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Men, train your women

Men, train your women

From Dr. Helen, I bring you my first entry for National Offend a Feminist Week.

Helen introduces us to Marianne Murciano, someone who undoubtedly would be a feminist role model thanks to the way she not emasculates men, but encourages other women to follow suit. She believes men need to be trained, just like dogs. And her blog details all the different situations you can use to train your man.

Example number one: kids. She explains how, in her household, she lays down the parenting laws and when hubby is bad and breaks them, training need to take place. She calls kids the “anti-trainer”.

If there’s one thing to be said about the men we train it is that most of them like to take shortcuts. What I mean is that it’s way easier to let things go than it is to fix them. That takes work. Addressing an issue means instant confrontation, which is what the untrained man likes to avoid. Such is the case when he’s in charge of the kids.

When I’m not around, Bob will frequently say yes to anything our kids ask for, just because it means they’ll leave him alone to read newspapers, or whatever. When I come home I have to undo the mess he left, and I’m cast as the bad guy. For example, I say no TV watching until homework is done. If I’m not around, Bob will let our daughter watch a program before doing homework. It’s easier. When I get home and find her glued to the set, you know it. A fight breaks out. Bob is so used to saying yes to her that sometimes he forgets and gives in even when I’m around!

Part of his motive is to be the beloved dad. But this sends mixed messages to the kids, not to mention that undermining me is damaging to our relationship. By allowing them to do as they please, he is taking a shortcut that amounts to extra work for me. Kids are smart. They know which parent to turn to, and for what. I don’t like being the bad guy all the time.

Sometimes these battles go on for a long time and we learn to live with them. But it’s got to be stopped or we will end up resenting our husbands.

There’s only one way to fix this—talk. Make him understand that kids crave boundaries and discipline. Ask him who his favorite teacher was in school and the answer will likely be not the one who presided over a free for all, but rather the teacher who had a structured disciplined class. The Train a Man method is about educating him. Bring him into the process so he understands this is not a power play between the two of you. It’s about sharing the responsibilities and doing what’s best for the child and the relationship.

We know what women want when raising a child—a united front. It’s tough enough to set rules and enforce them. We don’t need our partners sabotaging them. We don’t want to teach our children how to manipulate and use their parents against each other.

Training a man happens only when you train yourself to speak your mind every time. The message needs to be repeatedly reinforced. Saying no now is hard, but it’s harder to undo things down the road, even if those things are as simple as dirty dishes, an unmade bed, or video games at the dinner table.

If you aren’t appalled by that, you might just be a feminist.

Her entire system revolves around the wife setting all of the rules. Parenting, household management, relationship duties, everything. And when her husband has the audacity to exercise his own parental authority, she blows a lid. Forget how minor it might be. Even if it’s just dirty dishes, he needs to be put back in his place.

She also makes it clear that she has absolutely no respect for her husband. She has to undo the mess he’s left. He’ll let the kids do whatever they want so he can watch TV. He, along with all other men, is apparently stupid and needs to be educated and trained by her. She wants a united front, but instead of making rules together, she sets them and he has to follow them. None of this forms a united partnership, like she says. It does nothing more than make her a household dictator, and he a slave.

That is a nightmare.

Next up is the example from Dr. Helen’s page. Feel her wrath when her husband makes the unexcusable mistake of… buying the wrong sausage.

Guys just don’t listen. Yesterday when Bob said he was going to the grocery store, I asked him to buy some sweet sausage out of the casing for the chili I was going to make for dinner. He loves chili and it’s easy to make but I didn’t want to handle the mess. “Do you know what a casing is?” I asked before he left. “Of course I do,” he said as he blasted off, sounding almost offended by the question.

Later that day Bob comes home and plops the groceries down on the counter. I open the bag – and there it is. Like a snake in plastic, the sausage is rolled up and in its casing.

“What happened to getting the sausage out of the casing?” I asked. “I think it’s out of the casing. It’s just rolled up.” He replied. When I asked him if he requested it that way at the meat department he said he didn’t remember. He said he was now totally confused and that anyway, I should be happy he went to the grocery store. Hmmm…

Lesson for Bob:

Bad enough to make the mistake, especially when I made it so clear. But then you lose all credibility when you distort the facts; your story starts to fall apart.

