There’s news today that may just make feminists furious. The majority of women think that motherhood is a woman’s most important role.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Americans think that being a mother is the most important role for a woman to fill in today’s world, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree, and another 18% aren’t sure.
These figures are virtually unchanged from our survey a year ago, and have remained constant over the past few years.
It’s not exactly surprising. The overwhelming majority of women reject radical feminism, telling them that they don’t need to be mothers or that there’s more important, more noble callings for women. Most women innately know that there is nothing more beautiful and precious that a child, and nothing more special than being a mother. It doesn’t mean that women necessarily feel like they have to be stay-at-home moms or that they have no other purpose beyond childbearing, but women fundamentally feel called to motherhood. It’s just a biological fact, something hardwired into our very beings. It’s why so many women are devastated when they miscarry or find out they can’t have children. It’s probably why so many women feel such guilt and remorse after they have abortions.
Feminists can ignore this and try to tell women what they know in their very bones. They can try to tell women that they can take or leave marriage and motherhood.
Thankfully, it looks like the overwhelming majority of women just aren’t buying it.
Cross-posted at Liberty Pundits.
Oh I bet there are a few feminists seething over this news right now. I rather enjoy the thought.
I wonder when such thoughts will be deemed a mental illness (no, you don’t want to have kids, you want abortions and freedom and to live completely free of males, duh) and will come with a prescription?
Cas – spot on. My beautiful and smart bride of nearly 15 years now is stay-at-home by choice, and she does more “work” than many a career-minded feminist.
I’ll take my talented, intelligent and **feminine** wife any day over the screaching harpies of the ultra-feminist bent.
Is this part of your on-going series How to Piss of a Feminist?
The overwhelming majority of women reject radical feminism, telling them that they don’t need to be mothers or that there’s more important, more noble callings for women…. It doesn’t mean that women necessarily feel like they have to be stay-at-home moms or that they have no other purpose beyond childbearing, but women fundamentally feel called to motherhood.
CS Lewis himself (yeah, we’re talking about women, but bear with me) did not want children and was a content bachelor, but acknowledged it as a great failing. Ann Coulter doesn’t have children, and, at least publicly, does not seem to mind. Throughout history, many Catholic women have been called to chastity (and, by definition, away from motherhood) and joyfully take their vows. Nevertheless, Hell would freeze over before you would those people advocating for abortion, claiming that motherhood is slavery, or acting like parenting is anything but incredible.
Even women who do not bear children become mothers, somehow: through adoption, being an involved and loving aunt, teaching, mentoring…. The only unnatural thing is to pretend that an activity, voluntarily engaged in by almost 100% of women and done by proxy by most others, is somehow irrelevant to women’s lives.
But people look at you like you’re nuts when you point out that a lot of leftists have daddy issues.
Just because people believe something doesn’t necessarily mean that they live out those beliefs. Most women believe that they can have everything, that they don’t have to make choices between better and best… and they DO live that way. I am reading all over the place about last year’s 41% single mother birth rate. THAT is the real reality, that people live and/or approve of others around them living.
True belief in a particular “best” thing to be doing results in doing THAT thing, not just talking about it and doing everything else, as well as maybe throwing that thing in, too. Being the “best” mother one can be usually is a full time occupation, and also includes working in conjunction with a full time father, not suing the crap out of him, and several others, and raising kids as a single mother. The divorce rate is well over 50% so whatever people are saying, what they are DOING is making screwed-up decisions from square one, and continuing them henceforth.
Blaming men WON”T WORK here either, as in western civilization women are the one’s that have to say “I do” at the outset, so when something doesn’t work it could be that the first mistake can be traced to the issue of who is choosing what in whom.