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Before you watch this video, let me give you the obligatory disturbing content warning. The video below shows a fifteen-year-old girl being beaten by a Seattle police officer.
First, let me start by saying that I usually side with police in these kinds of situations. For the most part, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. And when it comes to people getting tased by police, I typically have little sympathy. I honestly feel that in most situations, you can’t second-guess the actions taken by police officers in the heat of the moment, especially when someone you’re trying to detain is resisting and making you feel threatened.
However, this situation to me clearly shows that Officer Schene clearly overstepped his bounds. I don’t doubt that the girl was being rude. By kicking her shoe at him, it could even be termed as “assault”. However, this girl clearly showed no threat to the officer. She was in custody, had likely already been searched for weapons, and wasn’t making any movements towards the two police officers beyond kicking her shoe at them. There was no need for that kind of brutality, and Officer Schene should be kicked off of the police force if everything on the video is as clear as it seems.
That said, we should wait for the investigation to wrap up before judging him too harshly. The only thing I can say in his defense is that there’s no audio on the tape, and it’s a short clip. We don’t know what may have happened right before, or what she may have been saying to them.
Hot Air has a poll on the topic. What are your thoughts?
So the officer’s side of the story is that she got mouthy so he had to slam her around? Sorry, no buying it and I’m usually on the cops side because my whole family is full of cops.
What he did was wrong. Especially at the end where he lifted her by the hair. He needs to go to jail for this one.
There are several versions of this clip floating around, one with his head punches editted out, one with the lead in hallway camera video. All & all, this thug with a badge should go away & out of law enforcement.
Cops are pigs. Doubt it? Go Google, War on Guns and only ones, and then come back and tell me cops deserve our respect.
Sorry, but I’m going to have to be the dissenter here. I have several reasons for this.
First, this is only a small segment of the video. It’s hardly surprising that the drive-by media will take the most dramatic part and show it (gee, where has this happened before?). Given the role of the media lately, I’m simply not going to buy this lock, stock and barrel (although from the post itself and responses, people have already).
Secondly, the girl clearly started it. It’s just good common sense that you don’t mouth off to a cop…ever. Oh, I suppose you could use your First Amendment rights and so forth, but you, the individual, is responsible for what happens afterwards. It kinda goes back to that personal responsibility thing that we conservatives always talk about but then eschew for silly emotional reasons. This is one such case.
Thirdly, yeah cops can be assholes, but can you really blame them? Cripes, watch an episode of Cops and look at the sewage they have to deal with. Talk about a shit job. I’m usually surprised that they don’t do worse than they actually do given all the crap they put up with. It’s a high intensity job (with the added bonus of being potentially injured or killed) so nerves are on edge. It’s real easy to beat up on these guys in the comfort of your own home.
Given those three factors, I’ll side with the cops and be the dissenting unfeeling jerk, thanks…
The cop here clearly overstepped his role. A career-ending move no doubt.
I have a question though: Who released this tape? It’s not like this was from someone’s cellphone. I’m not trying to condone the actions of this officer but I wonder if the media would be interested in broadcasting a tape of cops being overpowered and/or attacked by perps?
I think this is wrong. I actually know the girl personally and she didn’t deserve this. She’s a really nice girl and yeah she did something stupid to get arrested. I’m not gonna disagree with that but no cop has a right to beat up on a tiny 15-year-old old. I don’t even care if she was running her mouth, a grown man should know how to deal with it in a professional manner.
That’s precisely my point. Since the media got their hands on one little snippet of the overall tape, how can one possibly make a decision based on it? We don’t know what she did when she was actually arrested nor what happened afterwards. And once again, everyone gets suckered by the media and they get all weepy-eyed. Sorry, not buying this. Seen too many Rodney King BS tape situations to fall for this one.
Oh yeah, and Shaniquequa, of course you’re going to think it’s wrong if you’re friends with the person. It’s called a conflict of interest. If she was truly a nice girl, she wouldn’t have gotten arrested nor acted like a jackass at the police station. Obviously, she’s not nearly the “nice girl” you portray her to be or she would not have been in that position to begin with.
