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October 5, 2009
on the heels of their jetsetting trip to copenhagen, barack obama and his wife went out this weekend to a trendy restaurant in DC to celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary. she wore a lovely black dress and he a nice black suit…
however there is other news: obama plans to take weeks now to study the afghanstan strategy laid about by general mcchrystal. and some are saying The One is furious with general mcchrystal for going public about critical military needs in afghanistan.
obama’s avoidance of dealing with afghanistan doesn’t make it go away. heroes are paying the ultimate price for his lack of leadership and the taliban aren’t ‘taking weeks’ to decide on their strategy. 10 US soldiers were killed this past weekend alone – eight in an outpost attack and two when an afghan policeman opened fire on the American soldiers with whom he was working with.
we have a president that loves campaigning and making speeches, but who is in far over his head, and who does not have the leadership skills or experience to do the job. he has never held executive positions in his life and has never had to face these kinds of critical decisions – much less make them with so much on the line. he likes the power and the perks of being potus but hates the responsibility, the terrible cost and the heavy weight (some may call it ‘burden’) of being the leader of the free world. a lot of us knew this about barack obama and some of you voted for him anyway.
as president of the united states, barack obama has had no notable sucesses of real importance. he clearly lacks the stones to stand up to bullies like iran, nk, and russia, and he sides with dictators like chavez and zelaya, so expecting him to stand shoulder to shoulder with our military in afghanistan is apparently too much to ask.
his actions, and inactions, show what kind of metal obama is made of and it’s not much.
Ya. I am getting really worried now about Afghanistan. Marky deploys in December you know.
I can’t believe this jerk who is completely deceitful. I also can’t believe we have to wait for 3 years to get rid of him.
BTW did you see his photo op with doctors in their lab coats? As if doctors supported this piece of crapola? He is getting ridiculous. I mean seriously ridiculous. You know you’ve lapse to mock-status when SNL lampoons you.
I know you don’t begrudge them an anniversary dinner. I don’t either. If they can put up with each other that long they deserve a celebration. What really bothers me is that like it or not, Obama is a wartime president and he needs to act like one. He needs to be serious and act like he cares about those on the battlefield and the ones they’ve left behind to sacrifice until they get home. He needs to listen to the experts: the generals. Especially since he has never been in the military and has a record of squishiness where they are concerned. The message he gives those in field right now is not a good one. I don’t know what morale is now, only those there now that, but I bet it’s low. When you are in war, you need to know that people at home have lined up behind you and that starts with your CinC.
I think he’ll pull us out of Afghanistan and there will be a terrible loss of life because of it, not just in the immediate but in the months and years that follow. It will encourage the terrorists around the world more then 9/11 did.
It’s clear to me that President Obama is working on domestic issues that have been long neglected by the Bush administration. For those of you who are so pro-military it would be good if you bought a clue once and awhile. He is taking his time so that he doesn’t risk lives needlessly. Of course soldiers are going to die but he is being prudent and careful about loss of life over the longer committment of any kind of Afghan surge.
His level of incompetency has hit a new high with his response to Afghanistan.
Screwing around with all the other issues doesnt bother me half as much when it comes to letting our troops die, having the highest casualty rates ever, especially this latest attack and this dichead has to think about it.
This was the “good war” that had to be won. He put the general in place to supposedly help him do just that. Instead the general gets yanked onto airforce one for 25 minutes to get ass chewed out for saying what any competent military leader, Patreaus etc, agrees with has to be done.
Hes beggining to make Carter look good.
Sometimes waiting is a good thing especially in strategy.
He doesn’t seem able to focus well on more then one thing. Right now it’s getting Healthcare passed. I think he plans to pull us out of Afghanistan and will mount a PR campaign to fight any backlash over that but can’t do it until he gets a win of sorts over Healthcare.
“It’s clear to me that President Obama is working on domestic issues that have been long neglected by the Bush administration.”
Sorry, Bush didnt see socialized healthcare and the destruction of our free market as a priority.
“For those of you who are so pro-military it would be good if you bought a clue once and awhile. He is taking his time so that he doesn’t risk lives needlessly. Of course soldiers are going to die but he is being prudent and careful about loss of life over the longer committment of any kind of Afghan surge.”
