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Memorial Day 2023: The Reasons for Today

Memorial Day 2023: The Reasons for Today

Memorial Day 2023: The Reasons for Today

Today marks the second Memorial Day without my father- my personal hero, idol, and teacher of all that is both good and bad in life. He was not lost while serving his country, but he did serve and lived as though those years in service continued for the rest of his days.

This day also marks the fifth without Jonn, creator of the milblog, staunch support of veterans, devoted friend and family man, and one of my favorite humans throughout my entire life.

They both lost friends through service, and they both lived every subsequent day honoring those who gave all, teaching those of us who would listen, some who wouldn’t, and some who were forced to understand that the Ultimate Sacrifice paid for with the lives of the few had provided the rest of us our creature comforts while protecting our basic ones.

It is they from whom those around them learned to appreciate and honor the fallen. We’ve lost them now, but we won’t forget them, nor will we forget the love, the heart, the intensity with which they provided and protected.

I miss Jonn with every fiber of my being, and will most assuredly think of him every day I’m able to see a sunrise because of the honor with which he lived his life.

As for Pop, there will perpetually be an ache in my soul for another hug, another voicemail saying he loves me, because I’ll always be a daddy’s girl, and I miss my Pop.

No, I’ll never forget.

Featured image via kimdaejeung on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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Obsessively grammatically correct and unapologetically politically incorrect Mom, friend, mad scientist, Papist, and bibliophilic conservative hippie with an internet connection.

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