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michelle ‘stink eye’ obama

michelle ‘stink eye’ obama

hide the axe! michelle ‘not proud’ obama with carla sarkozy at the 65th anniversary of d-day in normandy, france this weekend.


i am most certain you will not see this face on any of the dozens of glossy mags that hype this bitter, angry woman.

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  • Dade says:

    I simply do not understand why you think Michelle Obama is bitter and angry. Frankly, it seems like projection. This photo doesn’t prove anything of the sort, of course. Our faces all go through a myriad of expressions that, frozen in time, make us appear to confirm anything at all that anyone might want to imagine us to be.

  • Dade – did you ever read her thesis from Princeton? I suggest you do – Michelle Obama is a bitter, angry woman. During the campaign she was all about how Barack will make you work hard. She talked about using a tax rebate to buy jewelry. She spoke about how for the first time in her life she was proud of her country.

    That’s a woman who is unhappy and bitter. And while it is true that a facial expression captured on camera doesn’t always reflect the true feelings of the subject, I do have to wonder why Ms. Obama turned such a downtrodden and serious gaze to Ms. Sarkozy. That’s not just a face frozen for a moment – that is a serious scowl that has been caught on camera.

  • kate says:

    “I simply do not understand why you think Michelle Obama is bitter and angry. Frankly, it seems like projection.”

    lol. aw. 😛

    and dade. mo is incredibly angry. i think bo is too actually. i do however have happy thoughts about their kids and mother-in-law. 🙂

  • shannon says:

    I was getting the oil changed in my car and after wading through about 47 Time “Obama” magazines I finally found a Sports Illustrated to leaf through.

    You’re right Kate, you won’t find the “stink eye” in any of those publications. But it definately exists. Sorry Dade.

  • lisab says:

    the “stink eye” is because barack first invited carla on his date night 🙂

    she turned him down flat …

    if you have ever seen them interact carla does not like barack touching her.

  • Micky says:

    I’m not sure if Michelle is actually looking directly at Carla. It seems that maybe shes looking slightly right behind her at something else.
    But still, that look, my God ! Who pi$$ed on your cherry pie ?
    No matter what shes looking at, someone is definitely not a happy camper.
    If looks could kill, someone there died that day.

  • Micky says:

    “I simply do not understand why you think Michelle Obama is bitter and angry. ”

    Because shes married to Obama ?
    Probably wanted to dump his arse midway thru the election but was convinced by Obama of all the entitlements she’ll be getting later for the rest of her life as one of our first ladies so she decided to tuff it out.

  • lisab says:

    she is angry because YOU enslaved her ancestors and YOU have been given all kinds of easy opportunities in life

    while she and barack have suffered nothing but racism all their lives

    and now is their chance for revenge

  • Marsha says:

    Oh Dade. Come on. Look at that mug! She can’t fake it ALL the time. What you see in that picture is who she is: A mean, ugly, hateful, bitter, unthankful woman! We’re in for some fun Michelle times in the next 3 years I predict.

  • lisab says:

    you do have to hand it to obama in one respect … look at michelle’s face … obama either is very courageous or has an active imagination. she could seriously pass as a man baby!

  • I’d love to know what was going through her mind, and what Carla Sarkozy may have said.

  • lisab says:

    michelle: so carla … i understand you have some nice old buildings here? and so churches, and a big metal tower, and some golden arches … i really want to see mcdonalds … i really could go for some fries to go with my shake, ha ha ha

    carla bruni: i am going to have sex with your husband

  • republicguard says:

    Just before camera clicked the following may have transpired:

    Carla to Michelle: Just smile. Even ugly people look better when they smile.


    Carla: All blanc at a memorial is a faux pas.

    Michelle: Darn! the mini-translator Barrack re-gifted me isn’t working again.

  • SecessionCzarina says:

    Michelle is thinking, “YOU SKINNY WHITE BITCH”

  • kathy says:

    Yeah…it would be worth a lot to know just what she was thinking in this one! Guess we’ll never know for sure….

  • Paul -Indiana says:

    Proof once more that M.O. has no class.

  • E. Fazzini says:

    Wow! What a face. She’s one unattractive woman who could pass for a transvestite!

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