I’ll bet good money hes just trying to figure out a way to squeeze money from the war, at the cost of our troops lives, so he can afford his stupid healthcare that the majority does not want.
Men are dying like never before. When the generals say they need help to stop that from happening you get all fricken gradiose and act like you’re being thoughtful about anything. You send in the help.
He put McCrystal in there because he trusted his judgement.
Well ?
Here is an example of Obama’s priorities: 25 minutes for McChrystal, 25 hrs to get to Copenhagen.
Maybe this is why President Obama is giving more troops some extra thought: I read that to have an effective surge in Afghanistan it would require 50 combat troops/ per every one thousand citizens (they have 38 million) and this doesn’t even count all the support personnel that would take to advance the surge. McChrystal is “only asking” for 40,000 which in contrast seems small. We need to pull the troops out now and fight terror in a smarter more efficient 21st century way.
“We need to pull the troops out now and fight terror in a smarter more efficient 21st century way.”
yeah, great plan, sounds great, and until this great strategy gets figured out Afghanistan goes to hell in a hand basket as the Taliban is “RIGHT NOW” in the process of a resurgence. By the time you guys figure out this dynamic little plan of yours I wonder how many will of died ?
The 40,000 are boots on the ground. There comes with that 40,000 additional support for logistics etc. This has been exlained to the idiot n chief
President Obama is the worst President we’ve ever had. He’s ignoring Afghanistan (that he said was the good war) while dedicated patriots fight, kill and are killed there under his non-existent command. Full disclosure: I voted for him!
“What really bothers me is that like it or not, Obama is a wartime president and he needs to act like one. ” BikerDan
he is acting like a wartime president.
you just do not understand who his enemies are.
“Sometimes waiting is a good thing especially in strategy.”
it is not the waiting that is bad, it is the projection of weakness.
the afghan terrorists are reading this as, “we just need one more big push to get obama to fold”
much the way they read iraq … before bush put the big stomp on them. the difference is that bush never wavered in his support. obama
is giving the impression
that he is just a few dead americans away from cutting and running.
even if he is … you should not telegraph that to your enemy. obama’s message should be, we are in there fore the next 100 years if necessary, you have no chance, we will hunt you down and kill you.
even if he wants to cut and run tomorrow. never give your enemy hope.
President Obama is NOT sending others to war without giving it careful thought you moron. The weight of sending a soldier off to die is a horrible one and he wants to make sure that if they go, they will be successful not just dying in vain like so many already have. Be as ugly and as mocking as you want. You obviously thrive doing it because you are conservatives and that’s what you do best. The reality is this President will be successful in fighting the terrorists whether we are in Afghanistan or not.
“I read that to have an effective surge in Afghanistan it would require 50 combat troops/ per every one thousand citizens (they have 38 million) and this doesn’t even count all the support personnel that would take to advance the surge. McChrystal is “only asking” for 40,000 which in contrast seems small.”
that is ridiculous on its face.
first — the country has only 28 million people
second, if they needed 50 per 1,000 that would mean they need more troops than the usa has in the entire army — 1,400,000 (we only have a million in the army and they are not even close to being all combat troops).
Kate your jealousy of our First Lady Michelle Obama is showing again. If it were your anniversary and you did not get taken out for dinner, I bet you would be none too happy. Why should they not go out to grab a meal? You are a very selfish woman.
consider this …
every dem is suddenly saying that “the afghans are the toughest fighting troops in the world … the troops that beat the soviets …”
well … guess what … the taliban has about 15,000 members.
the other 27,985,000 afghans are on our side. plus remember, these 27,985,000 afghans “are the toughest fighting troops in the world … the troops that beat the soviets …”
the taliban are technically sunnis … as are most afghans, but they are a VERY SMALL niche group, that sprang up from wahabi groups from saudi arabia.
they are not at all representative of most afghans who do not support salafism or the taliban. the taliban only really came to afghanistan in 1980 and is again only about 15,000 people.
“The reality is this President will be successful in fighting the terrorists whether we are in Afghanistan or not.”
yeah … i am sure they are afraid michelle will sit on them.