Dear Mat,
How dare you. No matter what the media got their hands on, there is absolutely no reason for this to happen. None. Do you really think the punishment fits the crime? She borrowed her grandmothers car without permission which of course deserves serious punishment. She’s a teenager! Yeah she mouths off! That’s what teenagers do. They have very little respect for their elders, especially the law. I’m sure you don’t have any children, definately not a girl, because if you did, you would want to rip this officers balls off, shove them down his throat, and then lift him by his hair until he regurgitates them back onto the other officer who clearly had no problem with this happening. He deserves to be in jail. This is the problem with your precious johnny law, they have too much power. And you have no business saying she deserved it, you don’t know her, therefore have no idea what she deserves. Take your pathetic conservative interests elsewhere.
It was actually her friend’s parents car that they caught her in and her FRIEND was driving the car. For all we know, she probably didn’t even know her friend was driving the car without her parents permission. And I don’t care if she was in the wrong or not, you don’t lay your hands on a 15 year old like that. On top of that you probably don’t live in Seattle and the cops here are pigs. I’ve had to hold my tongue too much for them.
Half the time they stop teenage girls for nothing. I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked to the store and have been stopped by a cop in order for him to check me out or flirt with me knowing I was underage and then if I get a slight attitude, he would yell at me and say something like, “I can arrest you for disrepecting me.” But he’s breaking a bigger law by trying to get with me who he knows is underage and trust me they know. I’ve pulled out my school ID plenty of times. The cops here are freaking pedophiles in a uniform. Who knows why she was mouthing off but most of the cops in this city deserve it. On top of that they’re racist as well. One time my boyfriend (who is 19, 6’3, and black) was stopped while heading to the library because they thought he was a guy they were looking for. He showed his ID to prove he wasn’t that guy and they continued to harrass him and even lay their hands on him and laughed about it while they were doing it.
So yeah who knows what they did but most of the cops in Seattle are probably cops just so they can give certain people a hard time. I bet these cops feel very macho because they took on a child. I bet they wouldn’t take on a grown man their size like that. Pigs.
Ok, there are a lot of assumptions in your argument, and a whole lot of he said/she said going on. I’m asking for facts and you have given absolutely none other than hearsay. No, I’m not from Seattle, but I can tell you that the cops that are in my city do not act that way because they’d be fired in a heartbeat. If you’re getting harrassed as much as you claim, then maybe you should hire a lawyer to deal with it. Once again, I’ve heard enough of these “stories” and then find out later on that 95-100% of it is total bullshit.
Am I saying that all cops are perfect? No, because there are bad apples in every bunch. But to say an entire police force is like that is absurd to say the least.
My point stands: if you’re going to mouth off to a cop, then expect consequences for those actions.
Well I don’t see how this can be bs to you if the proof is on videotape. And on top of that how could I hire a lawyer if I have no money. There’s absolutely nothing I can do about it so most of the people in my neighborhood and other kinda poor neighborhoods in Seattle (which is where they do most of their crap) have to deal with it. We have no other choice.
And even if she was mouthing off (and I don’t blame her half the time because I’m truly at my breaking point where I’m starting to hate cops) that doesn’t give them to right to jump her. After all it’s only words. You as a grown man should not be affected by a teenagers words. Most of the teenagers here call cops here pigs on the time. I haven’t met a teen that doesn’t. And if the cops were so right, then how come my friend is going to court with this and having a huge chance on winning and one of the cops have already been charged? Because it’s obvious they were in the wrong. It’s against the law for a cop (especially a male cop) to beat up an underage girl. It’s pretty obvious that’s wrong.
The BS is in the fact that I see 30 seconds of videotape. I don’t see what happened before or after and I don’t even see why she was arrested in the first place. That’s what I call facts.
You’re telling me that you couldn’t raise an outcry about this? Sorry, but if a cop pulled even a tenth of what you claim, the guy would be off the force in a minute.
Your basic attitude describes the problem in a nutshell. All the people you hang around call cops pigs. Ok, let’s look at it from the perspective of the cop, since it’s obvious that you have done nothing from the sort.
You’re a cop patrolling what I can only assume is a dangerous neighborhood. You’re surrounded by hostile people who are probably armed. I’d also be willing to bet that some of your friends are packing, am I right? How would your attitude be? It’s not the just the words that the cop is concerned about but the threat behind the words. It’s akin to a soldier walking into a warzone. If I were the cop, I’d be constantly on guard, so I can totally understand that.
