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wow! that was fast…
mccain clearly won the debate.
he hammered home the “experience vs lack of experience” really well. knowledgeable. he was calm and sincere. he looked presidential.
barry on the other hand, frequently looked flustered and sweaty. though he memorized his lines from ‘bambi’s debate camp’ well, he simply looked stiff and hollow. and what was with the stink eye he kept giving mccain? beyond childish.
so. hero 1 and zero um, 0. if you want the transcript of the debate, you can go here.
Holy cow that was fast! I hope they do some kind of ad about the lies Obama told during the debate. Especially the whopper about talks with Iran. The guy will simply say anything and the gall is that he thinks we won’t care!
Zoey yep his sweat and his throwing nasty looks – scowls really – over at John McCain shows that HE is the one with the temper! Also he just looked and sounded pathetically naive on world affairs.
I had to keep taking breaks from watching the debate because my blood pressure was heating up. Obama and his smug, angry, lies were killing me.