“President Obama is the worst President we’ve ever had. ”
noooooo … come on …
obama is easily … easily … in the top 100 presidents we have had ….
ok ok
maybe he is not in the top 50
but he is in the top 100.
President Obama is not going to fully leave Afghanistan and not because he thinks we can win there, we can’t, but because of Pakistan and increasing danger there especially because that is a nuke country. It seems a far more dangerous situation then North Korea or even Iran to me.
“she wore a lovely black dress and he a nice black suit… ”
just think how many yards of fabric went into that dress …
she is a size 16 so you would need about 4 yards of fabric … and that is just for her wookie butt.
of course i am not sure if they allow a polyester, spandex mix in Versailles.
btw, you can buy chebacca’s dress here:
where were all of you neo cons when Bush LEFT Afghanistan with barely a skeleton group of soldiers all to wage an illegal war on Iraq for their oil and for revenge? didn’t care too much about Afghanistan back then did you?
lisa lmao!
are you sure mo is only a size 16? she looks much, much bigger.
Why do Republicans constantly argue that we need to keep fighting in Iraq and Afganistan until we win- which they asseert will be when we ‘kill all the terrorists’. There will ALWAYS be terrorists. So at what point will these wars end? Are you hoping the body count reaches Vietnam numbers? Whether we send more troops or not, there will be more incidents like what happened to the 10 soldiers. The only thing that ensures that won’t happen is to bring them home and fight terrorism with smaller strike forces using special ops and drones like Predator armed with Hell Fire missiles.
Afghanistan is never going to be the country we wanted it to be because they don’t live like westerners in the first place. No conquering force has been able to tame that country.
“where were all of you neo cons when Bush LEFT Afghanistan with barely a skeleton group of soldiers all to wage an illegal war on Iraq for their oil and for revenge? didn’t care too much about Afghanistan back then did you?”
Tell me gene, what was the “skeleton” group? How many were left in Afghanistan? Why was Afghanistan a “legal” war, but Iraq was illegal? Please explain.
You might actually learn something new.
You neo-socialists really need to get some new material. I realize you cannot exists without blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong on the planet, but Bush isn’t president anymore. Barack “Change” Obama is, and he told us that Afghanistan was the “real war” and that we “lost foucs”. Now that he’s in charge you’re defending him with “He’s taking his time with the strategy.” Shouldn’t he have had a strategy while campaigning? He certainly claimed he did.
As usual, you will ignore his batch of lies by drudging up Bush because it makes you feel better.
After living through 2 tours and more then 50,000 of my fellow soldiers killed in a senseless “conflict” in Nam, it’s time to get the hell out of Afghanistan, let ’em kill each other off over there, and make a deal with whoever’s left. It may be cynical, and not popular to say this here, but NOT wasting American lives over a failed country makes more sense to me. Just my 2 cents.
“Why do Republicans constantly argue that we need to keep fighting in Iraq and Afganistan until we win- which they asseert will be when we ‘kill all the terrorists’.”
Wrong. We assert that victory is when the governments of both countries can stand up by themselves and we do not have to worry about them collapsing. We also don’t want to pull troops out, only to have the country slip back into chaos and require sending troops back into those areas. It’s quite simple.
“Are you hoping the body count reaches Vietnam numbers?”
An interesting question, considering it was the democrats that gave us those body counts. Try reading history.
“Whether we send more troops or not, there will be more incidents like what happened to the 10 soldiers.”
Agreed. However, as the generals are working with formulating new strategies, Obama can spend only 25 minutes talking to his top general in Afghanistan??
“The only thing that ensures that won’t happen is to bring them home and fight terrorism with smaller strike forces using special ops and drones like Predator armed with Hell Fire missiles.”
You cannot defeat people like these with just drone strikes. You must have boots on the ground and Special Ops are too few to cover such large areas.
“Sources say this success is largely because of better intelligence, stemming from greater cooperation by the Pakistani government and a stronger U.S. counter-insurgency program on the other side of the border in Afghanistan.
That added pressure creates the conditions for better intelligence on the ground as to where Taliban and al Qaeda forces are, sources say.”
That pressure comes from the military we have in Afghanistan, the kind of pressure you cannot exert with just special forces.
