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October 9, 2009
can you imagine how big obama’s head is today? yes, barack obama has won the nobel peace prize. here’s the official puffery as to why he won but we all know it’s because he’s not george bush. he may be a citizen of the world to everyone else, but americans all over the country are asking what he’s really accomplished here at home. this is a bigger joke then the obamas’ olympics folly.
as rush says, not only is he our first post-racial president, he is our first post-accomplishment president. and frankly, if it’s any consolation for any of us, at least he didn’t win for economics. he has now become a joke all around the world um, except in norway. even 70% of the french think it’s undeserved! what’s next the heisman?
oh and just as an aside? george w. bush liberated 50 million muslims and ronald reagan liberated hundreds of millions of europeans. and thank god they didn’t receive the feckless nobel peace prize, it may have ruin their legacy.
update: this is all just too delicious – nobel squirrel!
h/t to greta for the heisman vote link.
He joins the ranks of Jimmy Carter and Yasser Arafat.
What else do you need to know to see how irrelevant that peace prize has become??
yes he has been inducted in a small yet notable group… arafat, carter, gore, obama. it’s perfectly understandable to me.
it also sends a message to us about more troops in afghanistan. norway sucks.
I’m a little puzzled about this, too. Obama hasn’t accomplished anything… not yet. He’s even advocating an escalation in Afghanistan. But, as Kate points out, this is just another indication of how universally despised was Junior Bush.
As far as Junior “liberating” 50 million Muslims, you’d be hard-pressed to find many in Iraq or Afghanistan that would be willing to sing his praises.
And your Saint Ronald was a cut-and-run pussy as evidenced by what happened in Beirut in 1983.
“As far as Junior “liberating” 50 million Muslims, you’d be hard-pressed to find many in Iraq or Afghanistan that would be willing to sing his praises. ”
That doesnt change the fact that he still did it.
A. Nobel stated that the prize was to be given to those whos efforts in achieving peace stood out or actually brought peace.
In that case I’d give this award to those who died on the battle field seeing as how that has to be the ultimate effort.
“As far as Junior “liberating” 50 million Muslims, you’d be hard-pressed to find many in Iraq or Afghanistan that would be willing to sing his praises. ”
Well, let’s be honest. Our mainstream media isn’t going to beat the bushes to find Iraqis who would “sing his praises”, but that doesn’t mean they are not there.
“Fascinating article, even more amazing that its found in the NY Times, in which the times author notes Iraqis turning away from the empty future offered by their religious leaders towards a more promising future offered by their American liberators.”
It’s an interesting article, check out the whole thing if you have the time.
“Casarez met Naji Mohammed Ahmed, the Kurdish mukhtar, who warmly invited the men into his home.
“I would like a better understanding of the village and how it works and to know how you feel about Coalition forces,” Casarez said to Ahmed.
“We are grateful. American forces did a great thing in Iraq,” Ahmed replied.
The two men discussed issues ranging from ethnic tensions between Arabs and Kurds, essential services like medical care, economic conditions, waste management, and how residents of the village handle security threats.”
Certainly the 5 million Kurds in Northern Iraq are grateful, that’s hard to deny.
Not to mention, I spent 14 months in that country and I don’t need the New York Tiems or MSNBC to tell me whether or not Iraqis are grateful, I know for a fact that many of them are. All of them? Certianly not, but I think as time goes on and Iraq heals people will see things differently.
“And your Saint Ronald was a cut-and-run pussy as evidenced by what happened in Beirut in 1983.”
I do think abandoning Lebanon was a mistake, however, Reagan was hardly a “pussy”. The release of the US hostages in Iran, Libya, forcing the Soviet Union to negotiate rather than fight were all things that Reagan did well. Did he make mistatkes? Sure did, but “pussy” is hardly the word I would use to describe him.
This just shows how meaningless this award has become. With Bush we were “hated” and now with Obama we’re a laughingstock. Which is worse?
Some, even on the left, are saying this NPP could hurt him rather then help. I think that may be true.
I feel like I’m in some kind of alternate universe, where people who have achieved nothing are given a Nobel Peace Prize – just because he promised hopeandchange. 12 days after he took office the nominations were closed.
So how’s that working so far? Well I’ll give you he’s changed a few things about how America deals with the world – apology tour, talk about cut and run with the Iranian dissidents, leaving our warriors twisting in the wind while he abuses his position by making a pathetic grab for the most corrupt city in the country. And when Obama fails to accomplish anything positive – as he most surely will – will the Nobel Committee take back the prize?
