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How do residents of Orcas Island, WA celebrate Memorial Day? By desecrating the final resting places of our fallen soldiers:
Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans’ graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.
Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.
Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington’s northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.
The vandals struck again on Memorial Day after a guard left at dawn, the San Juan County sheriff’s office said. This time, the vandals left 33 of the hand-drawn swastikas.
“This is not an act of free speech. This is a crime,” Sheriff Bill Cumming said in a statement released Monday afternoon
I just have to wonder sometimes — do these people have no sense of decency? Attacking recruiting stations, protesting at funerals, desecrating graves… and for what? What point are they trying to make… what goal can they accomplish by disrespecting our fallen soldiers? How much more despicable can you get?
Liberals will tell you that while they “don’t agree”, they won’t speak out against these actions because the soldiers died for their right to protest. Maybe so, but just because you can do something does not, by any means, mean that you should — or that the rest of us should condone it. Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and made to pay reparations to the family members of those soldiers. They should be made examples of.
What I want to know is, would this be considered a hate crime for liberals? They’re introducing legislation to specify “hate crimes” against minority groups, as opposed to just regular old “mean” crimes against us normal people. Would this count as a hate crime, even though it wasn’t committed against the liberals’ favorite groups (i.e., gays or minorities)? Probably not.
Don’t expect to see this in the mainstream media, either. I doubt this will even make a blip on the national radar.
Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.
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