“But military officials who support Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s proposal for a larger counter-insurgency strategy in Afghanistan are concerned that some in the White House interpret this success as a reason to focus entirely on counterterrorism using drones…
Military sources worry that the success of the predator strikes will be seen as “happening in a vacuum,” with insufficient credit given to the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan.”
“are you sure mo is only a size 16? she looks much, much bigger.”
some dem told me she was a size 12.
all i could think was, “yeah maybe her shoe size is size 12 … but her butt is a size 16”
she actually has a weird body. i could actually believe her top is a 12… but her bottom? well … the wookie needs to put down the ben and jerry’s and get on the stair master.
i do not really think a good journalist would refer to any dress that would fit michelle as a “lil black dress” … there are supposed to be ethics in journalism.
“It may be cynical, and not popular to say this here, but NOT wasting American lives over a failed country makes more sense to me. Just my 2 cents.”
afghanistan is not vietnam. the bulk of the afghan people do not like the taliban. many hate them. that is why we were able to boot them out so quickly. they are a tiny offshoot religious cult that started in afghanistan around 1980.
the only question is, how can we best hunt them down in the countryside? they can intimidate any local warlord into helping them.
Obama is our Candidate-in-Chief. That’s all.
“Kate your jealousy of our First Lady Michelle Obama is showing again.”
hah, jealousy ? Jealous of an angry woman who looks like a made up zombie vampire with a love seat for an ass ?
I’ll bet its more a case of just not liking her.
“Why do Republicans constantly argue that we need to keep fighting in Iraq and Afganistan until we win-”
For the same reasons the majority of your party gave previous to both wars.
Terrorism has been a problem for us since the 60s and everything under the sun has been tried except for a good full blown asskicking where we worry about hearts and minds last.
Because the doctrine and ideology of radical islam preaches that all things western must die.
Because they want nukes and other WMDs
Because no one with any brains argues that they need to fight til they lose.
““where were all of you neo cons when Bush LEFT Afghanistan with barely a skeleton group of soldiers all to wage an illegal war on Iraq for their oil and for revenge? ”
Get some info man and lose that asinine argument.
We havent touched a drop of that oil and couldnt even if we wanted to.
Since the first election the Iraqis have been arguing over how to divide the oil revenues up among the three sects.
The revenge thing is so stupid I wont even go into it
well … it is his waterloo.
let him pull out, the massacres will be all over the tv and the internet. at least it will destroy his presidency.
the white house knows this and it is basically why gibbs said today that pulling out is not an option. not that obama wants to stay … but he cannot have youtube videos of afghan women and children being beheaded on the news every night.
this is not cambodia 1976 … it will not take 10 years for news of the massacres to get out.
best guess is that he will do the worst thing possible … stay there but not increase troop strength and just do nothing for three more years.
it doesn’t matter what any of you say. obama will pull the troops out of afghanistan because he is basically anti-war. deal with it. you don’t run things anymore. you f*cked stuff up long enough.
pulling troops out of afghanistan will basically guarantee war in afghanistan
@lisab so what? let them go to war and may the strongest and fittest win. we can no longer be all things to all people. it’s time to fix the problems in this country instead of going out and fixing everybody else’s shiit. our own country is neglected for years because of BUSH. he was gonna fix social security remember? didn’t happen. he was gonna fix all kinds of things. instead he started 2 wars and we’re still in both 9 years later.
the saudis are saying they are going to drop the dollar as the currency of oil
obama f’d up again
The only way to prevent more incidents to our troops like this weekend, is to withdraw them all and yes Lisa that is at the expense of the Afghani people. It’s a no win argument no matter which side you take. It’s bad all the way around.
so why can’t we just become switzerland? seriously. why do we constantly try to put democrasy on everyone? who died and made us king of the whole planet? we’re just asking for more 9/11’s only ten times worse.
well actually bush tried to fix social security but the dems stopped him …
“so why can’t we just become switzerland? seriously.”
We tried burying our heads in the sand already. It didn’t work in WW II and it didn’t work before 9/11. Read a history book, sossi.
“we’re just asking for more 9/11’s only ten times worse.”
