NHS health care: free breast implants for transsexuals, forced starvation for the elderly, and cancerous lung implants for the military

NHS health care: free breast implants for transsexuals, forced starvation for the elderly, and cancerous lung implants for the military

It’s scary to think of a British-style health care system coming to America. People like to say that hey, it’s free so we should be happy, and plus, it would mean that “no one” would be uninsured. This is, of course, a fallacy. Britain’s health care is not free, it’s paid for by taxpayers. And while you might not be uninsured, the kind of health care you receive could be apalling and life-threatening… unless, of course, you’re part of the liberal protected victimhood. Say, like fatties who can’t restrain themselves from stuffing loads of chips and cheeseburgers and fries and desserts down your throat, or child molestors who need Viagra, or transsexuals who say they “need” breast implants to be happy.

The legally aided gender dysphoria sufferer, who has been living as a woman for over 10 years, says breast augmentation is essential to her female identity and emotional well-being and the refusal to give her the op amounts to sex discrimination.

… The court heard the woman – referred to in court only as “C” – has been battling to persuade the PCT to fund breast augmentation surgery since 2006, but has been repeatedly refused on grounds that her’s is not an “exceptional” case.

C has not had a sex change operation, but has undergone hormone and other treatments to make her more feminine, the court heard.

Her barrister, Stephanie Harrison, said it amounted to sex discrimination that she had been treated in exactly the same way as a “natal female”, not suffering from gender dysphoria, applying for cosmetic breast enlargment on the NHS.

Arguing that C would “derive psychological benefit” from breast enhancement, Miss Harrison said the PCT’s refusal “leaves a treatable condition and untreated” and exposed her to “significant suffering”.

Breast augmentation would be “an appropriate and cost-effective treatment” that would enable C to achieve “a congruent physical, psychological and social identity”.

So, the man who thinks he’s a woman hasn’t even had his penis chopped off yet, but he still wants to get breast implants. His argument is that he shouldn’t get treated like the normal women out there that want breast implants, because he needs them for his happiness and well-being. I’m sure that most women who want breast implants would probably say the same thing, but considering this man is a gay transsexual, it makes him special. And of course, why bother paying for his breast implants himself? He’s transsexual, and therefore getting breast implants is a right that British taxpayers should be forced to pay for. If he doesn’t get his free breast implants, then it is, as always, DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!!!!! Nevermind that apparently, getting free breast implants is extremely rare — so rare, that it’s described as having an almost blanket ban on the procedure. Breast implants are never a necessary surgery. It won’t save anyone’s life and it’s not necessary for anyone’s physical health. But because he’s a transsexual, it means he needs them in order to be a productive member of society, or something similarly ridiculous. And who cares if he’s wasting valuable money dragging the NHS through this case? It doesn’t matter if that money could have been used to help patients who need life-saving care. He’s a gay transsexual, after all, and that makes him special.

80-year-old Hazel Fenton, on the other hand, is not as special. When she was sick, doctors stopped treating her. After classifying her as terminally ill, they stopped treatment and refused artificial feeding.

AN 80-year-old grandmother who doctors identified as terminally ill and left to starve to death has recovered after her outraged daughter intervened.

Hazel Fenton, from East Sussex, is alive nine months after medics ruled she had only days to live, withdrew her antibiotics and denied her artificial feeding. The former school matron had been placed on a controversial care plan intended to ease the last days of dying patients.

Doctors say Fenton is an example of patients who have been condemned to death on the Liverpool care pathway plan. They argue that while it is suitable for patients who do have only days to live, it is being used more widely in the NHS, denying treatment to elderly patients who are not dying.

Fenton’s daughter, Christine Ball, who had been looking after her mother before she was admitted to the Conquest hospital in Hastings, East Sussex, on January 11, says she had to fight hospital staff for weeks before her mother was taken off the plan and given artificial feeding.

Ball, 42, from Robertsbridge, East Sussex, said: “My mother was going to be left to starve and dehydrate to death. It really is a subterfuge for legalised euthanasia of the elderly on the NHS. ”

Fenton was admitted to hospital suffering from pneumonia. Although Ball acknowledged that her mother was very ill she was astonished when a junior doctor told her she was going to be placed on the plan to “make her more comfortable” in her last days.

