This morning, during the signing ceremony for the ‘Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act’ – a law that will subsidize and regulate what children eat before school, at lunch, after school, and during summer vacations in federally funded school-based feeding programs – Michelle Obama said this on deciding what American children should eat:
“We can’t just leave it up to the parents.”
Yep, the First Nanny (State) thinks parents really are just stupid but at least there’s ‘harmony‘ in their bedroom. Michelle Obama owes the parents of this country an apology — but don’t hold your breath.
Can’t Michelle Obama find a better, more important issue to champion as First Lady then the complete violation of my rights as a parent? She is not telling me what I can and cannot feed my kids. Ever. Seriously she needs to look into a rear view mirror before saying any of our kids are not eating well or are too fat. Her ass is as big as the Grand Canyon. Didn’t her momma tell her to always check the rear before leaving the house? Mine sure did.
Our First Lady says “Nothing is more important in our national life than the welfare of our children, and proper nourishment comes first in attaining this welfare”. What’s so wrong with that? You aren’t being fair.
This is what I think. Anyone who lives on welfare SHOULD take orders from government since they are feeding off our tax dollars. If some fat lazy black mama or white trash biker chick with 10 kids from 10 different dads wanna live on welfare(at our expense), then we, through the government, have every right to tell them to stop eating like pigs. HOWEVER, for those who pay for and buy their own food, it’s none of Michelle’s freaking business what they eat.
@Tori: This is NOT about childhood nutrition!! It’s about loss of parental rights!! Honestly…do you really believe the government cares about your kids or mine??
Hey Andrea you sound a bit raaaaacist there. Better rein it in before DHS declares you a homegrown subversive.
Hey Tori ya, what MikeP says and double it.
Tori so you support this 4.5 billion ‘Can’t leave it up to the parents’ bill?
Of course, you Republicans believe that only rich children have a right to a nutritional diet correct?
So the progressives continue to undermine family, religion. self reliance and self respect… feed the little clones and teach them to vote… real sick Moochelle.
Another thing: the article link says the signing of this bill was done at the Harriet Tubman Elementary School. Why? Still all about the divisiveness of this country. Shows that some people cannot beat their own slave mentality. As long as people think of themselves as victims, they will remain victims, and never survivors.
“Of course, you Republicans believe that only rich children have a right to a nutritional diet correct?”
Ah yes, the typical reaction from liberals. The U.S. already spends millions on free breakfasts and lunches for underprivileged children. Of course, those millions are from the taxes of those people who work for a living…….you know, Republicans.
And considering its a proven fact that conservatives donate more to charities than liberals, you idiocy is quite pathetic.
Think for yourself for a change, Dominic, and stop being a sheep.
I have an idea… let’s just ignore the Govt, and especially ignore that ignorant thing and it’s husband.
And Andrea don’t be dissing biker chicks. My bride will be all over you like white on rice.
Don’t feed them! Teach them to feed THEMSELVES!!!!
i actually agree that the schools could POTENTIALLY do a better job providing three meals a day to some students, e.g. many poor children.
however, first the schools would need to serve better food. the school lunch program is a joke. it serves very unhealthy food.
second, the money should be deducted from the food stamps program. it would do no good to give the children good food if the parents buy junk food at home.
Has BigMo done a cost evaluation on this?
Tots ‘n’ fries seem a whole lot more cost friendly than fresh fruits, veggies, chicken breasts and broiled fish, hey?
What will this do to taxes?
Besides, those kids would probably do a “Norma Rae” if their tots were taken away!