Some say he got this because he’s not George W. Bush. Which is pretty funny because P.BO hasn’t really changed much of Bush’s policies at this point.
Your jealousy and dislike of Barack has just taken over hasn’t it? You can’t even say anything nice about this. You all are fools.
Come on Jane. This award really smacks of pure politics and not very humanitarian or remotely substantive. There hasn’t been time. Have you seen the kinds of people who have been nominated and or won? These are people with long, long histories of working toward peace coupled with a lot of personal sacrifice. I admit that President Obama’s taking a softer tone on some element of our foreign policy goes a long way to restoring what Bush destroyed by it sure doesn’t equal world peace. You should win an award like this for things you hope to do. Sorry.
‘But, as Kate points out, this is just another indication of how universally despised was Junior Bush.’
um, no thats not what i was saying. he is hated by leftists and appeasers and non-free market socialists, elitists, despots & dictators, terrorists and evil doers.
president bush is loved by many, many millions of freedom loving people who don’t go around squawking about it.
Oh for crying out loud! You whining ass people are insane! President Obama is only the third sitting American president to win this honor! Why are you not happy for us as Americans? Who in their right mind would actually believe that such a distinguished honor is somehow a devastating blow to his reputation? Get a grip losers. Stop for a second and consider how absolutely ridiculous this all is.
Simply being friendlier than the guy before you (actually not a difficult feat in this case) doesn’t call for such a distinguished award. I would rather this happen toward the end of President Obama’s term.
“President Obama is only the third sitting American president to win this honor!”
and the only one that did not deserve it
I believe that the Nobel Peace Prize was actually given not so much to our President though I believe he is magnificently deserving of it, but to those of us who elected him and chose hope. The entire world, including this committee, watched as we fought hard to change the wrong direction our country had headed and they are rewarding that effort.
“Oh for crying out loud! You whining ass people are insane! President Obama is only the third sitting American president to win this honor! Why are you not happy for us as Americans?”
I do not take delight in farces. That’s why “I’m not happy for us as Americans”.
If ANYone, Obama included, received this award after EARNING it – being recognized for works that worked at attaining peace, etc. – then I would be delighted. But this award smacks of blind Cult of Personality *ss-kissing.
I’m just sayin’.
“I believe that the Nobel Peace Prize was actually given not so much to our President though I believe he is magnificently deserving of it”
Please Scarlett, tell us all what he has done to deserve it, we’d really love to know.
Hey Pennie and Jane, have you seen that even your fellow lefties are saying this award was politically motivated, are they jealous and hate motivated too???
This just shows how completely blind and stupid some on the left have become.
There are many lefty columnists who also think that this is going to hurt Obama rather than help him, and I agree. Obama did not need this right now.
This is an embarrassment to our country and to Obama. By the way did I mention that I won the Nobel Prize in Physics?
Pennie said: Stop for a second and consider how absolutely ridiculous this all is.
We finally agree, though I’m pretty sure you didn’t mean that they way others do.
It is absolutely ridiculous – that a man whose sole accomplishment to date is being elected President gets a Nobel Peace Prize. Exactly what peace has he brought to the world?
Lisab said: jimmy carter brokerd the egypt-israeli peace talks
Yes he did. But he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002…just a few years after he was voted out of office.
“Exactly what peace has he brought to the world?”
Hey Kris!! Have you forgotten the “Beer Summit” that fostered so much love and hope for the world!?!?
Come on, give the guy some credit!!!
Oh, my sides.
“The entire world, including this committee, watched as we fought hard to change the wrong direction our country had headed and they are rewarding that effort.”
“Most voters (62%) continue to believe the nation is heading down the wrong track.
Forget it, micky. Scarlett is one of the many lefty cowards we have on this site. They are not interested in facts or truth, just their own little world where Obama is God and they are his worshipers.
Well, I guess you can only hope that they do read it.
I think theres going to be large percentage in the next year or two that will eventually turn on this loser liar and it cant hurt to toss in whatever reinforcements that we think will help usher that process along.
But yeah, they are a rather pathetic bunch who seems to think that running around dropping these empty attributions do anything but make them look like mindless bots
Obama shames the American People. Obama humiliates the American People.
