nancy pelosi wept

nancy pelosi wept

oh nan! such great political theatre if it weren’t such a disgusting display of your grand partisan lameness. it is so clear that the democrats no longer have any arguments left on the benefits of obamacare — shocked that americans haven’t blindly accepted yet another of The One’s ‘foundational changes’ for our country.

did pelosi ever wail and lament over the decline of civility when her own political allies and members of her uber partisan caucus leveled brutal criticisms against president bush? well, even her own party chairman and former presidential candidate, howard ‘yeaaaa’ dean bragged that he hated republicans! did nancy cry then?

has nancy pelosi cried over her political allies who recklessly stir up ‘political violence’ themselves with language and deeds in recent months?

nancy pelosi needs to take responsibility for her embarrassing display. she has not done her job and now she is crying in public like that. she is the first female speaker of the house for gosh sakes and she is crying!! oy.

she pretends to be concerned and overcome by the possibility of violence by those who oppose obama’s healthcare and other policies — but what threats nan? who said what? no, there are none. just like there is no racism. she and her party are the ones who set up a climate of fear and violence with their own irresponsible words and they thrive on creating chaos as a distraction from the issues at hand.

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  • Scarlett says:

    Oh please! The Republicans can’t speak out of both sides of their mouths fast enough especially on the so-called spontaneousness of the Town Halls and Tea Parties. Those were powder kegs waiting to explode and you people know it.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    Nancy Pelosi was having a spontaneous moment similar to Joe Wilson. Look at the Birthers, the Deathers, The Tea Baggers! They have become hostile and irrational to the very people they elected to represent them. She has concerns that are legitimate!

  • gene says:

    the teabaggers have seriously devolved into animated bat sh*t. i don’t put it past any of them to do harm to obama. nancy pelosi has nice tits.

  • micky says:

    Gene, those boobs are full of nothing but leftovers from her face and a$$. The sick thing is that you probably know that.

    Pundit, I’ll take a leap and assume that no conservative on this blog has bought into the birther/deather bullsh*t so you might wanna try that crap some place else.

    Scarlett, “we know it” huh ? Then shouldnt you of been out buying a gun ? Or leaving the country by now ?
    Not one arrest, not one incident of violence in all yet.
    You guys just cant lay claim to that, period

    The three of you.
    When you can explain away Napolitanos HS report making us out to be “domestic terrorist”, truthers, Bush blew up the levees, code pink, Michael Moore, Sheehan and the peace protests turned violent riot and the fact that ther majority of the country doesnt want your stinking healthcare then you can open your yaps and look somewhat believable

  • Ken says:

    Pelosi has being a liar down to an art, after all she is a democrat. Now she’s trying to pull a Hillary with her crocodile tears. What a fraud!!

    Pelosi didn’t mind demonizing the Republicans and calling them every name in the book, but now that its her turn in the spotlight she cries. She’s so weak.

    And look more “teabagging” comments. You know if I didn’t know better I would say all of you guys have teabagging on the brain. Very revealing.

  • Ken says:

    “i don’t put it past any of them to do harm to obama. ”

    No need to, Obama is doing enough harm to himself without it. Keep it up, B.O.!!!

  • micky says:

    In the last 8 years I lost count of all the times I saw Bush hung or killed in effigy at liberal protests, so all of you just “CAN” it.

  • PenniePan says:

    Hilarious that you Kate are playing the feminist here! Don’t worry about if Pelosi cries in public and it harms women’s advancement in the world, worry about your own blatant subservient role to the Neanderthal men on this blog for God’s sake!

    Micky and Ken I bet you are both real azzholes to live with.

    Scarlett and Pundit: yes the Republicans would love for something horrible to happen and welcome these escalating dangerous times.

  • micky says:

    Hey Pennie wasnt it you who told us that three husbands found you impossible to live with ?

  • Ken says:

    “Micky and Ken I bet you are both real azzholes to live with.”

    Very mature Pennie, yet again. Your childish rants provide little more than amusement to everyone on this board, I hope you realize that. You have nothing to contribute so you call people names. I feel very sorry for you, I hope you get some help someday.

    I love hearing about the hypocrites on this site talking about “dangerous times”. It’s becoming more dangerous because of the dems ignorance nothing more. This thread was about Pelosi and her phony tears and her hypocritical ways. Stop turning every thread into a “THEY HATE OBAMA!” whinefest. All it does is showcase your complete lack of independent thought and total cluelessness about the real world.

    Jimmy Carter would be proud of you, though. I guess that’s something.

  • Toma says:

    Pennie, you could’t live with them that’s for sure.


  • BikerDan says:

    Nancy Pelosi is 2 heart beats away from the presidency. Think about that.

  • PenniePan says:

    See how you men are? Small little brains, huge egos. You scurry about when the light comes on just like cockroaches.

  • cassiopeia says:

    Nancy Pelosi is a very effective lawmaker and sheepherder no matter how you want to paint her. She would not have made it to Speaker and 3rd in line to the Presidency is she didn’t have a lot of support and very sharp elbows. You men on the other hand simply want to strip naked and dance around a fire.

