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Waterboarding, questionably defined as torture, could soon become a thing of the past. There are some new ideas for torture in town, and terrorists are surely trembling:
The military has at it’s disposal interrogation methods so vile and harsh that Islamic terrorists around the world are demanding being subject to waterboarding and non stop Christina Aguilera music instead. These new techniques may be the reason for the recent report that American forces have routed Al Qaeda in Iraqi from every neighborhood of Baghdad.
Here’s a preview of one of these new torture methods: the Hillary Nutcracker.
That nutcracker is way too cute. Hillary ain’t.
A PIAPS Nutcraker, now that’s torture!
if you’re MAD
punish your country
VOTE for Hillary
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
let yourself be tortured
have water poured on you
or have fingernails torn out
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
never use torture
even to save millions
allow them all to die
Great concept, but it’s far too flattering. Her legs have never looked that good.