1. It’s hard to believe you don’t remember whether you talked to a guy behind the meat counter.
2. Totally confused? Yes. So am I. But for you it’s about the tall tale you’re telling now! (You’re not a good liar.)
3. I never asked you to go to the grocery store in the first place. I only asked you to get me something if you were going there anyway. And by the way, this was for a meal I was preparing for you!

My conclusion: Thank you for going shopping. However, you didn’t get the sausage in the casing because you resent having to go to the grocery store. It’s passive aggressive and uncool.

And now, you will have to pay the price.

Of course, in the time it took for her to hyperventilate over a simple mistake, she could have taken the sausage out of the casing and gone about her business. Instead, she blew a gasket and made her husband out to be the worst person in the world. No wonder he lies to her — the man is pussy-whipped and terrified.

And, like thousands of women, Marianne has decided that she is an expert in armchair psychology. This is all thanks to “experts” like Oprah and Dr. Phil who see latent feelings as the real reason people do random things… like forget to buy the “right” kind of sausage.

This kind of male emasculation can be laid right at the door of modern feminism. To feminists, this behavior is necessary to offset the “patriarchy”. It’s excused and even recommended because, they’ll say, they’re just turning the table on men, that this was how men behaved before modern feminists came along and “freed” women from their homemaker bondage.

Of course, if I ever attempted to use such low, dirty, controlling, manipulative tactics on my fiance, the wedding would be called off in a second. And this is exactly the real problem. Too many men let their wives act like over-controlling, domineering bitches. They do absolutely nothing to stop it. Frankly, it needs to stop.

And with that, here is my proclamation guaranteed to make the heads of feminists explode in anger everywhere: it’s time for men to take back their rightful place in their households. It’s time for men to start training women.

Yes, you read right.

Once upon a time, a man was the head of his home. He was the authority figure, he was in charge. Thanks to feminism, he’s now often lower on the totem pole than the family dog. And it has just got to stop. It’s bad for the marriage and it’s bad for the children. Wives need husbands who are smart and strong that they can respect as an equal. They don’t need a doormat. Kids need a father they can trust and look up to as an authority figure.

Contrary to feminist doctrine, women can’t do it all. Men need to start stepping up to the plate and fulfilling their rightful roles as husbands and fathers. This doesn’t mean become a dictator like Mistress Marianne over there. It means being fair but firm, bending to her wisdom when you know your wife is right and standing strong when you know that you are. Throwing a temper tantrum when you don’t get your way is not how you’ll accomplish taking back control.

Like I said, you’ve got to train your women. Go slowly. Conquer one thing at a time. If she bites your head off about getting the wrong sausage, sweetly tell her, “You’re right. Next time I won’t do you the favor of getting something from the store for you,” and just walk away. If she explodes, ignore her. You’ll have to condition her to realize that, like a two-year-old, threats, tears, and temper tantrums won’t work anymore. Rising to her histrionics teaches her that it still works, and that she can still get to you. You, as the man and the head of the household, have to rise above it. Start being more involved in the decisions in the household, from parenting to cleaning to money. Letting her run everything shows that you can’t handle it and that she’s stronger than you are. Step up, take some of the responsibilites, and earn her respect. Taking control in the bedroom is key, too. If you let the woman control how often you have sex, she’s really won right there. Obviously, I’m not advocating forcing her to do anything, but to maybe take more initiative, be more adventurous, try new things. Don’t just sit back and wait for her to decide you’ve been a good enough boy to earn getting laid.

Once you do all of that, you can take your proper place as head of the family once again, which is where husbands and fathers should be. It doesn’t mean wives aren’t involved in decision-making, but that the husband has the final say. He needs to have the strength to stand on his convictions, and also the wisdom and the grace to know and admit when he’s wrong. She’ll be happier because instead of a wimpy, dumb, pushover husband she can walk all over, she’ll have a smart, strong husband she can respect.