  • Jon says:

    I think some of you miss the greater point of what Speaker Pelosi was saying. I, and she, do not believe that all of the Obama protesters are racists. That would be insanity. However, some are racists. It only takes 1 racist nut to do something stupid. So cool it.

  • Elaine Minshau Lee says:

    I’ve lived in the South most of my life and anybody who believes that the worst of the anti-Obama rants we’ve heard this summer are NOT racist is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. There is no doubt that the signs some people carried were racist in tone. There is no doubt that the anger on all sides is greater then it was 6 months ago. I refuse to tar all of the people involved, but I also refuse to take a “they had good intentions” for all of them either. Since when does turning a blind eye to the obvious become helpful in any discussion?

  • Ken says:

    LOL!!! That’s it lefties, keep going!! First we were racist, now we’re misogynists!!
    Yet another example of how incapable the left is in having a debate. When we disagree with Obama its “You hate black people!!” when we disagree with Pelosi its “You hate women!!”

    Man your acts are really getting old.

    Hey, Jon, are there any racists on the left? If so, where was her concern for that when she was bashing Bush every fifteen minutes for 8 years? The message itself is hypocritical, that’s what we’re saying.

  • Paul says:

    Disagree with Pelosi, fine. But pay attention to behavior of your own party. The noisy right wing fringe may not be 100% racist, but it is strongly influenced by racists. Nancy Pelosi is right. Racisms begets violence. For the record, I would never dance naked around Micky.

  • micky says:

    “See how you men are? Small little brains, huge egos. You scurry about when the light comes on just like cockroaches.”

    What the hell are you talking about ?
    At least T-R-Y to defend Pelosi and appear as if you’re half way clued in, jeez.

    I’d say that if anyone is stirring anyhting up its you moonbats in a tizzy with your panties all in a bunch.
    I mean just listen to yourselves. Pelosi is bawling like a big faker, Carter is crying racism, Napolitano is writing bullsh*t fear mongering reports, Wilson says Obama is a liar and all of a sudden the whole republican party is racist…
    Forf f*ckin what ? Protesting policy we dont agree with ? Do you have any examples of violence lately on our part to warrant these BS emotions ?
    So please, knock of the crap, no one is buying it

  • micky says:

    “I would never dance naked around Micky.”

    Yeah, because I would very efficiently, promptly and professionally kick your a$$ up between your eyes if you even tried

  • micky says:

    Heres a link to all the pics of the left killing Bush, hanging Palin and Cheney in effigy etc…
    I have yet to see one example of violence towards Obama like these yet

  • Teah says:

    This isn’t about racism existing. It exists in all of us to varying degrees doesn’t it?
    This is about the very real escalation of racial rhetoric and behaviors which will inevitably lead to racial violence. I vote to “cool it” too. I don’t know if Pelosi was sincere. I imagine she wasn’t but I think she is right about history repeating itself if we are not very careful.

  • Jared says:

    I don’t know why Pelosi was crying. Isn’t she too old for it to be that time of the month?

  • Marsha says:

    Nancy Pelosi wept… crocodile tears.

  • Sassy_Nana says:

    I don’t always agree with Nancy Pelosi, but the fact that she is recalling that horrible day in 1978 when Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk, people she knew personally, were killed in their offices brings some much needed attention to the far right hate rhetoric and their subtle, luring calls to violence. I have lived in SF for my entire 58 years and it was a shocking time forever burned in all our memories. Give her a break on this one.

  • Marsha says:

    Oh boohoo Nana! Does she think shedding a croc tear will make us feel sorry for her, so she can get her way? Makes me dislike her even more.

  • jim says:

    where’s the threats? where’s the violence?

  • micky says:

    thats what i keep asking jim, nothing yet

  • Ken says:

    “But pay attention to behavior of your own party.”

    Just as you only pay attention to the democrats, right paul. Try taking your own advice.

    “The noisy right wing fringe may not be 100% racist, but it is strongly influenced by racists.”

    I’d love to see your evidence of this paul. Please provide links to support your asinine accusations. I eagerly await.

    “Nancy Pelosi is right. Racisms begets violence.”

    So does ignorance and false claims.

    “I have lived in SF for my entire 58 years”

    That explains a lot.

  • lisab says:

    Moscone and Milk were killed by a democrat

  • Ken says:

    Indeed they were lisab:

    “Update: It’s also worth pointing out that Dan White was not a right-wing politician; he was a registered Democrat and considered a moderate. He assassinated Moscone after the mayor refused to reappoint him as supervisor, a post White had resigned but then regretted leaving. He shot Milk five times on the way out of City Hall after personal animosity between the two had erupted earlier over a zoning dispute.”

    Of course the left spun this as much as they could to squeeze as much political juice out of the incident, as usual. Pure trash.

  • psyche_moi says:

    I am not a Nancy Pelosi fan either but somebody has to be the voice of reason here and say out loud what most people are afraid of. We know what the right wing’s history is OKKK?