Obama has acomplished quite and lot this year. He has caused enough unrest among the citizenry to create the “tea party” movement that liberals and Dems in Congress scoff at. The 9/12 rally in Washington that was ignored and ridiculed. Obama is bullying the American People. The Dems in congress do not fear the voters, instead they ridicule, demean or ignore the voting public. Has any one stopped think why Pelosi, Reid, Obama and his cadre continue to thumb their collective nose at the American People? Why they put us down as a dimwitted ignorate people. Why they shame us to the world as obese, whopper chomping, American Idol worshiping dolts. Because they know that some of the voting public are astute educated insightful and very aware of what they are doing. And this segment of the public they want to piss off. If they can rile the “take back our country” segment of the population enough that they take to the streets then they can create a violent uprising and Obama can impose martial law. This is the goal. Obama fears the Military and fears the tea baggers. He has to pit them against each other.
This is what he wants. What the out come will be I don’t know. I don’t want to see it happen. Or perhaps I’m just a paranoid fear mongering racist. What are you thoughts?
President Obama could teach some of you depressed rightwingers a lesson in manners and decency:
“President Barack Obama will donate the $1.4 million cash award that comes with the Nobel Peace Prize to charity. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says it’s likely that more than one charity will share the windfall.”
Now KMA.
Come on don’t root against President Obama! Winning the Nobel Peace Prize strengthens our president’s hand in future diplomatic negotiations, sort of like how you get better roles after winning an Oscar.
Hey dumbasses. You should try reading what Obama actually said before bashing him:
“I don’t feel I belong in the company of some of the nominees…But will accept the award as a call to action…”
Before you spout off with the next rancid comment about what he’s done to deserve this award, you need to acknowledge that this is an award endorsing his young presidency’s efforts.
“Yes he did. But he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002…just a few years after he was voted out of office.”
yes, but you are supposed to get it after working for years … not because you got up this morning
What the hell is wrong with you people? Ever heard of mutual respect and cooperation nation-to-nation? Is that so bad? Just like you did with the Olympics, something wonderful for our country is bashed, crushed and then turned into some huge horrible issue. Don’t you know there are people all over the world who wonder why America does not embrace this leader with such a vision, but instead questions everything about him? I bet many wish their leaders were more like Barack Obama. You guys make me puke.
What does Obama donating his winnings have to do with anything ? But since you went there.
Did you see all the stats on the previous post that showed conservatives to be the most charitable people on the planet ?
“Don’t you know there are people all over the world who wonder why America does not embrace this leader with such a vision, but instead questions everything about him?”
If they got to watch his failures on a daily basis like we do they wouldnt be wondering. They would love us to embrace his visions because half of them include giving a huge chunk of our countrys wealth to them.
I had a vision of whirled peas the other night. Can I have an award ?
scarlett, pennie, jane, gene, stephen, barbie and whoever else – this wasn’t about the whole world slobbering on the great obama! no one really gives a rats arse that 5 (yes, just 5) elitist norwegians think The One is a conduit for peace. i’m spitting sweet tea on my screen just thinking about it!
have zombie’s eaten your brains?!? good stinkin grief.
“Don’t you know there are people all over the world who wonder why America does not embrace this leader with such a vision”
sure … in north korea, iran, cuba, china, guinea etc.
What an A S S- Nobel Peace Price Price it must be a conspiracy….He is the anti-christ….don’t they know this…pull your head of ASS you racist mother f’ers…I can’t believe the hipocrisy and absolute racism that is vomited on this thread you people are pathetic pull you head out of you asses and get a collective perspective…the rest of the world is not looking for us to fail you dumbasses….get a clue and a perspective!!!!
“get a clue and a perspective!!!!”
It certainly wouldnt be anything like yours buddy
“Yes he did. But he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002…just a few years after he was voted out of office.”
yes, but you are supposed to get it after working for years … not because you got up this morning
LisaB – we agree on this. I was just pointing out that Carter did not win the NPP for the Camp David Peace Accords. In fact, Begin & Sadat did the following year – Carter was not named with them.
That never really worked out and Sadat got his brains blown out by an Egyptian.
“you need to acknowledge that this is an award endorsing his young presidency’s efforts.”
All your childish insults aside, please tell me what those efforts are???
You people are like zombies. You don’t question anything, you just go along with whatever it is Obama tells you to do. Not a single one of the juvenile, baseless, and completely irrelevant comments of the Obama lovers can tell us what he has done to deserve this.
Before you go rambling on about good will and “nation to nation” relations, you should check out the reaction of the international community, they’re not to happy about it either.
For God’s sake, think for yourselves for a change!!!