So by fighting the people responsible for 9/11 were asking for more 9/11’s?!?!? Gosh, how did I miss that???
“we’re just asking for more 9/11’s only ten times worse.”
well, have you considered that the salafi hate you? they want to kill you and your children. they do not care if you want to fight or not. they will plan 9/11’s against you even if you choose to run and hide.
also switzerland does not have open borders. they have strictly controlled borders. what is more they have mandatory military service and the men carry automatic weapons with them, so if a terrorist member shot someone in switzerland they would be fired on by 100 people with automatic weapons. they also have a very homogeneous population so it is not like a terrorist would be able to hide … they would be watched everywhere they went.
that won’t happen in the usa. soooooooo … either fight the 15,000 taliban in afghanistan or fight them in ny
@Ken i’ve read books. i know about ww2 and 9/11. i live in new york. i don’t understand why the only answer is always war. especially in situations that seem useless like Afghanistan. we have a lot to offer as a country yet we pride ourselves on our military might instead of other things like our humanitarian and scientific work. i do not like war. i do not think it gets us very far. terrorism is only worse not better.
“It’s a no win argument no matter which side you take. It’s bad all the way around.”
well … if you abandon the afghan people just be aware it is you dems taht are doing it …
and the death toll will be of the killing fields proportions
it will not be bush’s fault
it will be ALL 100% OBAMA’s and the dems failure
“and yes Lisa that is at the expense of the Afghani people”
the dems showing how much they care
i am not
my family, uncles and such, were all fdr dems. almost all were in ww2 or korea.
we even had 2 flag officers
but … the fdr dems are no longer in charge.
Lisa. If you are a registered dem, and you are, you are still one of us. You are NOT one of them. Your protests though consistent I will say, hardly matter.
You sound like your typical idealistic kid who just walked off the campus with all the answers. And a coward also.
You’re absolutley ignorant and unaware of the fact that “NO MATTER WHAT WE DO” these people are going to come after us, kill us all, so as to hasten the arrival of the Imams. Its our lifestyle, our ideals, our principles, our christianity that gives them reason to hate us
Your bottom line sounds like you’d just let Afghanistan fester back to what it was before 911. Your a one dimensional thinker thats not even taking into account the collateral effects a pull out would have the entire region stretching all the way to Israel
You just dont get it.
“it doesn’t matter what any of you say. obama will pull the troops out of afghanistan because he is basically anti-war. deal with it. you don’t run things anymore. you f*cked stuff up long enough.”
You guys have been running things and its all gotten worse in record time. Casualties are the worst they’ve been in a year, they’ve been getting worse steadily since Obama came to office. Our whole policy in the middle east is collapsing with Iran, Pakistan and Israel.
Obama has no business engaging in foreign policy. Everything hes touched with everyone overseas has been a disaster. We were safe until he came along. NK has gone nuclear, Iran is next, hes abandoned the missle defense shield, hes given 900 million to Hamas and abandoned Israel.
Lisa represent the dems when they were worth a damn.
Back in the day we all had much the same goals, just different ideas on how to get there. Todays dems have a set of goals that dont even include America
well … my father and my uncles were fdr dems
i never knew that dem party
truman was a dem
seriously can you imagine today’s dem party fighting in korea? my uncle was in one of the marine units that was at the reservoir
the marines at chosun fought a 360 degree fighting retreat, in freezing weather, against massed chinese troops, with no lines of communication with their rear supplies.
and obama can’t give a speech without a teleprompter
the dem party has changed
@Micky Excuse me. I am not a coward or an idealistic kid. You know nothing about me or how I conduct my life. My opinion is different then yours so you make assumptions that are entirely incorrect based on a few comment on a blog that I make. How unfortunate for you and really quite embarrassing because you weaken any righteousness your words might have had.