My guess is that the guy is on charges because the public in Seattle has been worked up into a frenzy over this (which is precisely what the media wanted by showing this). If the guy didn’t go to court, you’d have riots a la Rodney King. Someone has to be the sacrificial lamb in all this and my guess is that this guy will be it. So we have mob rule in Seattle. Awesome.
Ok, it’s obvious that you hate cops and my guess is that you probably equate cops as “whiteys” which also equals bad. Am I right?
This is something that really annoys me. People expect the police to help them out in troubled situations, but then treat them like shit the rest of the time. Then they wonder why cops act the way they do. It’s a dangerous job that they do and it’s probably one of the more stressful things to do. Your attitude doesn’t really help matters. Sounds like you’ll make a model citizen later on in life.
I dare because I like to critically think about things, which is what the vast majority of Americans do not. Please don’t spout the emotional crap to me because I’ve heard it before. If you even read what I wrote you’d sing a different tune. No I don’t have kids and I quite frankly don’t want any. I wouldn’t want to raise a kid in this ridiculous environment.
Hey, you want a society that has no respect for the law (oh wait, that’s already happened) keep backing these jackasses up. Then we’ll have the anarchy that you seem to be so hell bent on. I can guarantee that you’ll be one of the first to bitch if it goes to pot. Talk about hypocritical.
And yes, I am a conservative and proud of it. Anything else you want to add?
First off I live in Seattle. We don’t have dangerous neighborhoods. Just poor ones. There’s a BIG difference between poor and dangerous. And none of my friends carry weapons. We all are kinda like hippies. We don’t start fights, we don’t carry guns or knives, we don’t cause trouble. Police cause trouble with us by profiling. And for to stereotype me proves ignornace. I’m not against whitey at all. I go to a mostly white school, I live in Seattle that is mostly white, and I’m half white. And I have friends of different races. And if you must know I’ve had an equal amount of trouble from black AND white cops. So you don’t need to jump to assumptions about me.
It’s assumptions like yours which is why cops stereotype us who are poor and treat us like shit. Just recently my friend’s cousin got shot walking down the street and the police won’t even solve the murder because they feel he was a gang member which he wasn’t. My friend’s cousin was a inspiring producer and he was always trying to increase peace in high schools and neighborhoods. He was very passionate about non-violence but all the police saw was a black man who was living in a poor area. So they said he was involved with gang violence (even on the news they said that) and they just refused to help my friend and her family with the murder.
I don’t hate cops. I hate fucked up cops. I have met a couple cops that actually do what their job says but many of them became cops for asshole reasons. Plus I don’t hate “whitey” either. I actually love whitey. White guys are the best and plus if I hated white people, wouldn’t that mean I hate myself since I look more white than black to begin with. But I didn’t wake up and decide I hated cops. After being hit on, checked out, and harrased a number of times, it’s hard to still have hope for them.
Ok, let me get this straight…
Besides the “whitey” thing (which I can tell you is totally prevalent where I’m at, so that’s more of a knee-jerk reaction than anything else), you say that your neighborhood is not dangerous. Ok, but then explain why your friend’s cousin was shot, by just walking down the street? I don’t know what your sense of normalcy is, but I would say that in most neighborhoods, people are not shot, period.
Now if this cousin is preaching non-violence, then it stands to reason that there is a case for his preaching, i.e. that there is in fact a lot of violence where he was. Hence the dangerous label. Your neighborhoods sounds more like a warzone, hence the tension that most cops have when entering that kind of an area.
Secondly, you say that you and your friends do not cause trouble. Yet your friend is in jail. How does that not constitute trouble? It sounds like you’re just trying to excuse the behavior…
Thirdly, although in your case, the police didn’t help the family find the murderer, I would say that the vast majority of those situations is entirely the opposite. I know plenty of times the police will do an investigation, and the people clam up, don’t cooperate and even hassle the cops. Well, how the hell do you expect cops to react to that nonsense? Cripes, I’d be real hesitant to go into that neighborhood as well.
