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National Offend a Feminist Week 2010!

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National Offend a Feminist Week 2010!

I did not know it until today, but this week (per The Other McCain) is National Offend a Feminist Week 2010!

Well gee, that shouldn’t be too difficult. Just say you respect men, deny that the patriarchy exists, believe you can make your own way without the help of feminism, be pro-life, and suggest its bad for women to whore around with any guy whenever and where they want to. Bam! Feminists will be offended.

In all seriousness, this sounds like a GREAT idea. And since I am a Jessica Valenti-certified anti-feminist, I’m 100% on board. I’ll spend the whole week trying to find great ways to offend feminists. Step one: search Feministing.

And if you’ve got some good feminist-offending tips, send ’em here.

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  • Big Mo says:

    Offend a feminist by telling her that my wife is proud to be a stay-at-home mom and doesn’t need a career to make her feel fulfilled. Hey, she makes me the king because I make her the queen.

  • I hope you add the updates to this post. I’m going to bookmark it because you seem to do a better job keeping your finger on their pulse than I do.

    Also, you’re a girly-girl. You can just wear a dress, and get the job done.

    We can do two things to make females completely irrelevant: We can re-define marriage so you don’t need a wife involved in it, and we can make pregnancy an opt-out condition. Now, what are the two things at the tippy-top of list of feminist agendas in 2010? They’re here to make women more important…how?

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    I must object to the whore around part.

    Doing it for money: whore.
    Doing it for giggles and grins: skank or slut.

    You’re welcome.

  • Mat says:

    There’s only a day for this? How about all-year ’round?…

  • Mat says:

    (sigh), take “day” out and replace it with “week”…
    I don’t want to work today.

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