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I saw this chilling video on Michelle Malkin’s page a few days ago, and just got around to posting it today. David Horowitz visited University of California at San Diego, and was called out by a keffiyeh-wearing member of the Muslim Students Association. He responded by asking her, basically, if she was for or against rounding up Jews and putting them all in Israel so that Hezbollah could hunt them all down and kill them. Her response?
“For it.”
The exchange comes toward the end.
Honestly, when I watched that girl respond, my blood ran cold.
And these are the people we are supposed to be coddling as victims according to the mainstream media.
“And these are the people we are supposed to be coddling as victims according to the mainstream media.”
First of all, I hope this girl is deported. Secondly, this girl is not people; she is person. You cannot accurately base the representation of all Muslims on a single individual; that’s the exact same ignorance that extremists display.
Gee, there seems to be an awful lot of them who think that way, so maybe we should start categorizing that as “people”. How many “isolated incidents” do we have to string along before it becomes, oh I don’t know, a pattern?
To hell with political correctness. While I don’t necessarily hate them, I definitely do not trust them in any shape or form. If you want to, go right ahead. But I won’t be near the big boom when it goes off.
I also viewed this vid the other day. It really does make the hair on my neck stand up, chilling. I have lived in the San Diego area for years now, and it’s something of a wake up call when you realize there are people (okay, persons if you prefer) that think this way. Thanks for posting this Cas, however “isolated” one thinks this may be, this should NOT be ignored. Would this woman aid in a terrorist attack? Her answer says yes, she would. And this in a local university. Scary.
Mat: no amount will be sufficient to come up with any sort of trend as long as it relates to muslims.
So while one christian shooting an abortion doctor can be used to prove all christians are nuts, or one teaparty member saying something inappropriate can be used to label the entire group, hundreds of thousands of muslims either committing or approving of terrorist acts cannot be used to draw any trend.
Pretty much the only way to get the media to recognize and label hatefilled, radical islamists as terrorists/bigots would be if they were to start voting Republican en masse. Then we’d hear nothing but hit pieces on the entire religion.
I just wonder if this woman has accepted her role as a convert to the muslim religion. If so, why is she in a university? How can she speak without permission? Isn’t she supposed to be escorted by a male relative in order to be in public? It would appear as though she is not aware of what is expected of her as a woman in her new religion. It sounds as though she, as many other students, is long on talk and short on thought.
There are plenty of them on American (and other) campuses. We just foolishly choose to ignore it. The problem is that we’re trying to fight a PC war (as if wars can ever be PC’ed). War has its own rules. The side that realizes this will win (not exactly reassuring for us, but there it is).
Oh, I realize this. Trying to explain something to a liberal can be an exercise in futility most of the time. Which is why I thought Siress’ comment was so annoying. Seriously, if we fought WWII the way we’re doing this now, we would have never set foot on North Africa, let alone Europe (with obvious consequences).