Cops get burned out very quickly because of all the crap that they put up with. They have to watch their back every second they’re on duty, because the instant they hesitate or relax, they could wind up dead. It’s a shit job for them, especially these days because they get no respect whatsoever.
My dearest Mat,
Of course I don’t want to live in a society where no one cares about the law. But I also don’t want to live in a society where the law doesn’t care about us. I realize that there are good cops out there who actually respect the badge they wear and understand the meaning behind it. I also know that there are really bad, ugly dirty cops who beat up on people because they feel that the badge they don actually allows it. It’s like mentally unstable assholes who go into the military for the sole purpose of killing people.
You have to understand how ridiculously racist, not to mention sexist, you sound. “She clearly started it” is NOT A PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE REASON FOR BEATING UP ANYBODY, let alone a 15 year old girl. The police should have issued a female officer to handle the young girl in the first place, not 2 large men. It’s a sensitive issue and your precious perfect Seattle PD should have handled it better from the start. And look at you, HYPOCRITE, who is fighting with another 15 year old girl. How does this make you feel? Because from where I sit, you’re nothing but a dickless pussy who doesn’t have children not because of our crazy society, but because you have clearly ran off every potential relationship you have ever had in your life. You are a disgraceful human being.
I don’t think I ever said anything about it being acceptable or not. You implied that. What I did say is that we don’t know all the details about what happened and that I’m not ready to pass judgement. Then you tore in and made your own translations. Feel free to re-read all of what I’ve written above up to this point. In fact I recommend that you do, so you can get off of the silly emo-libtard kick that you’re on right now.
Secondly, how am I being a hypocrite? Firstly, Shaniquequa never disclosed her age. She said that it was a friend of hers. Secondly, if she’s big enough to come onto a blog and post a comment, then she should be big enough to handle the consequences of the responses. How does it make me feel? Actually, I feel pretty disheartened that I see a woeful lack of critical thinking on yours and Shaniquequa’s part. So be it. I’ve come to expect that.
As for the dickless pussy comment, that was very mature. Obviously, you’re feeling a little bit of rage, so why don’t you go march in a Code-Pink anti-soldier “peace” rally or something? I’m sure you’ll feel much better about yourself afterwards.
I must admit that I’ve had several relationships in my life, but it’s simply not my destiny to be in one. It happens. And I would reiterate that given the crap that I see around me today regarding parents and kids, I would say one again, emphatically that I would NOT want to raise a kid under these circumstances. If you don’t believe me, it doesn’t bother me one bit.
As for being a disgraceful human being, you know nothing about me. But that seems more of a blanket emo-statement than anything with substance. But that is what our society has become, no? One filled with silly emotionalisms without any real substance. Cheers…
First off Mat, this is the only friend I’ve had that has been arrested and it was for something most teenagers get in trouble with since who knows how long. Doesn’t mean she’s a bad person. You can’t tell me as a teenager, you didn’t do something stupid.
I’m 17 and I can look back on many of the dumb things I did. Like shoplifting, drinking, and experimenting with drugs. Does that not make me a bad person? No it makes me someone that has done dumb stuff and has learned from it and I’m pretty sure my friend has learned from this to avoid getting arrested again. Still doesn’t mean she deserved to get hit.
And it’s funny you judge my neighborhood because you don’t know much about it or where it really is now do you. There’s two high schools in that neighborhood and you know what that means? School battles which means fighting. It doesn’t necessarilly have to be gun violence. High schoolers fight and that’s what he was trying to stop. And my cousins family TRIED to cooperate. They said they would participate but the cop turned them away anyways.
And I don’t know what bubble of the world you live in but people get shot in neighborhoods all the time. It happens. It’s not like Seattle is a thug area, we’re not Central LA. Even in the rich mostly white neighborhoods in the Washington area and almost any other state I could think of, people get shot, kidnapped, raped, etc. Stuff happens and it can happen anywhere to anyone. It’s minds like yours that believe that bad things can’t happen to privledged people when in fact, it happens equally to them. Me for example, I’ve been living in poor neighborhoods all my life and I’ve never been shot. Wow, a shocker. People can get shot anywhere and I’ve walked high middle class neighborhoods and would still have to deal with the things like getting kidnapped and getting sexually harrased by a guy on the street. That’s just how our society is and it sucks. And we get a shooting in a poor neighborhood like what, every three or something years. Yeah when you’re in a dangerous neighborhood, it happens on a day to day basis.
