone a slut but okay to call people racists.) Miss Oklahoma isn’t racist; she’s educated.

    Second: are we reading the same blog? On Cas’s front page, I’m looking at her military wife blogging (which is only “unimportant” to those who are unaware of the depth of commitment that our men in uniform make, as well as the frighteningly high divorce rate among military couples); several substantive political posts (election results, etc.); a post about the Middle East and university campuses; and a post about the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia.

    Third, if you hate someone’s blog, don’t read it. If you want to waste your time commenting on blogs that are boring, frivolous, and run by racists, that’s your life that you are wasting.

  • Smithwick says:

    Roxeanne: PA didn’t mean she was racist for anything she said or did. She was white, that alone is enough to condemn her.

    You know, she one of those typical white people who by virtue of her birth is guilty of racism, slavery, and genocide.

  • PrettyAmiable says:

    She’s racist because she supports a law that will ultimately lead to racial profiling. You think all those white people in Arizona are going to get stopped and asked to show their papers? I can’t imagine what kind of ignorant trash you’d have to be to believe that. PS, “racist” and “educated” are not mutually exclusive.

    Second, I don’t recall commenting that Cassy shouldn’t have a voice as the wife of someone in the military. I can criticize the stupid shit she says and calls important irrespective of that. Good for her; her life isn’t easy and it’s not one I would choose. That kind of information is interesting to read. The front page also had two posts slut-shaming women who hop into bed with whoever they want because their lives are somehow less fulfilling because Cassy can’t imagine that sometimes women might not want more than sex. Not important. In fact, it’s completely irrelevant.

    Third, Feministe’s front page also includes a post on Hollywood’s support of a rapist, a discussion of a recent SCOTUS ruling, talk of the Aiyana Jones killing, and a conversation about the nun that was excommunicated for approving an abortion for a woman who would be killed by carrying to term. Are you familiar with “sampling on the dependent variable”? If not, google. It’s your friend.

    Fourth, I’m pretty sure I didn’t say Cassy was boring, frivolous, or racist. Nice try.

  • Roxeanne de Luca says:

    She’s racist because she supports a law that will ultimately lead to racial profiling.

    1. Logically fallacious, and 2. Not true. Read the law, then we’ll talk.

    I can’t imagine what kind of ignorant trash you’d have to be to believe that

    My parents and grandparents brought me up well, which is why I have manners, and instilled in me a love of education and learning, which is why I hold an engineering degree and a JD from world-class institutions.

    So if you want to call me “ignorant trash”, you’re more than welcome to; just be aware that I’m not the one who is intruding onto someone else’s blog for the sole purpose of falsely degrading the blog-mistress and her commenters, which is an “ignorant trash” move if I’ve ever seen one.

    As for everything else you say: again, if you want to waste your time by trashing Cassy on her own blog (and me, in the comments), then you need to get a life. As an alternative to a much-needed etiquette class, you could apply your excess of free time to starting your own blog….

    As for “sampling on the dependent variable” – may I admonish you to not assume too much about people whom you do not know? I spent several years of my life as an R&D scientist, so you can try to pull the “I’m so scientific and you’re not” line on me, but it just makes you look like a fool. Now, if you want to throw around big words to try to insult me, you’re more than welcome to; I’m not the type to be bothered by a child who dresses up in momma’s too-big shoes and thinks that it entitles her to boss around the adults at the party. Again, it’s the child who looks like a fool, not the adults.

  • nicholas says:

    Wow, so much to say.

    First off, Cassy’s kind of a babe. No way around that. If you’re having trouble seeing it, it’s because your politics are fuzzing up your head. Too bad for you, but shut it. Your comment’s a lame attempt to wound someone you don’t agree with. Yawn. It speaks of an inferior intelligence desperately lashing out, piteously, impotently, and disappointingly limply.

    Secondly, Paratrooper JJ the DEA monitors the use of controlled substances, which include narcotics, amphetamines, benzodiazepines and a number of other classes of compounds that have potential for abuse and dependence. If you have been using women’s birth control pills in the hopes that they are mind altering drugs that change how you feel I would ask you to stop now and seek medical care immediately.

    Thirdly, regarding the blogger who calls himself Pretty Amiable – to quote Inigo Montoyo: You keep using that name. I don’t think it means what you think it means. By the way, that’s a lot of blade marks you got there, buddy. Try using direct pressure to help control the bleeding.

    Fourthly, Roxeanne de Luca is one fast knife fighter.

    And lastly, that Cassy’s a babe. : )

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