obama white house will fly the chinese communist flag on september 20th

obama white house will fly the chinese communist flag on september 20th

i was hoping this wasn’t true even though it ‘felt’ true to me. i had read a couple things yesterday and then more on the web today. with this news, can barack obama show more complete and utter disregard for the principles of freedom and democracy?

the persecution of christians and political dissidents in china is unprecedented. the one-child policy in china and how that factors into forced abortions and little children who languish in orphanages is heartbreaking.

38 million of their own citizens were killed under mao, the hero of chinese communists.

and what about our own military who fought for decades and many died fighting communism? someone in the comments yesterday mentioned ‘the red scare’. well there was a reason for the red scare for gosh sakes!

to hoist a chi com flag at the white house on september 20th to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the commie dictatorship called the ‘People’s Republic of China’ is an incredibly feckless deed and screams ‘we hate freedom and democracy’. god help us on may day.


update: the white house is NOT flying the chicom flag at the white house. the facts are that the demonstration marking the 60th anniversary will take place in front of the wh on the elipse. you can read the details here if you want. however, it still does not change the fact that china’s human rights record sux and its easy to believe obama would do something like this because of his love of dictators.

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  • BikerDan says:

    Maybe this is the deal we made for the ChiComs to buy our debt that Obambi accrued for us. This guy has got to go.

  • micky says:

    Be a good time to get as many folks down there with old glory in hand as possible

  • Shawna says:

    I was tweeting with @markknoller and he said the WH emailed him saying this is not true, they will not be flying the flag. Now, they did not say if they had never planned to fly it, or if they changed their minds because of public outcry.

  • micky says:

    The thought alone is enough

  • kate says:

    thanks shawna!

  • PenniePan says:

    You guys are so quick at finding fault with Obama. You grasp straws even lies and blog them.

  • Lynnea says:

    How do we know what is true and what is a lie from this White House? The people that are there are the biggest deceivers this country has seen.

  • Lucinda says:

    We’re never gonna get the place cleaned up after these pigs are thrown out.

  • micky says:

    Once again Pennie, you missed it.
    Even though Kate posted what was true at the time its since been acknowledged that the flag will not be flown. Had Kate omitted Shawnas post and let things stand as they were you’d have a valid complaint.
    Notice the White house did not devulge whether or not they had originally planned to fly the flag.
    Thats says everything, wouldnt you agree ?

    The thought of flying the flag of a country that stands for everything we do not in front of our White house is disgusting enough to go with for now.

    No one lied except for you in your disegenuous representation of the facts in front of us all

  • DavidD says:

    Has the PRC flag ever flown at the White House in the past

  • Tongzhi says:

    From a Chinese perspective, Soviet Communism is more attractive than any western form of government, especially after the Century of Humuliation, where Western Powers divided and subjugated China (Modern example is Hong Kong, which was a British colony until 1997). Imperial palaces were burned, collections destoryed, and artifacts stolen (and the French, the British, and the Americans never bother to return them…) Asking the Chinese to adopt a Western style government is the same as telling someone to dress the same way as the people who burned and looted their house.

    However, I do not believe Obama will hoist the Chinese flag on Oct. 1st. And he probably shouldn’t. Its the same as hoisting an American flag on Tiananmen Square…people would be outraged.

    Post Script: By the way, Chinese Communists like me aren’t fond of Obama either. He is too much of a protectionist and impose a barrier on free trade.

  • micky says:

    You cant be serious.
    Take a look around and you’ll see that your own country has imposed far worse upon its own for centuries. How dare you ! I dont see a whole bunch of US citizens lined up to be nationalized into the PRC anymore than Hong Kong was happy about returning.
    We really dont care how you dress. Just stop treating women and children like animals and property. Allowing people to worship as they please would be a good place to start

  • lisab says:

    actually the money that china paid to the usa following the boxer rebellion was used to fund Tsinghua University in beijing, and later a similar university in taiwan.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Why then, Let’s just all blame Richard Nixon who actually started this whole thing back in ’72 with the trip to China, and the normalizing of relations between the two countries, if that is we all really want to be honest about it. At the time they’re human rights violations were just as bad as now, if not actually worse. I’m sure that was Obama’s fault too.

  • micky says:

    so he can ignore it now just to cover his financial screw ups ?

  • Tongzhi says:

    “Take a look around and you’ll see that your own country has imposed far worse upon its own for centuries.”

    I do not see Beijing going up in flames, and Imperial Gardens burned. And just a quick reminder, who burned the Gardens of Perfect Brightness again? Atleast China is an independent country, not a colony of Japan or the Soviet Union.

    In regards to Tibet, it has been part of China before Columbus discover America. And yes, there are abuses. But atleast the government is treating them better than how the Americans treated Native Americans (we did not gave Tibetans blankets with small pox)

    Sure, under Mao’s murderous reign the Chinese people suffered tremendously. But it is also Deng Xiaoping and the Communist Party that pushed China to the world stage.

    Also, the dress thing is a metaphor. If you do not get it, I cannot help you much.

  • lisab says:

    “Sure, under Mao’s murderous reign the Chinese people suffered tremendously. ”

    your people suffer tremendously now. i have been there, several times.

    one thing you should learn, the people of the usa do not consider the chinese a rival in any way. the soviet union was through the 1980’s, but not china.

    i would bet 90% of the usa’s people could not find china on a map.

  • micky says:

    Tongzhi, need I remind you that your country has just placed one religious diety in exile ?
    Please, stop insulting my intelligence and expain to me why your citizens wish to be US citizens and we see few to no Americans wishing to be one of yours ?
    I got news for you bro, we dont treat todays indians the way you treat todays Tibeten monks, we grew up, you lost big time on that one, got it ?

    You people have ome serious catching up to do in the civil and human rights dept, done even get me started

  • micky says:

    “Also, the dress thing is a metaphor. If you do not get it, I cannot help you much”

    hey, it wasnt too long ago thats exactly what you were doing to your people, It even became fashion here for a while, i remember the Lennon/Mao freaks wearing that gear.

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