New AIP column: “You Paid For It: Date Night in NYC”

New AIP column: “You Paid For It: Date Night in NYC”

I have a new column up at AIP called “You Paid For It: Date Night in NYC”. Here’s an excerpt:

[D]o most American couples fly to New York and back in one night on the taxpayers’ dime? Rather than just going somewhere in Washington, D.C. for their date, Obama made it special. They took a Marine One helicopter to Andrews Air Force Base. Then, they hopped onto Air Force One (a Gulfstream 500, not the famous 747) to fly to New York, accompanied by two planes carrying staff and press. After all, Obama can’t do anything without the media accompanying him, can he? Once they landed in New York, they were escorted by a full motorcade of police, military, and other staff as they drove off in their limo (and also had 6th Avenue blocked off by the NYPD). Barack and Michelle dined in a West Village restaurant, and then saw a Broadway play: “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone”. They then took their entourage with them back to the airport where they flew back to D.C., all of this of course at our expense. Let’s assume Obama paid for the dinner and show out of his own pocket; that pales in comparison to how much the transportation for this little trip cost us. (Now, I don’t know for sure that Obama paid for the dinner and show, but I’m just assuming that he didn’t stoop so low as to stick us with the bill.)

In other news, General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this week.

I think it’s wonderful that Barack and Michelle are taking the time to go on dates together. But do they really need to go on dates that undoubtedly cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars? He said in a statement that he just had to do this because he promised during the campaign to take Michelle to see a Broadway show. Fox News also disclosed multiple other theaters with shows currently running in Washington, D.C.. There was “Arcadia” at the Folger Elizabethan theater, “Looped” at the Lincoln Theater, “Rent” at the Warner Theater, “Design for Living” at the Shakespeare Theater Company, or “Rock ‘n Roll” at the Studio Theater. Of course, if there heart was on that particular play, then they still needn’t have left D.C., as it is showing at the Lincoln Center in Washington, D.C. right now. Surely, the Obamas could have stayed in Washington, D.C. for their date night, but they just had to waste our money so they could go to New York. Couldn’t they just have stayed in D.C. and saved us some money?

Make sure to read the whole thing.

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  • BobV says:

    I wonder what the carbon footprint was for this extravagance? Or does he use the same magical private jet as al gore that is apparently carbon neutral.

    We’re in a financial/environmental crises that could at any moment kill us all, and it must be taken very seriously be everyone except those who have declared it to be a very serious crises that could at any moment kill us all.

  • Joe Texan says:

    Their jets and automobiles all run on fairy dust and unicorn farts.

  • DavidL says:

    you ain’t paid nothing yet. The Obamatards are planning the carbon tax, cap and trade, and the value added tax.

  • Chris M-G says:

    You know how it works… “do as I say, not as I do.”

  • Chris M-G says:

    I just thought of the reason why he had to do it in NYC- because he “promised” his wife that they would do it there. And we know how much more important it is to keep our promises to our wives vs. keeping promises that determine our paycheck.

  • slamdunk says:

    Any other president would have been bombarded with bad press for doing the same thing–well written article.

  • philmon says:

    There are certain things I’ll give the POTUS a pass on. One of them is private travel with a security detail, paid for by us — even if it is for a mini-vacation. The President and his family can’t just go anywhere these days, sadly.

    PR/Press detail? That had better be funded by something other than taxes. The president’s party organization, the President himself … or … what about the press paying their own way? *GASP*!!!!

  • mj says:

    Well, on the bright side, at least he keeps his promises; to his wife, anyway.

  • Chris M-G says:

    A true First Lady would not have held him to his exact promise- there were plenty local places they could have gone and saved hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Garfield fits here too- “It’s all about ME!”

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