NOW can we call him a socialist?

NOW can we call him a socialist?

I mean, I might just be imagining things, but I’m pretty sure this is redistributionism:

I wonder who he learned this from.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • sean says:

    I can understand how people might not like Republicans right now, but to sign up for full-fledge Socialism is quite a leap. If this guy gets in he is going to make Jimma Carter’s presidency look like the good times.

  • philmon says:

    Nope, that would be RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!

    If you say anything about Barack Obama, you’re a racist. Even if you say he’s a decent man.


    Say he associates with Bill Ayers? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!
    Say his vision of America isn’t the same as yours? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!
    Bring up his spirital mentor and pastor? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!
    Talk about his inexperience? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!

    Note that he has a nice suit? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!
    Order a McDonalds Hamburger? RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!

    It doesn’t matter. If the Obamunists don’t like who is saying it, no matter what it is, it’s RAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!

  • Jibreel Riley says:

    Hmmm, this took about two years to find out, lol

  • Morris says:

    If he wants to ‘redistribute the wealth’, that makes him a communist in my book.

  • CaptDMO says:

    A skunk cabbage, by any other name, smells as sweet.

    Save us ALL some time and call a spade a spade.
    Socialism-the gateway to Communist authoritarianism, with “special exceptions” for a fee.

  • CaptDMO says:

    You mean theft of assets from a defenseless population, facilitated by
    confiscation by recently “rescued” banks -rightfully subject to “hostile take-over by “appointed” gum’mint bureaucrats?

    Garnishment of merited “wages” (Organized unskilled labor need not apply)by employers shackled to gim’mint mandated perquisites “for the children” ?

  • Mats says:

    Maybe he was taken out of context….again ?

  • Army of Dad says:

    Looks like Philmon beat me to it.

    In short no you can’t say that since you are just a white woman and you have no idea about him.

    That is only if you care about what some empty headed lefty says. Otherwise call him what he is and socialist is a great start. Frankly, that would be more polite than what I might say.

  • Raven says:

    Sure we can call him anything we want, especially if it is true. Will any of his die-hard ‘followers’ listen or even know what Socialist means? The saddest part about this ‘Obama phenomenon’ is the depths of ignorance that can be shown when his supporters are asked why they are supporting him. Either you will get the standard ‘Hope’ and ‘Change’ line, which of course to intelligent and logically thinking people means absolutely nothing. Or more often or not they really have no idea why they are supporting him, except maybe because its ‘cool’ and ‘historic’ aka ‘can assuage some imagined guilt by voting for a black man for President whether we agree with him or not. It says something when Howard Stern can point out the flawed thinking of Obama supporters.

    A sad day indeed come the day after the election. We either have an American style Socialist or Moderate/Liberal masquerading as a Conservative.

  • MarkS says:

    Well, I think Obama’s plan is FANTASTIC and I look forward to him sharing his campaign dollars with other Presidential candidates. He’s been very successful raising donations, and I certainly don’t want to punish his success, I just want to make sure everyone behind him has a chance at success too. When you spread the wealth around, it’s a good thing.

    Come this November, he can share, say, 5% of the electoral votes with the other candidates, too. After all, he wouldn’t be asking someone to do something he wouldn’t do himself, would he?

    Would he?

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