“President Barack Obama will donate the $1.4 million cash award that comes with the Nobel Peace Prize to charity. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says it’s likely that more than one charity will share the windfall.”
Now KMA.”
The maturity of the left rises again. Gosh, its so nice that a man who made millions of dollars before becoming president donated the money of an award he had no business winning to charity. Wow, I’m so impressed.
Robots, all.
“you need to acknowledge that this is an award endorsing his young presidency’s efforts.”
Hah !
If I’m correct the nomination went in after he’d only been in office two months, or was it two weeks ?
“Young” is an understatement
Quit your moralizing outrage Ken. That gets old too.
Micky you’re just obfuscating.
Right On Andrew and Scarlette!
As usual, Pennie has nothing to say.
Hurry Pennie, go to the Daily Kos and get your marching orders!!!!
Oh, and regarding Obama’s sudden charitable ways – what about his signing of a contract for a book deal just DAYS before he took office so that he could garner more of the money for HIMSELF?
This guy (and his wife) are all about THEMSELVES, and it shows all the time.
“Micky you’re just obfuscating.”
Do you even know what the word means ?
“To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand:”
I believe my mentioning that he was only in office for two months previous to the nomination is right on topic. But then I did a search and found out the bullsht is even thicker than we thought, he was nominated only 11 days into his term.
What the hell had he done in those 11 days to deserve a nobel peace prize ?
Right on Andrew ?
The guys a nut job ! And Scarletts claim has been debunked with ease… try again.
Micky for someone with an Underachieving AA degree, your head is sure big. You’re like Yosimite Sam only worse.
“You’re like Yosimite Sam only worse.”
So apparently Pennie gets her references from Bugs Bunny cartoons as well.
That explains a lot.
“Micky for someone with an Underachieving AA degree, your head is sure big. You’re like Yosimite Sam only worse.”
Your so well achieved ? You dont know what obfuscate means and then you misspelled Yosemite.
Try an intelligent refutal once in a while, it’ll do wonders for your image
Jane.. What is it you want us to say about Obama? What nice things do YOU have to say about him?
Scarlett.. Which Charity is he going to give the money too? ACORN?
As far as the Olympics not being in Chicago Im glad. Im glad that my Federal Tax dollars wont go to rebuild a city that is just going to get trashed all over agian after the Olympics are gone. In 1996 Atlanta Summer games made a profit of 10 mil. The Federal G’vt spent 500 mil on a new airport, new transit system, roads, parks, and olympic buildings. 500 mil… WE DONT HAVE THAT MONEY anymore. I would have loved the Olympics to come to US. Not Chicago.
Im really tired of the whole racist card. Just because I dont believe in your President it doesnt mean Im a racist. You all didnt believe in Bush and You werent Racist. Good Gracious.
Im moving… To a mountain in Ireland. This whole Nation is Farkled! Ugh… People are going to find out April 15th just how WONDERFUL Obama really is. Hey… Dell here in NC, just closed.. THATS ANOTHER 900 jobs that are going bye-bye. Lets see… Recession is a general slowdown in economic activity over a long period of time.
A Depression is an economic downturn more severe than a recession
So I ask.. Which one are we in? I personally think that the loss of jobs and the rise of TAXES is a DEPRESSION. Maybe that is what America needs.. Ugh.. You better hope Obama doesnt get his Civillian Poilice force Kate or they could come after you for not agreeing with the “ONE”. The day we get a civillian police force will be seriously the day I look harder at property in Ireland! Or Italy. Ohh how bout one of the greek isle? Im not jealous that he is in office. It has nothing to do with that. I just dont agree with him on his president skills. Im not a racist either.
don’t forget the drop in the dollar.
that is severely cutting into your ability to move to ireland.
i would make a guess here that kate, leann, and lisa must be related- tweedle dee, dumb, and dumber.
Hahaa.. Gene. My name is spelled L-e-e-A-n-n …. What, am I confusing you with the words that I am typing.. Does the truth boggle your mind? Is that all you have to say about the 2 paragraphs that I wrote.. That I must be related to Kate and Lisa? … Tweedle dee, dumb, and dumber…? Oh my goodness.. that is a riot! A RIOT!.. you Rascal you!