Ball insisted that her mother was not dying but her objections were ignored. A nurse even approached her to say: “What do you want done with your mother’s body?”

But of course, death panels don’t exist. That’s just that nasty Sarah Palin making stuff up,

In all seriousness though, how does this “Liverpool care pathway plan” make a dying person more comfortable? Not only are you dying, but you’re being starved and dehydrated to death? That doesn’t exactly sound like comfort and compassion to me.

Another person not as special as our gay transsexual friend above is Matthew Millington. He joined the British Army at 16 and became a corporal in the Queen’s Royal Lancers. As he was serving in Iraq in 2005, he was diagnosed with an undisclosed lung illness, and was told that unless he received a lung transplant, he would die within two years. So what did the NHS do? Well, they gave him lung implants, all right… lungs donated by a smoker who had lung cancer.

Matthew Millington, 31, died at home in Brown Lees, near Stoke-on-Trent, after receiving the organs from a donor who is believed to have smoked between 30 and 50 roll-up cigarettes a day, an inquest heard.

Following the death, an investigation at Papworth Hospital, in Cambridge, pinpointed a string of problems, including issues with communication, record-keeping and patient handover. It found that a radiographer had failed to highlight the growth of a cancerous tumour.

… He was told that he had only two years to live unless action was taken and in April 2007 received a double lung transplant.

But he died ten months later as a result of damage caused by disseminated lung cancer.

A lack of communication between radiographers and consultants meant it was not until October 2007 that a tumour, which had grown from eight mm to 13mm between June and August 2007 was detected.

Its’ growth was accelerated by the immunosuppressive drugs Cpl Millington was taking to prevent his body rejecting the transplanted organ.

He died on February 8, 2008 at his family home in Stoke, Staffs, leaving behind wife Siobhan.

She told the inquest her husband had to go back into surgery three times in nine days as post-operative problems with infection and stitching emerged.

… North Staffordshire coroner Ian Smith discounted a verdict of misadventure or neglect.

He said Cpl Millington had died from “complications of transplant surgery and immunosuppressive drug treatment”.

He said: “This is the result the family wanted and at least these days there is more transparency about the way things are conducted.”

Excuse me, but the result his family wanted? I’m pretty sure his family didn’t want him to die. And while the gay transsexual above is trying to get British taxpayers to pay for his breast implants, other Britons are suffering. This is how a soldier who served his country gets treated under NHS — by getting a shoddy surgery and cancer-infected lungs??

This is socialized health care, folks. Do we really want any form of this at all coming to the United States? Are you really going to delude yourself that it will somehow be better here? The victims of socialized health care are not some faraway people that you hear about on the news but never actually know. They’re real people, real families affected by this health care disaster. If we have any sense at all, we won’t let any form of this touch our country.


Lester Millington with a photo of his son, Matthew.

Hat Tip: Moonbattery

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  • Shirley Sallee says:

    Thi is a shame and a disgrace that any medical person could commit such a horrable act of unkindness. I pray to God that this fate will not befall America.

  • btenney says:

    Anyone who thinks they are going to get free healthcare is in for a big surprise.
    I would urge them to look at their pay stub and tell me how free is Medicare. Extend benefits to all and your contribution could be a quarter of your paycheck.

  • Mat says:

    Yeah, that sounds about par for the Left…

  • Balrog says:

    National Health Care is not about compassion and it never has been. It is all about social engineering. These cases prove. Transexuals are a lefist constituancy, so they will get the best care. The Left only gives lips service to the elderly when they really want them to die and get out of the way as numerous pundits and experts have declared. And It is no secret that the Left hates soldiers. It would not surprise me a bit if the soldier was deliberately given the tainted lung.

  • sonja says:

    You’re picking out a minority of cases in order to prove a point. These are not just a minority, but an extreme minority.

