Obama does the fist bump! He’s just SO hip and cool!

Obama does the fist bump! He’s just SO hip and cool!

Obama does the fist bump!  He’s just SO hip and cool!

The media is just fawning over Barack Obama’s “celebration” with his wife Michelle over the news that he clinched the nomination. They did the fist bump (followed by a little ass smacking)! That means Obama is hip! He’s cool! He’s authentic! He’s in touch with the young voters!

Give me a freaking break. Here’s the video. It is the most asinine thing for the press to get themselves worked up in a frenzy over, but of course, this is the Obamamessiah we’re talking about here.

Yes… the press has nailed it. This is what we truly needed in a President… someone who can do the fist bump with his wife! Screw experience and knowledge. We’ll take hipness and empty rhetoric over that any day!

Gag me.

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  • Sockless Joe says:

    Remember when he was elected to the Senate, Michelle called Barack her “Baby Daddy”? Great moments in political celebration!

  • eeyore says:

    CNN just had a spot on it that went into what to call the event, a knuckle bump, a fist punch, a fist bump, etc. WHO CARES? The media should not focus on the minutia of this. Focus on the policies of the candidates.

    This is the celebrityization of news, style without substance. But this is how the media has treated most of the liberals, Bill Clinton’s terms and Al and Tipper’s kiss. While rumors of a possible McCain tryst are looked at seriously, convictions of Obama’s friends are glossed over.

  • Back in my single days, or maybe it was my post-divorce days (my memory doesn’t work too good for that stretch, maybe it’s PTSD) I have memories of making a study out of mating habits…doing less talking and more listening. I’d watch guys hit on women.

    I started to notice things about women who placed value on empty words. Guys hit on women a lot using empty words. By age twenty, a typical woman has more experience with being sold things with empty words, than most of the fellas do by age thirty-five; that’s probably why I began to notice, the “ladies” who still fell for it, were exceptionally — how you say it. Dense. Thick. Empty-headed. Wouldn’t be able to find their way out of a paper bag.

    And, at the time, rare.

    But that seems to be changing.

    Michelle Obama…huh. If brains was dynamite. She’s the kind of gal who’s just as likely to find herself looking up at Judge Judy, as looking down on a crowd.

  • Carman says:

    The reason why the drive by networks went ga ga over this was because they had all just finished fist bumping one another at their anchor desks and couldn’t help it when Michelle and Barry returned the secret sign.

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