I am a Jew who holds dual citizenship in Israel. Most of my mother’s family died in the holocaust; half of my father’s. I served in the Israeli Army for 2 years and served on the Lebanese border so saw much conflict. I currently work in mid-town and was in the city on 9/11. I feel I know evil and I feel I know war. Can you say that? I got to my non-violence stance from that place; a tired, war-weary place. I do not understand why we as Americans do not excel more in our humanitarian causes or our scientific breakthroughs. You do not have to agree with me. However, you should at least respect my belief system. Your angry response to me only repels me.
then you should know that if all israeli put down their guns today … all the israelis would be dead tomorrow. that is just a fact .
now, is that a long term solution for israel? i would say no. jmo. i think they have to somehow make the palestinians want to live in peace with israel — in the long term.
same with afghanistan. if we cut and run tomorrow, there will be a million or more dead bodies by next year. it could be 10 million when you add in starvation. soooooo today we have to fight the taliban.
that is not a long term solution though. we have to find a way to get the afghans to a point where they can hold off the taliban themselves.
regardless though … if obama cuts and runs … hundreds of thousands of afghans will die, the taliban will grow in numbers from 15,000 to 1,500,000 or more and
here is the key
the taliban will STILL WANT TO KILL US
another key difference between vietnam and afghanistan
is that a huge number of Vietnamese supported the north
that is NOT true in afghanistan. the afghan people for the most part hate and fear the taliban.
@Lisa I fully support Israel’s right to defend herself from those who think she should not exist. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about a 3rd country (the US) going into another country (Afghanistan) to rid it of an internal blight (the Taliban). Please do not misrepresent my argument.
The Taliban was the support system that allowed AQ to launch their attack on us. They may want to kill us now but only after our so called “intervention” to rout them. It is clear that our intervention in both Afghan/Iraq bred more terrorism in the world not lessened it. That is my concern. Not the fight.
I also agree that the long term solution should have been to get Afghani soldiers/citizens to defend themselves, whatever it takes to live without oppression however we have been there 9 years and have little to show for it other then a corrupt quasi-placeholder in the prime minister’s office.
The US must stop inserting itself into every conflict on the planet. At some point, we must look at ourselves and take stock and rebuild. That is my position.
I appreciate this conversation. I see you are a passionate advocate for the Afghan people. If they knew about you, they would be so honored I am sure. The coming weeks will tell us a lot about what our future and theirs will hold.
I must leave it for now. It is in the early morning here and I must get up early. I am a teacher believe it or not and my son Jacob does indeed have a few pop-up books around the apartment!
lisab said, “he is acting like a wartime president. you just do not understand who his enemies are.”
And just WHO are his enemies, lisa?
and, PenniePan said, “The reality is this President will be successful in fighting the terrorists whether we are in Afghanistan or not.”
Ooooh, so nice to see that your so sure that the “reality” is that Obama’s gonna pull something out of his A** and just “be successful in fighting the terrorists” because you want him to be successful. (BTW, your side isn’t allowed to call them terrorist, remember? The f*cking Administration had them renamed to “oversees unexpected contingency events” or some f*cking BS sh*t like that….) What pansies. Sheesh.
in the interest of actually trying to have a reasonable discussion with you dems
i urge you to consider that this is not your hippy parent’s protest against LBJ bombing civilians in hanoi. i know you want that hippy experience … but this is NOT it.
the taliban are a tiny tiny portion of the afghan people … many are not even afghans. they are brutal killers.
IF obama pulls out he will get many afghans massacred. so i urge you not to just do the dem toady thing of just blindly going against what bush did simply because you hate bush.
actually examine the situation. the taliban are evil evil people … and even if obama cuts and runs … the taliban will still want to kill you. they are NOT a nationalist afghan group.
they are a jihadist group who wants to kill all non-islamists …
they even kill members of Hamas because they are the wrong brand of islam.
“They may want to kill us now but only after our so called “intervention” to rout them.”
see this is where we disagree. they are NOT an afghan nationalist party. they are an ISLAMIC party. they do not give a fig about afghanistan. they would be happy to fight over rhode island or slovenia.
in fact, as i said in my post above, they kill HAMAS members!
as for my ties to afghanistan, one of my peace corps peers never came home and is now serving in afghanistan in women’s rights programs. now afghanistan is not without problems … but the fact is they do NOT support the taliban. this is not 1968 vietnam.
fyi … the 9/11 attacks were originally targeted at france not the usa
because the french are the most “western” of the western countries. they just did not think that they would kill enough people in paris to make it worth their time.
soooooo … an isolationist policy won’t save you.