    The same kind of healthcare system just helped a friend of mine get back on her feet after acute liver failure and malnourishment. She’s an alcoholic anorexic with depression. Would you rather she died because she and her partner can’t afford insurance? She can’t work due to her health issues, and has been sacked several times now because of her weight. He has been unable to find work after the company he worked for lost the government contracts he was working on.

    It’s the people who’re down on their luck that need this kind of assistance, and I’m damn proud that my taxes are helping them. I may need it myself one day.

  • Miguelito says:

    “after medics ruled she had only days to live, withdrew her antibiotics and denied her artificial feeding. The former school matron had been placed on a controversial care plan intended to ease the last days of dying patients.”

    Um.. what? How exactly is stopping care and letting them starve “easing” anyone’s pain? Unless they overload them with pain killers or something at the same time.. basically like putting a dog to sleep.

    Sonja, people in need to do get healthcare here in the states, insurance or not, when their life is threatened. There are also plenty of cases of doctors, hospitals and such doing pro-bono work for those less off. I have to wonder how much of a minority cases like this really are though.. I read Theordore Dalrymple’s “Life at the Bottom” book and as someone that worked inside the NHS, primarily as a psychiatristst IIRC (it’s been awhile), he seemed to see systemic problems. Not to mention the continual talk that seems to imply that people without insurance are dying uncared for in the US left and right is, frankly, a complete load.
    Also, this “

  • Gianna C. says:

    Wow you completely are uneducated aren’t you? First of all transsexualism is medically recognized as an extremely life-altering medical condition, and has NOTHING to do with someone’s sexuality. Furthermore when one has sexual reassignment surgery, colloquially known as the “sex change” they do NOT chop the penis off, they reconstruct the genitalia using the skin of the penis, scrotum and other parts of the genitals to construct female genitalia.

    It’s a medical FACT that transsexuals have a 30% suicide rate and run a high risk of suicide, self-destructive behavior, and instability if left untreated by proper medical professionals.

    Furthermore, transsexuals have varied sexual preferences, and not all male to female transsexuals like men, and not all female to male transsexuals like women. Transsexuals have been known to like men, women and other transgendered individuals and their sexuality is as unique to the individual as any other person on the planet.

    Transsexuals face a HUGE amount of problems in this society, and because of rejection from friends, family, and society often end up resorting to sex work amongst other things as a means to survive and abusing drugs to cope with the immense burden of feeling extremely out of place with their birth sex.

    What if you woke up one day and started growing a penis, a beard and your breasts started diminishing, as your voice deepened and became a man?

    Have some compassion for human suffering. We all suffer in some way and misunderstanding that in each other leads to all kinds of hurt.
    Since you CLEARLY aren’t educated on the subject it would probably be best to not even talk about it as to avoid looking like an uneducated bigot.

    It’s one thing to disagree with something, but it’s another thing entirely to not even understand what you are disagreeing with and call it out in a publicly.

    It’s the information age, there’s no excuse for a lack of education in a public figure such as yourself.

  • glasnost says:

    Well Done! I Like it!

  • cj says:

    If you were born that way you were born that way. Sorry. God gave you what you’ve got. Wanna change what God gave you great. Don’t ask me to do it for you. You may not like the result.

  • brianna says:

    I’v read some bigoted things on this subject before but never have I met such an uninformed opinion from anybody. I’m a m to f transsexual. I cannot have hormone treatment due to a heart problem. I know that breasts would be part of my becoming the woman I have always known I should have been. I dont want to be a burdon on the taxpayer but cant afford the surgery. How do I achieve my goal? This may well be asked. It would seem that my only way would be to resort to “adult” work. Demeaning as it may be I am fully prepared to go to this extent. That is how much I want to achieve my ultimate goal. It seems that to reach my goal I have to play “russion roulette”. Is this what you and people like you want to happen? Just living as a woman is dangerous enough, let alone spending time with total strangers simply because you think I’m not wothy of being what I should have been.
    Try doing a bit of research on the subject before you spout off the non-knowledge. Get to know a few transsexuals, talk to them. Find out what makes us tick. We know what makes you tick. Its called transphobia.

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