More Men Winning

More Men Winning

More Men Winning

It appears that more men are winning by taking over women’s sports. We have seen this a lot lately, and I hate to be the Debbie Downer here, but the trans ideology has become a staple for America.

Rip Curl is the latest brand to jump on the tran-wagon by kicking Bethany Hamilton to the curb in favor of a man to represent their brand.

Bethany Hamilton is a surfer, author, mother, and shark attack survivor.

She recently gave birth to her fourth child, competed in the Vans Pipe Masters, and was invited to attend the Oshkosh Women’s Fund’s Annual Power of the Purse event as the keynote speaker in Wisconsin. –

Bethany Hamilton is a badass. Period.

And while I’d love to riff off on this Sasha person (a man) whom Rip Curl opted to go with for their brand ambassador, more needs to be revealed.

Why is this important, and why should we pay attention to this? It’s just a surfer, after all. Who cares, right? Wrong.

The surf brand Rip Curl was acquired by Kathmandu back in 2019 for over 300 million dollars.

What or who is Kathmandu? It is a New Zealand global company that was founded in 1987. They specialize in outdoorsy-type gear for the adventurous type. The company also proudly boasts of its “Certified B Corporation” status on its website.

In 2019, we were over the moon when Kathmandu officially became part of the global B Corp movement. This was a big thing for us because becoming a certified B Corp meant we met high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Fast-forward to 2023, and we are proud to have been re-certified! In addition to this achievement, we have been commended by B Lab for the significant improvements we’ve made to our impact.

As a certified B Corp, we’re counted among businesses that are leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

Ick. All that globalist talk makes my stomach turn and gives me World Economic Forum gross vibes.

What’s Really Going On?

Tons of companies and corporations are jumping on board with this sort of globalist social justice and climate nonsense. It is not going away.

So yes, you will see more and more men pretending to be women uploaded to all the social media accounts of more and more brands and companies.

With the likes of the Human Rights Campaign and now this B Lab Movement, the New World Order is in full swing.

Oh, Carol, calm down with all that ridiculous usage of words like New World Order; you sound like a conspiracy nut. Okay.

The Activist

Trans activists like this male surfer pretending to be a woman now being a brand ambassador for Rip Curl are precisely that: they are activists. All of them. Will Thomas, James Scott Davidson, and now this Ryan Egan are cash-grabbing activists. And in being cash-grabbing activists, I can also ask, are they being misogynists, or in regular words, women haters? Yes. Yes, they are. And so is everyone who supports this nonsense.

Once upon a time, I disagreed with the folks who said that to stop men from competing against women, the women participants and athletes are going to have to come together and refuse to compete. However, I am coming around to that more and more. Obviously, the organizations themselves are not going to protect women.

And I’m afraid boycotting a brand also isn’t working.

We must go higher up and start exposing and dismantling the organizations brow-beating their way into corporate America, starting with the Human Rights Campaign and the B Lab Movement. But can it even be done?

All of this is serious, but sometimes we have to laugh in order to keep from crying, so I’ll leave you with this humorous video from Rebel News on Rumble. I’m sure you’ve seen this fake video from a week ago from a comedian, Damon Imani, where he edited himself into the WEF to confront the “James Bond-like villain” Karl Schwab.

Feature Image: Waves/Emiliano Arano/Pexels/Free Use

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