And you are being hypocritical. You’re saying I’m just defending my friend and I’m excusing her behavior but yet, you not knowing the cops OR the girl, you’re excusing the cop’s behavior.
I’ve never been arrested for anything. The worst I’ve ever had is a speeding violation and I haven’t had one of those in a decade or so. That’s pretty normal for most people. If you’re shoplifting and you don’t think it’s a big deal, then all I can say to that is…wow. Just wow. As for your friend, being arrested is a pretty big deal in and of itself. This is precisely the problem that I have with society. Hey, you break the law, no big deal. Well, it is a big deal.
As for your neighborhood, sorry that isn’t really the norm. When it becomes the norm, well…then this country might as well pack it in and give up.
I don’t think you understand the concept of hypocrisy. You are friend of hers, so it’s a conflict of interest. Of course you’re going to defend her. That’s natural. But I’m trying to balance the scales and I’ll reiterate that I’ve seen way too many Rodney King-style tapes that hammers away at cops and then several months later, we get a little story tucked somewhere on page 18 of the newspaper telling a slightly different version of the story. That story usually, though not always, vindicates the cop. Does that help that person? No, because he’s already been crucified by a popular opinion that has no conception of what really happened because it’s collectively too stupid to figure it out.
As I said to Kerry, if you go back to the original post, I never condoned those actions. I said that I reserve judgement on this. I will continue to stand by that decision.
I don’t think you’ll have to worry though. I’m sure your friend will get a nice big fat paycheck from the city, and societal control will slip that much more. And no one will really learn anything from this episode other than it’s ok to act like a total asshole towards civil authority. As I said to Kerry, that does, indeed, produce anarchy.
Yeah, if this is what you consider the norm, this will be an awesome society we’ll have in ten years when this generation comes of age.
I’m not saying me shoplifting or her going to jail is not a big deal, it just happens. I shoplifted in the past like many other people have done. Why because I was a little kid and dumb. Now if I was still shoplifting and going to worse crimes it would be a big deal. Just like my friend. This was her ONLY time getting in trouble and if it got worse, than yes it would be a big deal. If she puts it behind her and move on, then I think it’s just a life lesson. I feel a person must make mistakes to learn. And I never said I’m still doing it, I said I did before and then I stopped. That’s why I don’t find it a big deal because it didn’t get worse and I knew when to stop. And Mat, I’ll stop being an asshole to authority when they stop harrassing me.
And yes I do consider things that happen in my life the norm. How can I not? I’ve been in fucked up positions all my life. I’ve been bullied and harrased at 12, suicidal at 13, experimented with drugs at 14 and I became an alcoholic, raped, abused, and I suffered from aneroxia at 15. Now I’m 17 and my life is pretty safe.
I’m sorry but I haven’t met many kids that haven’t gone through crap and I go to a school full of rich kids. And I mean RICH kids. I know one of my friends that lived in a wealthy part of Seattle and she was brutelly raped and in rehab by the age of 14. Actually half the girls at my school have been in abusive relationships, threatened at gunpoint, and raped. So to me, it seems like traumatizing things happens to MOST people. I have rarely met a person in my life time who has had a clean life unless I think back to elementary school. And to me, I feel you have to do dumb things and go through hard times in life. If you don’t, how are you suppose to learn?
And for you to say I’m not normal because I’ve been through crap is really dumb.
Um, no, that sort of stuff doesn’t “just happen.” Your worldview is seriously skewed. As for being an asshole, that’s your choice. Not exactly a mature one, but so be it.
Here’s an option. Maybe look around and learn from others’ mistakes? Sorry, but your life is definitely not the norm in my opinion. If that is, in fact, the norm, then I will say right now that this country has no chance in the future. I can’t wait to see what the next generation of kids will be like.
I know for a fact that I had none of those problems in high school and I’m only 17 years removed from that.