Jared, you said, “Lisa. If you are a registered dem, and you are, you are still one of us. You are NOT one of them. Your protests though consistent I will say, hardly matter.”
Soooo, her protests hardly matter? What’s up with that?
sossi, what the heck leads you to believe that the U.S. has lacked in humanitarian aid and pursuits for, say…. that last 60 friggin’ years?!
feel free to make fun of bush attacking iraq though …
the reps would disagree with me
but yeah … that was not smart. i am actually surprised it went as well as it did … and it did not go well.
Also, sossi, I do not agree with you that “It is clear that our intervention in both Afghan/Iraq bred more terrorism in the world not lessened it.”
that is an argument made by people who did not pay attention to that region prior to 9/11
if you have an indian friend, ask them about terrorist attacks in india
“The US must stop inserting itself into every conflict on the planet.”
What dont you understand about an existential threat and that the “conflict” is ours and theres and no one elses ?
Where do you keep getting this crap from that we are trying to be something other than a country trying to eliminate a proven threat ? We are not fighting on behalf of anyone else or fighting anyone elses war so please stop with this crap that going to Afghanistan is somehow an ulterior purpose
“They may want to kill us now but only after our so called “intervention” to rout them.”
That’s absolutely ridiculous. 9/11 happened BEFORE we invaded Afghanistan, Sossi. The U.S. didn’t wake up one morning and decide it was time to invade Afghanistan for no reason, they attacked us, get it?
Please don’t use the “I live in NY” excuse either. It doesn’t make your knowledge or opinion any more relevant than anyone else.
“It is clear that our intervention in both Afghan/Iraq bred more terrorism in the world not lessened it.”
Initially, that may have been true, however, now Al Qaeda is a shell of its former self. More Muslims are coming out AGAINST terrorism. Your statement is just not true.
“The US must stop inserting itself into every conflict on the planet.”
They attacked us, we didn’t “insert” ourself into a conflict.
“Micky Excuse me. I am not a coward or an idealistic kid. You know nothing about me or how I conduct my life. ”
Your post makes your idealism and ignorance very apparent.
My opinion is different then yours so you make assumptions that are entirely incorrect based on a few comment on a blog that I make.”
The fact that you dont know what the hell you’re talking about is not an assumption.
” How unfortunate for you and really quite embarrassing because you weaken any righteousness your words might have had.”
You know nothing about our enemy. This is made most evident by the fact that you’re under the impression were trying to be something to someone or a group of people.
“we can no longer be all things to all people. ”
Its not about being anything to them. Its about defeating our enemy. Wise up.
“I am a Jew who holds dual citizenship in Israel. Most of my mother’s family died in the holocaust;”
Then you should be educated to the fact that radical islam has taken its doctrine directly from Nazi Germanys play book.
My Danish mom and grandma were r*ped, tattoed and beaten by Nazis.
Half of my fathers Jewish family was wiped out by Nazis. He never knew his parents.
I’ve been dead and revived, bled to death, I’ve been stabbed, shot at, beaten whithin inches of my life, tied to a chair and had ice picks placed in my ears, the corner of my eyes, pi$$ed on, sh*t on, fallin off a 3rd story balcony and broke both arms, my leg and my back, I’ve confronted evil that knows only hate and realize that it understands nothing but a good a$$ whipping.
“Can you say that?”
I worked a few blocks from the towers for two years. My friends fiancee died on flight 93.
“we as Americans do not excel more in our humanitarian causes or our scientific breakthroughs. ”
If you had a clue you’d realize that its exactly those attributes that are why radical Islam hates us.
regardless of what you say you know, or have experienced, you’re clueless
Ken what the hell are you talking about?? I think living in NY during the time of 9/11 is very significant. They had it in their faces day in and day out… on lamp posts with pictures of the missing, the smell, the distruction in the whole lower Manhattan area.
“I think living in NY during the time of 9/11 is very significant.”
It doesn’t make their opinions any more valuable or “correct” than mine, Scarlett. It doesn’t mean their opinions on Afghanistan are more informed than mine, get it? Try reading once in a while and you may actually learn something.
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