Memorial Day 2024- Joe Biden Remembers Beau Biden Again

Memorial Day 2024- Joe Biden Remembers Beau Biden Again

Memorial Day 2024- Joe Biden Remembers Beau Biden Again

It’s a day that ends in “y” so if Joe Biden is speaking, he’s telling a story about his family. Memorial Day 2024, our annual remembrance and expression of gratitude for those who laid down their lives so we could be free. But, for Joe it’s another chance to relate to those who should be honored on this day. It’s a chance to talk about Beau Biden, his late son.

Joe Biden is a tired and tiresome old time politician. He is not very bright and has a meanness through to his soul. What’s even worse is that he holds all of us in even lower esteem. That’s why he tells obviously untrue stories without a niggle to his microscopic conscience. As a matter of fact, while Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General C.Q. Brown, spoke Joe Biden took a little nappy-bye.

Sleep Joe then woke up and gave a stunningly uninspired speech in which, naturally, he mentioned his son Major Beau Biden who died nine years ago this week of glioblastoma. As truly awful as that is, it is not remotely like a battlefield death. Biden even acknowledged that in his Memorial Day 2024 speech. Here is a major portion of the speech:

And, the write up from ABC News:

President Joe Biden, in his Memorial Day message to the nation, said Americans have a “responsibility” to uphold democratic ideals for which so many service members and their families have sacrificed

In a speech at the amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery, on a cloudy morning in Washington, Biden honored those who served in every major conflict since the Civil War.

“Every generation, our fallen heroes have brought us closer,” he continued. “Today we are not just fortunate heirs of their legacy. We have a responsibility to be the keepers of their mission. That truest memorial of their lives. The actions we take every day to ensure our democracy endures. The very idea of America endures.”

Biden, addressing military families of those who have lost loved ones, said he knows how difficult it can be after losing his son Beau to brain cancer in 2015. President Biden on Monday reiterated his belief the cancer stemmed from exposure to burn pits during Beau’s deployment in Iraq.

Oy! Beau Biden was not in the National Guard in 1998-1999 when he was in Kosova. He had a type of cancer in 2001. Beau joined the National Guard in 2003 and deployed in 2005 as part of the Judge Advocate Generals Corps. Beau had a stroke in 2010 and was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2013.

“I know it hurts. The hurt is still real, still raw,” he said, noting this week will mark nine years since Beau’s death. “The pain of his loss is with me everyday as it is for so many of you. Still sharp, still clear but so is the pride I feel in his service as if I can still hear him saying, ‘It’s my duty, dad, it’s my duty.'”

“On this day we came together again to reflect, to remember but above all, to recommit to the future they fought for,” he added. “A future grounded in freedom, democracy, opportunity and equality not just for some but for all.”

What a fruit salad of words. A variety pack. Joe talked about the PACT Act for veterans. It’s early days, but those I know who are Veterans Administration involved have not seen any improvement in services. They are not there for Agent Orange or Burn Pit issues, but for routine medical care. Have burn pits been linked to glioblastoma?

Rather than make it about himself and his “achievements” Biden could have told true stories.

Last night, I watched the PBS National Memorial Day concert, actor B.D. Wong gave an outstanding performance as Allen Hoe, a Vietnam Veteran and Gold Star Father of a GWOT combatant. It was a gut wringing performance:

Have a Grateful Memorial Day.

Featured Image: Original Artwork by Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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1 Comment
  • draigh says:

    Well, at least old, slow Joe didn’t tell us his son died in Iraq in 2002 while serving in the Army!

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