Oh yeah, BTW, you can stop throwing the “rich” phrase around because I’m not rich (my current job is roughly lower middle class). My parents were working class who managed to work their way into the upper middle class range when I was in high school. I certainly wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I knew what was right and what was wrong and I know for a fact that those things you described were not a normal occurence. Apparently, your generation knows little to nothing about that, if you consider your life normal. Like I said before, if that’s what you think, then this country is probably more screwed than people imagine…
You make it out like I put myself in every position. Yes I decided to drink and do drugs at first but I didn’t decide to go out and get raped or abused. A guy who told me he loved me did it to me. He raped me on numerous occasions and abused me to a day to day basis and wouldn’t let me leave because then he would come to my school or show up at my house and even my hang out spots. But yeah I totally made the option to make that “mistake” on purpose. Just like I magically wanted to commit suicide for no reason and the girls that bullied me and beat me up in middle school, I put on myself. Like I said, I don’t know where you live but you need to know that in certain people’s lives, things are normal to them. I wish I didn’t go through everything I did but it happened, nothing I can do about it. Just like my friend. She made a mistake, she can’t take it back.
P.S. I’ll totally stop being assholes to the cops and let them stare at me chest, check me out, and flirt with me even when I say I’m not interested.
Hey Mat,
So if I am an Iraqi vet and am tense after just arriving home after a tour of duty, it’s cool if I beat the shit out of my child for mouthing off? No… My responses to your three fantastic arguments…
1. You argue the segment was very short and we did not see the whole context. Tell me, what context could it be okay for him to do that knowing that she has no weapons and was not advancing toward the officer? I understand innocent until proven guilty, which is why he is on paid administrative leave… (speaking of a waste of tax dollars, we have to pay for him not to work. Fantastic.) Just run by me a few scenarios that would make those actions acceptable. He is an adult with a gun/pepper spray. She is a 15 year old girl who has been searched for weapons…
2. The girl started it? Are you kidding? I am sure that (to use the child abuse example again) parents who hit their kids are provoked by their children in some cases. But they still go to jail. It is why 15 year olds are NOT charged as adults. THEY ARE 15. They don’t have a very developed world view, moral code, etc. That is like saying if a 15 year old acts in a certain manner, it permits the police to.
3. Who can blame cops? They have a shitty job? Are you insane? Yes, being a police officer is a stressful job and it is not easy no doubt. I have the utmost respect for those who take the job of protecting the public. HOWEVER, that doesn’t give them a right to channel this aggression in a criminal manner. (If kicking your shoe at a cop can count as “assult” what he did to her is attempted murder.) They have resources available for officers who are suffering from work related stress. See the program “Safe call now”. ( Just one example. Plus, they get government health benefits and can see psychologists if necessary. Or is everyone who commits a crime that is mentally ill exempt from punishment? And does that extend to war veterans? Victims of rape who suffer PTSD? No. Sure, work related stress explains the violence witnessed on the tape. But the notion that is absolves the officer of any guilt is ridiculous and if you believe it does you are a person of questionable character.
First of all, thank you for serving.
“You argue the segment was very short and we did not see the whole context. Tell me, what context could it be okay for him to do that knowing that she has no weapons and was not advancing toward the officer? I understand innocent until proven guilty, which is why he is on paid administrative leave… (speaking of a waste of tax dollars, we have to pay for him not to work. Fantastic.) Just run by me a few scenarios that would make those actions acceptable. He is an adult with a gun/pepper spray. She is a 15 year old girl who has been searched for weapons…”
Well, that’s precisely the point isn’t it? She can still bite him, no? Or something else? As you’re a soldier, you of all people should understand the idea of unarmed combat. Let me give you an example. A couple of years ago when I was working at a bookstore (it occurred a couple of hours before I was scheduled to come in), there was a retarded girl that came in with a supervisor (who happened to be a small woman). This girl was, as the store manager put it, “though short was built like a fridge.” Two girls near her in one of the aisles were giggling about something. Although it was not directed at her, the retarded girl thought it was and she went totally berserk and went after them. My store supervisor had to deal with it (this guy was athletic, in his 40’s) and managed, after great difficulty to wrestle her to the ground, all the while being scratched and bitten (and slugged at least once). He and two other huge guys had to hold her down by sitting on her until the cops arrived (all the while while she’s trying to buck them off and screaming that she was going to kill them). It took two cops who were pretty big dudes to drag her to the cop car. Needless to say, because of blood involved, my store manager had to get an AIDS test.