Lisa.. I guess we will have to go to the Greek Isle then.. Oh well…
“i would make a guess here that kate, leann, and lisa must be related- tweedle dee, dumb, and dumber”
Very mature, gene, as usual. I find it ironic that you, of all people, would say that someone else posts all sound similar when every one you write is a carbon copy of Pennie, Jane, Jared, Paul and the rest of the drooling Obamazombies.
thanks gene for including me in such awesome company! i am honored. 😀
Gene you’ve been coming here long enough to be able to tell that these rightwingers here at this blog are basically like a cult. Kate the blog mistress spouts “freedom” like she’s channeling Joan of Arc while all the other little tea party patriots fall in line. Ken and Mickey are the thugs in the cult. Leeann and Lisa just like to come in and drop a load now and then. Kris is arrogant but a worthy opponent, Rope just like to defend Kate and Texas. Ignore Dan and Marsha they came from Kate’s old blog and think her sh*t don’t stink if you know what I mean. Callahan is from the old blog too. He’s an ASS so thank god he’s mostly gone. I don’t care about any of the others. They act like house slaves anyway.
You know. No matter what people feel about one policy or the other; about this issue or that, it seems apparent that – regardless of the issues – there are a lot of moon-eyed Obamazombies out there.
I mean, this guy has (somehow… I can’t see how) has pulled wool over many eyes & convinced many short-sighted gimme, gimme, gimmebots that he’s some sort of “answer” to our “problems”. What a freakin’ snake oil salesman he is.
And I can’t believe that so many of you are falling for it.
He’s a shell of a leader. All he’s been doing is CAMPAIGNING – even after the election. And don’t get me started on how often he’s on TV – Leno, a town hall meeting, Letterman, another speech, 60 minutes, more speeches, the Sunday TV shows, still MORE speeches… h*ll, he even did an ad for a TV show!!
I mean, shut up already and do some W O R K ! ! Sheesh.
” Leeann and Lisa just like to come in and drop a load now and then.”
Pot, meet kettle
In all the time I’ve been here you’ve not once ever made an intelligent argument on behalf of your dear leader.
All you ever did was attack people for anything and everything that has nothin to do with the subject of the post.
“Lisa.. I guess we will have to go to the Greek Isle then.. Oh well…”
well someone with have to explain to gene that it is pronounced lezboss not lezboes.
i get dibs on any spartans we meet
I love hearing the wackos on the left talk about the “rightwingers” as a cult. Hey, Pennie, did you see that videos of children singing praises to Obama????
Continue to worship at the altar of Obama, Pennie. No doubt he appreciates your blind loyalty and total ignorance.
If I were to say its all becoming one big “Jonestown” that would mean that soon someone is going to have to spike the koolaid.
pennie your description of others who participate on this blog is inappropriate. if any of the “rightwingers” on this blog were to talk the way you do on some lefty blog, they would be banned. there is little to no free speech there and you know it. consider yourself very lucky that this blog values diverse opinions, even when they’re wrong like yours.
why not just link to the democratic party web site and then you could ban the dem toadies.
it would save on server space, get their talking points out without the vulgarity, and pennie could get a job.
don’t be modest …
you getting a job is not thaaaaaaaat silly …
if obama can be president, you could … um … walmart still has greeters right?
Well I for one am not real pleased that President Obama won this. I think it seems more then gratuitous because he hasn’t earned it – yet. If you look at the finalist lists there are far more deserving people. Having said that, I still think he will do some real good stuff during his presidency, I just wish he’d work a lot quicker.
Oh my. It seems Lisa and Lee Ann have been sharing the same “peace pipe”. Looopy is the word!
again, it is not thaaaaaat loopy to think penniepan could get a job
even al gore has a job
Lisa didn’t you know that Pennie regularly works for the DNC? She openly admits it. Don’t you Pennie? She has said it here before. Tell us about it Pennie.
“Lisa didn’t you know that Pennie regularly works for the DNC?”
There’s a shock……………..really.
now Ken …
if scientists can find water on the moon … don’t you think it is within the realm of possibility … maybe … possibly … that someone might hire her?
not someone who is intelligent … but someone at the dnc…
it could happen
exactly …
hey, if barack was able to train michelle to sit and shake hands …
then there is hope
pennie i remember you told us you do both paid and unpaid work for the dnc. event planning and canvassing i believe. correct?
C’mon guys. Let’s not stoop to a lower level. : /
Everyone has their own individual look about them, it’s the crazy policies and the desire of the DNC, DEMS & Obamas for us to work FOR THEM or FOR OTHERS and not ourselves that’s the problem.
They have most things backwards and it’s going to be the end of the Nation.
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