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Pass amnesty!!
HR 3200 actually did have loopholes to allow illegal immigrants to be covered. Obama may or may not have closed those loopholes, but what does it matter? His government run health care will only cover legal immigrants, but he’ll just turn around and pass amnesty, so that all of the illegal immigrants are now legal, and VOILA! Joe Wilson’s prediction came true!
So just to get this straight, the plan is to infringe upon our personal health care choices and add more costs to our ever-expanding deficits. And while we’re at it, we’re going to have to cover all the legal immigrants, and the illegal ones as well, since they’ll get grandfathered in under the amnesty Obama’s apparently planning on passing.
Gee, that sounds like a real winner.
Well, technically then he isn’t lying. No illegals will be covered, because under obama there will be no illegals.
Same way he isn’t raising taxes on anyone but the rich (by the way, everyone is now to be considered rich).
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