  • Toma says:

    Let me say out loud what most people are afraid of. Obama has bragged that he is the great unifier. He has promised to bring the nation together. He has promised to end the partisan rift and create harmony in Congress. He has promised to do all this with tranparency and openness.

    However, he has done the exact opposite. He has created an abyss of hate and he continues to stir the boiling caldron and add fuel to the fire. I believe his actions are intentional and his grand plan is right on track.

    Most people are afraid of what he is prepared to do to deepen the chasim. How far will he and his cadre go to maintain power gain control.

    He is very, very scary.


  • David says:

    Ken said, “I love hearing about the hypocrites on this site talking about “dangerous times”. It’s becoming more dangerous because of the dems ignorance nothing more. This thread was about Pelosi and her phony tears and her hypocritical ways. Stop turning every thread into a “THEY HATE OBAMA!” whinefest. All it does is showcase your complete lack of independent thought and total cluelessness about the real world.”

    And he is right.

  • David says:

    Jon said, “It only takes 1 racist nut to do something stupid. So cool it.”
    Well… did you know that it only takes 1 koo-koo liberal nut to do something stupid?”

    Works both ways.

  • David says:

    TOUCHE, lisab and ken!!

    The freakin’ dems ASSUME incorrectly and disingenuously. As was noted on the website, “It’s also worth pointing out that Dan White was not a right-wing politician; he was a registered Democrat and considered a moderate. He assassinated Moscone after the mayor refused to reappoint him as supervisor, a post White had resigned but then regretted leaving. He shot Milk five times on the way out of City Hall after personal animosity between the two had erupted earlier over a zoning dispute.”

    Not a murderous “right winger” after all. …not surprising. The Tea Party goers and their supporters have been very, very well behaved and cordial.

  • lisab says:

    “We know what the right wing’s history is OKKK?”

    of course the kkk is a southern democrat organization formed by the southern democrats who lost the civil war

  • David says:


    True, once again. They (the libs) can’t deny their own history. (Though they try. Oh boy, do they try!)

  • Ken says:

    “of course the kkk is a southern democrat organization formed by the southern democrats who lost the civil war”

    And slavery was ended by the Republican party, and JFK initially voted AGAINST the civil rights act, only supporting it when it was politically feasible to do so.

    However, things like the truth and facts are alien concepts to the left. They would rather live in their fantasy world of ignorance.

    They are truly a sad and pathetic lot.

  • lisab says:

    “True, once again. They (the libs) can’t deny their own history. ”

    actually i am a liberal.

    the dems are not liberals.

    liberals are not for suppression of the freedom of speech.

  • David says:


    You’re right. I apologize for “lumping” you in with Democrats, per se and blind-following, far leftists who won’t/don’t want to learn from history.

  • rafa says:

    where are all your good wishes for the end of Ramadan? u neocons hate muslims.

  • David says:


    Are you for real?

    I don’t think that your “accusation” has any standing coming under this particular (non religious) topic, and coming out of the blue like that.

    Were you expecting lots of “Ramadan wishes” under this topic??


  • lisab says:

    well, … ok … happy end of ramadan

    happy now?

  • micky says:

    liberal jews make as much sense as screwing for virginty

  • Ken says:

    Gosh rafa you didn’t say Happy Yom Kippur in your post so you must hate Jews, right?

    The ignorance of the left never ceases to amaze me.

  • lisab says:

    “The ignorance of the left never ceases to amaze me.”

    ken ken ken

    tch tch tch

    true lefties or liberals or whatever you want to call us do not hate Jews or anyone.

    of course the dems just want power, but that is a different story.

  • Ken says:

    “of course the dems just want power, but that is a different story.”

    I stand corrected! My apologies! I will use “dems” instead of “the left” from now on.

  • kate says:

    ‘where are all your good wishes for the end of Ramadan? u neocons hate muslims.’

    oh brother rafa. i know i have jewish blog friends. though i have readers from muslim countries, i don’t know that they are regular readers, in fact i am pretty certain they aren’t.

    and no, i don’t hate muslims. but i intensely dislike the ones who cut off heads of innocents with rusty knives or fly airliners filled with innocents into buildings filled with innocents. scat creep!

  • JennyBerry says:

    At George Fox University, (a private Christian University in Newberg, Oregon), an effigy of Obama was hung from a tree on campus. The students were caught and asked to sign an apology. It was mean spirited and an embarrassment to the University and small town of Newberg. It happened Spring 2008, don’t have a link, but you could seach for it the local newspaper

  • lisab says:

    there are idiots on both sides,

    here is a bunch of bush being burned in effigy

  • lisab says:

    ” I will use “dems” instead of “the left” from now on.”


    i appreciate it and suggest you point this out to dems when you can.

    they often claim to be liberal thinkers.

    liberals do not try to squash individual freedoms like the dems do or try to anyway.

    now the dems are even proposing to use the federal government to regulate yard sales!!!!!

    i want my bill of rights back please!!!

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