No Boots On Ground At Biden’s Gaza Pier, Pinky Swear

No Boots On Ground At Biden’s Gaza Pier, Pinky Swear

No Boots On Ground At Biden’s Gaza Pier, Pinky Swear

Biden’s Gaza pier will be built in about 60 days says the Pentagon. However, they INSIST there will be no boots on the ground. Pinky swear.

As the world knows, Joe Biden, during his State of the Union scream-fest, announced his grandiose idea. There will be this amazingly AWESOME pier built in Gaza!

The United States has been leading international efforts to get more humanitarian assistance into Gaza. Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the coast of Gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters.

No U.S. boots will be on the ground.

A temporary pier will enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day. (Applause.)

And Israel must also do its part. Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the crossfire. (Applause.)

And they’re announcing they’re going to — they’re going to ca- — have a crossing in Northern Gaza.

Except prior to that announcement, Biden also said that Israel has a right to go after the Hamas terrorists (which I know didn’t please The Squad), and then claimed it is ISRAEL’S responsibility to protect Gaza civilians. Yes, as we thought, he threw Israel under the bus. Thus this floating pier. 

Sounds like they have all this super dialed in right? Let’s take a closer look at this plan. 

The Navy will deploy the floating pier and causeway toward Gaza via ships, and soldiers and sailors will prepare them for use, Ryder said. Commercial vessels will be able to dock at the floating pier, where their cargo can be offloaded and reloaded onto smaller Navy logistics support vessels, he said.

Those Navy ships will then deliver the aid onto the causeway, where it will be loaded onto trucks that will drive it onto the beach in Gaza for delivery, Ryder said.

The aid will be driven into Gaza by vetted U.S. partners and not American troops, he said. The U.S. was in talks with partner nations, nongovernmental organizations and Israel about who would conduct those operations.

“The concept that is being planned involves the presence of U.S. military personnel on military vessels offshore but does not require U.S. military personnel to go ashore,” Ryder said.

It sounds perfectly streamlined doesn’t it? I mean, someone not named Joe has really thought out all the details. And, the Pentagon insists there won’t be boots on the ground. Except why the phrasing? Why explicitly explain that no one will be ‘required’ to go ashore. Frankly, that screams mission creep to me. 

Furthermore, does anyone REALLY have any faith in the Pentagon’s assurances given THEIR role in the Afghanistan debacle? I have very serious doubts on all this right now. BIG doubts. HUGE. 

Especially since this has now happened. 

With this grand Gaza plan swinging into action, we are going to have over 1,000 troops sitting on ships and building a floating pier. Prime targets for the Houthis and for Hamas! 

There are some serious challenges with this, and people are asking questions that likely Joe nor the Pentagon wants to answer. Such as:

That’s a very very good question. And many people have been pointing out that this type of endeavor is highly reminiscent of Beirut. But starving people of Gaza! Seriously, why not use the existing ports and put up some sort of temporary off-load mechanism so that American boots won’t land on the ground? 

This guy, from what I’ve come to find out, is a leading authority on shipping operations and logistics. He points out the many flaws in Biden’s Gaza pier plan. It’s worth reading his thread entirely as Sal points out where all this equipment needs to come from, none of which is in the immediate vicinity to Gaza. 

He also points out this issue that, again, points to our military hanging out on the ocean as sitting ducks. You just know that the Houthis are salivating at the thought of going after our soldiers. 

Houthi militants, who occupy vast swaths of Yemen, have since November launched dozens of attacks on ships in the Red Sea in a show of solidarity with the militant group Hamas in its war with Israel. The attacks have significantly disrupted international shipping routes.

They’ve attacked several ships, sunk one, and continue their campaign of harassment via drone attacks. With very little repercussion or response from the U.S. and other forces. Some of the equipment needed for this port will HAVE to traverse the Red Sea. What could possibly go wrong? 

Yet, Joe Biden has promised us that everything will be fine and there will be no boots on the ground in Gaza. Do you believe him and the Pentagon? Does anyone really believe that this will be done in 60 days with ZERO problems or attacks? I sure as hell don’t. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Joe Biden w/Sec Def Austin for daily briefing via White House Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    The Democrats live in their own fantasy world.

  • John in Indy says:

    No troops in Gaza. We promise.
    Just like we don’t have any troops on the ground in the Ukraine, operating missile launcher trucks, electronic intercept equipment, or as advisers and planners.
    Pay no attention to the German Bundeswher staff conference intercept.

  • Hate_me says:

    Does Gaza have any deep-water port potential?

    I don’t know, that is an honest question.

    Building a Gaza pier sounds like the White House version of the Iraqi fish farm boondoggle – a pleasing idea based on no actual grounding in reality. Of course, even if viable, this is all nullified as soon as Hamas commandeers (or is handed) the aid.

    “…one laptop per child soldier. Which turned into one thousand laptops per warlord…” – Cecil Tunt

  • draigh says:

    First question: How do you intend to secure one end of the pier to Israeli land? Throw a line to some Israeli longshoremen and ask them to pull the pier in?

    Second question: How do you intend to NOT make this pier a target and thus place our service personnel in danger.

    Third question: You having Tinker Belle do all this with faith, trust, and pixie dust?

  • Stephen C says:

    Re: Jennifer Griffin. Why does she say, ‘major escalation’, and bingo we will be at war? Won’t sending a stern letter of complaint be enough? I think it will be.

  • […] I’D FEEL MUCH BETTER ABOUT THIS IF EVERYTHING THIS PEOPLE SAID WASN’T A LIE:  No Boots On Ground At Biden’s Gaza Pier, Pinky Swear. […]

  • Dietrich says:

    So we shot down 28 Houthi drones, as a cost of something like $2 million per missile, We can’t afford victory in this conflict.

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