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Barack Obama stands for Hope’n’Change. It’s just too bad that he keeps on showing us, every day that he’s been in office, that he is clearly way over his head. He’s got the hopey-changeyness, but unfortunately, he’s more than a little short on intelligence and experience.
As an example, here’s the newest show of Obama’s brilliance:
Does he really think that the stock market is like a political tracking poll? Seriously, could this guy be more out of touch?
First of all, the stock markets have not “bobbed up and down”. Since Obama’s taken office, they’ve only “bobbed” one way: down. We’re looking at about 1,500 lost points on the DOW in one month. Every time Obama makes a public statement on the economy, the stock market seems to plummet faster. And those market “fluctuations” are more than just an economic barometer. Those are the life savings of thousands of Americans. People are seeing their retirement go up in smoke, the college tuition savings for their children being threatened… and to Obama, it’s nothing more significant than fluctuations in a political tracking poll??
If he doesn’t find the deteriorating markets troubling at all, then what does that tell us, folks? Is he perhaps trying to wreck the economy in order to move us towards socialism? That’s sure what it seems like.
The sheer arrogance of this man is staggering. It’s only been a little over a month, and we’ve still got four years to go. God save us.
Hat Tip: Moonbattery
Yeah, it gets worse.
Today on CNBC, I watched a snippet of another Obama interview and he said something to the effect that the market’s going down was good because now everyone, and I mean everyone has a chance to get good deals on stocks. So my guess is that the idea is to tank the market so low that everyone can get an awesome deal. Take no heed to the fact that the stock market is the economic barometer of the country. And Cassy said it, we’ve got three more years with this clown.
He’s all about hope’n’change. He hopes he can change this country from the capitalistic society that it is to one where socialism runs rampant. To think that most American’s were dumb enough to drink the kool-aid he was handing out!
I hope we are not as naive as our Grandparents, FDR used the stock market crash to almost completely dismantle Capitalism. Only the Japanese saved us from becoming a Socialist nation. I believe he is trying to wreck the America the Founders created. God will not save us, only standing up and fighting for whats right is what will keep us from the brink.
Related to what Mat said in that the President described the current stock market as a great buying opportunity–I think that is the type of thing that he should be saying more often. He should be Mr. Positive on the economy.
Instead he has been busy blaming the previous administration and watching stocks bob I mean fall.
Hello all:
While Mr. Obama is leading the charge and pushing his wrongheaded agenda, let us not forget there are other folk walking in lock step with our socialist in chief. Those othere are the House and Senate. They are the ones actually putting these dreadful policies into law. They control spending. They raise taxes. The president does not have the legal or constitutional authority to do those things.
However, there is hope and we can actually vote for change. For this to become reality the following things must happen:
1. Conservative Republicans must arise and intelligently articulate not only what is wrong about the Obama administration and the left wingers in the legislative branch of our republican form of government, but also have a well thought out and well articluated plan clearly showing the difference between them and the Democrats currently in office. This will help Americans wake up to reality.
2. The American people must wake up and realize they have been sold a bill of goods and must act in the next election. Then they must go to the polls and vote out these people.
3. The Republican party must target for defeat every left wing Democrat currently holding office. The goal must be to retake both houses of Congress.
4. The Republcans in office currently must just say no and stand up for their principles. Those who don’t should be targeted for defeat in the next primary.
Friends, this is not the time to be sqeamish. This is the time for bold proclamations of the traditions and priciples that made this country the greatest country. If we stand for what we believe in, never surrender, and act boldly we have hope and there will be change.
“First of all, the stock markets have not ‘bobbed up and down’. Since Obama’s taken office, they’ve only “bobbed” one way: down.”
Please take this with the respect I have for you:
You’re reinforcing what Obama said. Indeed, the market has bobbed up (and down) since he’s taken office: up from the preceding close on 1/21, 1/26, 1/27, 1/28, 2/3, 2/5, 2/6, 2/11, 2/18, 2/24 and 3/4. The long term trend, as you noted, is down (way down!). What he said was that trend, not day to day fluctuations, is what’s important to consider. He did not say that the stock market trend is as insignificant as a political tracking poll daily fluctuations.
If we’re to defeat this guy we have to intelligently parse what he says and not be thrown into a tailspin over a relatively simple simile.
Does nobody read charts older than 2 months? This market started collapsing in 2007 and has been going straight off a cliff ever since. The past two months don’t look any different than the previous 15.
This market started crashing, as they always do, because the scoundrels who had been inflating the market (remember enron and mci-worldcomm???) were exposed.