Mad King Gavin Newsom: Shutdowns FOREVAH!!!

Mad King Gavin Newsom: Shutdowns FOREVAH!!!

Mad King Gavin Newsom: Shutdowns FOREVAH!!!

While you were focused on the firestorm of Democrat-enabled Leftwing violence this weekend, CA Gov. Newsom declared himself King and instituted new covid rules. Rules both contrary to science and that will keep California on a semi-permanent lockdown well into next year … and beyond.

Thou shall adjust!

King Newsom’s Friday press conference included announcing NEW!! IMPROVED!!! and MORE STRINGENT!!! requirements before he will allow counties to reopen.

“COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and we need to adapt,” he said.

Notice the Imperial “we”? Newsom just loves to makes rules he won’t follow and promises to share the pain he won’t fulfill. Our new monarch is in charge and He.Will.Be.Obeyed.

“We need to live differently,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday after moving the state re-opening goalposts once again.

If anyone is still unclear about the governor’s actual goals: a county can average one “case” per 100,000 for three weeks and still not be fully open.

65% of CA counties are still in the “purple tier” where about 87% of Californians live (approximately 34 MILLION people) and those counties are will have to have less than 7 cases per 100K per day and a positivity rate of less than 8%, for 21 straight days until they are allowed to move into the next restrictive tier. How crazy is Mad King Newsom’s new normal? Two counties, Modoc and Alpine, have ZERO positive cases and ZERO positivity rate, yet have to force their restaurants to adhere to 50% capacity.

King Newsom’s neo-feudal state

It doesn’t matter to the King that thousands of restaurants have permanently closed, or that his Imperial Edicts are destroying the businesses, livelihoods and personal wealth of untold numbers of Californians. Newsom will not be deterred from fundamentally transforming California into a neo-feudal state. The Mad King has his own experts (imaginary or “owned”, who knows?) even science will not stand in his way.

King Gavin Newsom quote
As seen on Facebook – anonymous creator

However, while the Democrat ruling class is crushing churches, they also ignore so-called protests.

Indications are that the speakeasy economy is growing in defiance of The King. Whether it is a knock on the backdoor of a “closed” barbershop for a clandestine haircut or women huddling in living rooms with a rogue manicurist, there are Californians who reject being turned into dependent serfs.

It only remains to be seen if the cheat-by-mail scam goes forward and cements Newsom’s monarchy for the foreseeable future.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image original artwork by Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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