I reiterate that you never know the situation that you’ll get in and who knows if this girl would get an adrenaline rush and start something (the girl involved didn’t seem all that small in stature). Yeah, it might have been a little excessive, but one needs to subdue quickly, no?
“The girl started it? Are you kidding? I am sure that (to use the child abuse example again) parents who hit their kids are provoked by their children in some cases. But they still go to jail. It is why 15 year olds are NOT charged as adults. THEY ARE 15. They don’t have a very developed world view, moral code, etc. That is like saying if a 15 year old acts in a certain manner, it permits the police to.”
From the videotape, the girl clearly started it. She said something and then flung her shoe at them. That’s provocation. You can argue semantices, but the bare, pure facts are there for all to look at. I think there’s a distinct difference between disciplining a child and beating it, but we seem to have gone in the opposite direction by not giving guidence to kids at all these days. I could also argue that kids are treated more and more like adults, and should be treated as such. Kids can be dangerous. Take what happened in Pennsylvania last week with the 11 year old shooting the woman to death. Think it’s ok if the cops stood by while an 11 year old was blasting away at them? Seems to me like that’s a good way to get some cops killed. Kids aren’t kids anymore, and if you read anything that Shaniquequa said about her life on this post, you’d understand that. Kids shouldn’t be dealing with that sort of thing, but to her, it’s perfectly normal. Still think it’s ok?
“Who can blame cops? They have a shitty job? Are you insane? Yes, being a police officer is a stressful job and it is not easy no doubt. I have the utmost respect for those who take the job of protecting the public. HOWEVER, that doesn’t give them a right to channel this aggression in a criminal manner. (If kicking your shoe at a cop can count as “assault” what he did to her is attempted murder.) They have resources available for officers who are suffering from work related stress. See the program “Safe call now”. ( Just one example. Plus, they get government health benefits and can see psychologists if necessary. Or is everyone who commits a crime that is mentally ill exempt from punishment? And does that extend to war veterans? Victims of rape who suffer PTSD? No. Sure, work related stress explains the violence witnessed on the tape. But the notion that is absolves the officer of any guilt is ridiculous and if you believe it does you are a person of questionable character.”
Whatever the realistic idea of what she did, in a legal sense, yes it could be argued in a court of law that it was assault. Think that’s silly? Well, lawyers managed to get OJ off, did they not? And that was for actually killing two people. We’re a violent society, what can I say? But it’s one that we have consented to. And who said anything about being mentally ill? Once again, read the initial passage. I explained reasons why it would happen, not that I condoned it. What I did say is that I reserve judgement on this because I’ve seen all to often that the media manipulates what it gives to the public (you know, kinda like the war effort). As for being of questionable character, well that’s merely an opinion. I feel otherwise.
To be honest, we seem to be a society that condones an incredible amount of violence, but at the same time not being able to handle it in a psychological case. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pacifist. I find that to be utterly unrealistic given the world at large. Since you want to take a larger view and look at it from the military POV, I’ll put it another way. We tell our soldiers that they need to go out and “kick butt,” but then through ridiculous rules of war and popular opinion we hamstring their ability to fight. In other words we train soldiers, fill them up with fighting spirit and then suddenly tell them that they can’t do it. You think that isn’t going to eff them up mentally and confuse the hell out of them? To a lesser extent, that’s what police go through. We tell them to do a job, and then take away their ability to do so (kinda like giving them handguns and go deal with drug dealers armed with AK-74s). Tell me that isn’t a screwed up society.
I never said that you deserved any of that. I merely said that it is not normal. There’s a distinct difference. However, like I said before, if that’s considered normal behavior among your generation, then parents are doing a piss poor job (not terribly shocking) and this country’s future is totally screwed. I don’t know how else I can put it.
How is it the parents fault? They can’t stop bad things happening to their kids. I know my parents did an okay job with me. Whenever I did anything bad, they punished me. Whenever something bad happened to me, they settled it. Now no they don’t know that I was a drunk and they didn’t know I was raped or abused but only because I kept it from them since I don’t want them to be hurt by anything. I’m pretty sure if they knew, the would take care of it. But nothing is wrong with the parents, it’s what you get into once you leave your parents.