Only then can you have a happy, healthy, fulfilling marriage. Marriages with domineering, alpha-female dictators are doomed to either fail or to be unhappy. If you love your wife, you owe it to her to be the man she deserves, someone strong, wise, and loving, who can be at the head of the family.

Stay tuned for my next entry in National Offend a Feminist Week! What will I do to offend them next?

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  • Smithwick says:

    “How to train a man” to be followed with “I suspect my husband is cheating on me and despises me for some reason”.

    And don’t miss her next advice column: Living through a bitter divorce. And “Don’t call me a cat-lady: why cats make better partners than men anyday, besides I choose to be single, if you have to compromise and be reasonable to stay in a relationship it just isn’t worth it. No really, I am quite happy now, being alone is the best thing in the world “.

    What a miserable woman. Hope the husband wises up, realizes he’s in an abusive relationship and gets the heck out of there (take the kids, it wouldn’t be fair to leave them under the control of this woman).

  • thag jones says:

    I’ve been looking at that site (and leaving comments) via Dr Helen and I’m having a hard time believing it’s serious but at the same time, I find no evidence that it’s supposed to be tongue in cheek. Pretty sad really. I like this one better – even though I am frustrated at times, I’m happy that I’m not with someone as wussy as Bob there. That’s just ridiculous and like I commented on her blog, if either of them finds the other sexually attractive, they must be into some icky dom/sub thing, in which case I don’t want to watch their foreplay on YouTube.

  • Bonus points for mentioning “sausage.”

  • Mat says:


    No, it’s legit. I, too, saw this first on Dr. Helen’s site and posted a couple of comments. In a nutshell, if my partner ever tried to pull that garbage on me, I’d just tell her to eff off and I’d leave. End of story.

    I believe that there should be a balance in a relationship, but it seems that most of them end up either as the guy being completely pussified or the woman ending up dead (and sometimes it’s the guy). That’s why I just stay away from relationships as much as possible. There are too many “rabid” women out there that act exactly like Dr. Murciano. And you know what? Dr. Murciano’s kind are unfortunately winning. That sort of crap is a huge influence on young women growing up today. It is what it is.

    As far as her husband is concerned, he deserves exactly what he gets. If he wants to be a freaking doormat, it’s no loss to me.

    Smithwick, I was thinking exactly the same thing.

  • I’ve always had a simple response for the “you got the wrong thing at the grocery store” thing. And believe me, I’ve been in that doghouse more than my share. It’s just a simple question.

    “Will it work?” If not, then we both learned something, let’s spend a little more effort on this vital detail than you talking to the back of my neck while I’m blogging and going “mmm hmm.” Can’t wait to see what the backup plan is for dinner tonight; it’s just one freakin’ meal. Not worth the drama.

    If it will work, on the other hand, then why are you talking about a whole lotta nothing instead of getting busy cooking dinner?

    Sausage not out of its casing? Heheh. I’m not sure I’d even be hanging around for the word exchange on that one.

    Men are fixers. More often than not, our “fun” is something that will benefit the household in some way in the long run; besides of which, when we aren’t being bothered by a bunch of petty bullshit, everyone ends up happier. So grab a small knife cupcake, slit the casing on the sausage, and pipe down so he can watch his Man Show reruns in peace. Maybe bring him a beer while you’re at it.

  • Lib says:

    Reverse the roles of her husband and herself. How would she like to be treated that way by the person who is supposed to love her more that anything else in the world? Methinks she would not stand for it. Nor should she, it is disrespectful.

  • Melinda P says:

    I can’t understand why she would throw such a fit about her husband bringing home the wrong kind of sausage. As Morgan pointed out, it works. Ohhhhh, there must be too much work involved in removing the sausage from the casing! Sorry, I forgot.

    I, personally, offend feminists by mearly exsisting. I’m a Stay-at-home, Pro-Life, Christian, homeschooling mom who believes that my husband is the head of our household and has the final word on the big things in life. I have watched other women give me the strange looks and the step backwards when they hear that I *gasp* stay at home with my children and homeschool them. Want to watch a feminists head spin, tell them you don’t believe in birth control!