My parents always teach my as much about the world as they can but they also always tell me they can’t hold my hand through life. I need to grow up and that’s what I did. No I didn’t go through the perfect cookie cutter life that you find normal but I did grow up and I do have an almost promising future ahead of me that’s better than most people’s. But what do you expect parents to do. Keep a tracking device on their kids and follow them around to make sure nothing happens to them? They can’t do that. If anything all the decisions lay on the teen not the parents. And from what I’ve seen, many of the people that go through shit end up having better lives because they turn out street smart.
Like my boyfriend who’s only 19 knows more than many older people I know and he has more common sense. Why because he went through a lot of crap. Some people just need to learn the hard way.
Hello again Mat
I let my rage and emotions take over when I resorted to the name calling, which is absoultely ridiculous of me. For that, I apologize. I don’t know you, therefore have no idea what you do or do not have in your pants.
I am leaving this site after this because as it turns out, I have better things to do with my time than argue with someone I could care less about. But before I go, let me just make this one point about being hypocritical:
You have made such an effort in your argument to point out that we jumped the gun on blaming the cops when we don’t know the whole story since the media only shows a snippit of the tape. You immediately followed that statement with “She clearly started it”. You don’t know that. You didn’t see the whole tape, just what the media presented.
So, as far as your future endeavors in writing go, I have a topic for you: the GOP won’t be in power for another 8 years….
As for the GOP, that remains to be seen. The ball keeps on bouncing and we don’t know where it will end up. She did start it by being arrested. What part of that did you not get?
You have your own issues and it’s obvious that you’re a know-it all. If you’re saying that your 19 year old is smarter than most people who more of a life experience, I don’t know what to tell you. That seems to be the average attitude of your generation. You all now everything there is to life, so why worry? Well, you will understand soon enough. I can’t tell you since you don’t understand me. That’s all I have to say about that.
Whatever Mat, you’re not understanding me either so let’s agree to disagree. I don’t see what else I need to understand. According to you I’ve been through shit most people don’t go through so well, I’m just not understanding you nor do I care too. I’ll never meet you in my life time. Plus I have no issues anymore. Everything is in the past. My biggest issue is not understanding my math homework these days and how I’ll do in cosmotology school next year.
And I’m a know-it-all, let’s not start have the pot call the kettle black now.
P.S. Her being arrested is the punishment. I never knew getting jumped was part of being arrested. Women used to get raped in prison by male security, did they get that because they were arrested?
Mat, in regards to “No, I’m not from Seattle, but I can tell you that the cops that are in my city do not act that way because they’d be fired in a heartbeat. If you’re getting harrassed as much as you claim, then maybe you should hire a lawyer to deal with it. Once again, I’ve heard enough of these “stories” and then find out later on that 95-100% of it is total bullshit.” Apparetnly you DIDN’T take my advice to go and look at what cops are doing now adays. So here is another video to tell you just how “profesional” Cops are.
Your a fool to trust cops.
Scuse me, I did that wrong.
Matt you are clearly a closet homosexual, if not schene himself…And schene as soon as you hit the prison yard, the prison yard is gonna be hitting you so grab a belt loop and tie your shirt in a knot.
Seriously Mat? This is acceptable behavior from a professional? I expect the shoe kick from a teenage girl. But you cannot be serious in your defense. It is weak to say that she started it and he was within his right, yada, yada, yada… SHE IS A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL! He had her cornered ina room, charged her beat her pretty bad against a brick wall. In no forum is this behavior acceptable. I don’t know what blows my mind more: the beating or your flippant attitude to it.
Well matt, You seem to be blind to reality. It’s time to step into the real world and wake up from your delusional thoughts. The video posted, shows a 15 yr old girl beat by a police officer. What if it was your daughter? Then what? How in the world can you defend the police? It’s people like you that wants to keep the police brutality ball rolling.
I have a 17 year old daughter, a 13 year old son, a 10 year old daughter and my youngest girl is 8. I hope and pray that my children are never faced with this situation. That being said, I would never let a man who did something like this under ANY circumstances get away without some serious physical consequences. As for the other officer that was there, he is just as guilty. The only thing that we should fear more than evil men, is good men standing by and doing nothing.