  • mysterian1729 says:

    sweet sausage in chili?
    It must be some kind of cruel joke.

  • Penny says:

    And once this beotch has her man trained, she will dump him like a hot potato because “He’s just not like the man I married”. At which point MAYBE she’ll give his balls back.

  • Pug Mahon says:

    Mongo don’t know…Mongo only pawn in game of life.

    The feminists are on to me. Play dumb, get out of doing anything hard…dang it.

  • Crabtree says:

    I made one, deeply misguided, attempt at dating a strident feminist back in college. (I was young, what can I say?) She had a similar attitude about men as this woman and on several occasions started yelling at me for small problems like the ones mentioned above. It’s amazing what effect a level, unamused stare can have; especially one honed to perfection after years of practice at a university library reference desk. Our last fight (as much as you can call her screaming and me simply watching, a fight) ended with her flinging a pot at my head, which I caught and hung back on its hook before leaving.

  • Oh, dear. First, my sympathy for this guy is limited; he dated this girl, bought her a ring, planned a wedding, and has stayed married to her for (apparently) at least a decade. He hasn’t asserted himself; he hasn’t turned to her and told her to STFU; and he hasn’t divorced her and found a woman with a heart. Personal problem.

    Second, it’s not just a male/female/feminist thing; it’s a manners thing. If you treat another person with dignity and kindness, you’ll both end up happier. A lot of married people seem to assume that they can treat their partner in a way that they would never treat anyone else – children, friends, co-workers, waitstaff. It’s just weird.

    So grab a small knife cupcake, slit the casing on the sausage, and pipe down so he can watch his Man Show reruns in peace. Maybe bring him a beer while you’re at it.

    As the raging feminist, my response might be to sweetly turn to the man and ask if he would pretty please grill up the sausages for dinner, and we’ll have chili another time. Common sense, people.

  • Smithwick says:

    “Second, it’s not just a male/female/feminist thing; it’s a manners thing. If you treat another person with dignity and kindness, you’ll both end up happier. A lot of married people seem to assume that they can treat their partner in a way that they would never treat anyone else – children, friends, co-workers, waitstaff. It’s just weird. ”

    Basically although I would say at a more fundamental level it is about respect. You don’t treat someone you respect in this manner. She’s treating him as a burden that she must carry through life rather than an equal partner. Like a particularly obstinate child. Which begs the question: why marry and produce children with him?

    I also wonder why so many women (and it does seem to be primarily women) feel the need to denigrate their mates in this way; brutally and in public. Besides being a horrible thing to do it seems self-defeating: if your husband is such a terrible worthless person with no positive attributes what does that say about you? That this loser is the best you can land suggests you are likewise a loser.

    It seems if for no other reason you should want to build your spouse up to boost your own esteem, rather than tear them down publicly.

    Ultimately if a man treated his wife this way everyone would deem him to be an a$$hole and advise her to get out of a psychologically abusive relationship. But when the reverse occurs some percentage of the population views it as funny or even insightful.

    Oh well, this idiot is putting up with it. I hope he wises up and does a better job selecting his next wife. And that when he finally snaps it manifests in an argument and divorce and not physical violence.

  • Agreed, Smithwick. Even if you don’t respect what the person is doing at that very moment, you should respect the individual and act accordingly.

    That this loser is the best you can land suggests you are likewise a loser.

    I know some wonderful people with some fairly icky boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses, so I’ll rephrase while keeping the meaning intact: that you married and continued to stay married to a loser suggests that you are either possessed of saintly patience or have a lot wrong with you, and if you’re airing the dirty laundry in public, it’s obviously not the former.

    If this guy wanted to challenge his harpy wife, the best way to do it would be to play along with her mentality. Admit to being a total clod, then ask, “Why do you stay married to me? I’m obviously never going to be good enough for you. Find someone else.” She’ll backtrack or get the divorce herself, which saves him from looking like the jerk ex-husband in front of the tyrannical family courts.

  • shy says:

    Wow, seems like you have more in common with Moslems than you think!

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