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Well, the VP debate is going to be kicking off in just a few minutes. Keep it here for the liveblogging action.
I think Sarah Palin will do well tonight. Joe Biden will do fine, given that Gwen Ifill is not likely to throw him any hardballs whatsoever. Biden’s big focus is going to be avoiding the million gaffes he seems so prone to making. If Sarah Palin comes out with Sarahcuda tonight, though, she should be able to rip him a new one. And apparently, the strategy is going to be for her to come out swinging.
Sarah doesn’t need to necessarily “win” tonight. No one in the MSM, aside from maybe Fox News, will ever admit that she won anyway, regardless of how well she does. All she needs to do is come across as confident, intelligent, and assertive and she will do fine. America fell in love with her at the RNC because she was so unlike anyone in Washington. She needs to just be herself, and America will fall in love with her all over again. Bring back Sarah the Pit Bull, and she’ll be fine.
Biden, on the other hand… my advice would be to just avoid talking as much as possible. The less Biden talks, the less likely he is to gaffe it up. Not expecting that one to happen though.
And hey, if you get bored, you can always play VP Debate Bingo!
Keep it here… only a few more minutes to go!
8:53: Waiting for the debate to start. Apparently, Reuters wants Sarah’s ears checked for secret radios. They don’t want Biden’s ears checked, but they’re crack on the case to make sure that the McCain campaign’s not cheating! I think they’re doing this solely so that they have an excuse should Palin do well. It’ll only be because of the secret radios in her ears, duh!
9:00: Tuned in to Fox News. Gwen Ifill is already sitting at her desk in the middle. The format will be pretty straightforward. Each candidate will be given 90 seconds to answer a question, and then there will be a 2 minute discussion for rebuttals and follow-ups. The questions have been chosen by — groan — Ifill herself.
9:03: Palin and Biden on stage. Palin is gushing. Walks over to Biden and says, “Hey, can I call you Joe?” Cute. First question to Biden.
9:04: Biden asked about the bailout bill and whether it shows the best or worst of Washington. Biden answers that the economic policies of the last eight years have been the worst ever, and Wall Street has been allowed to run wild. No mention of just who let Wall Street, Fannie, and Freddie run wild. Lays out Obama’s four-point economic plan. Fundamental disagreement between campaigns: Obama-Biden will “fundamentally change” economic policies.
9:05: Palin says the best barometer is to go to a kid’s soccer game and ask parents on the sideline. Says we are likely to hear fear in their voices. The barometer will be resounding that the economy is hurting and that the gov’t hasn’t provided the oversight required. Mentions that McCain pushed so hard with Fannie/Freddie reform warnings and the Senate wouldn’t listen.
9:06: Unprofessional, but true: the split screen makes Palin look even more radiant next to Biden.
9:07: Biden: mentions how McCain said the fundamentals of our economy is strong. No mention of how Obama said the same thing recently. Says McCain is out of touch. Palin: says McCain was talking to and about the American workforce, and it is the greatest in the world. Says as a governor and a mayor she has a track record of reform. Obama has only voted along party lines, 96% of the time. No proof for American people that he will put partisanship and special interest aside. Says to Biden that she respects his years in the Senate, but the people are ready for change and reform. Neither mentioned what they would do as VP.
9:09: Who was at fault for the meltdown? To Palin. Says “darn right” it is the fault of predatory lenders. Too much greed and corruption on Wall Street. Americans need to commit themselves to banding together and saying “never again”. No more exploitation. Need to demand strict oversight from the gov’t and also need to make sure we don’t get ourselves in debt. Stop living outside of our means. We need to take personal responsibility. It’s not Americans’ fault that the economy is bad, but we need to use this opportunity.
9:11: Same to Biden. Obama apparently warned about the crisis two years ago before McCain did. Really? We let Wall Street run wild. McCain is a good man, but thought deregulation was the answer and that Wall Street could self-regulate itself. “John” wanted more deregulation, he wants to do the same for the health industry like the financial industry. The people who “shouldn’t go into debt” can barely fill up their tanks. Middle class needs relief. Focus will change with Obama.
9:12: Palin responds. Obama and Biden voted for largest tax relief in history, voted 94 times to increase taxes or stopped tax reduction. Gov’t needs to learn to be more efficient and live on less. We need tax relief. Obama voted to increase taxes on families only making $42k a year, will kill jobs and hurt families.
9:13: Biden’s response: her remark about taxes is a lie. Using the standard Palin is using, McCain voted over 400 times to raise taxes. Palin didn’t answer the question.
9:14: Palin said she’s still on the tax thing. Said she’s talking straight to the American people, not him or the moderator. Score! Talks about how as governor she cut taxes. McCain adheres to rules and regulations. Biden is smirking. Time is up, now to next question.
9:15: Ifill to Biden: taxing people who make over $250k, how is it not class warfare? Biden says where he comes from it’s just called “fairness”. No one making less than $250k will see one single penny of their taxes raised. No taxes at all. 95% of people in America making less than $150k will see a tax cut. It’s “fairness”. McCain wants to add $300 million — billion — in money to corporate America with nothing for the middle class. Did anyone see an answer to the question?
9:17: Palin’s response. Takes issue with the redistribution of wealth. Tax increase plan affects millions of small businesses who fit into that, and it will affect jobs. Mentions how Biden said paying higher taxes is patriotic for middle class. She and Todd are middle class she says. Patriotic is for gov’t to get out of the way.
9:18: Palin asked if she is interested in defending McCain’s health care plan. He’s proposing a $5k tax credit for families so they can afford health care, as opposed to Obama’s mandatory health care plan. Unless you’re happy with how the gov’t runs things, she doesn’t see how they want gov’t taking over healthcare. Affordability and accessibility are the keys.
9:19: Biden: I don’t know where to start. It’s not redistribution of wealth where he comes from — Scranton! Taking money from oil companies and giving it to middle class is just “fairness”. 95% of small businesses make less than $250k a year. McCain’s healthcare plan will come from taxes and the money will go to insurance companies. It’s the ultimate bridge to nowhere. Audience laughs.
9:21: Biden: what promises have you made to the people that you won’t be able to keep? A commitment we made to double foreign systems. Don’t go forward with tax cut proposals of McCain, for people making over $250k. No $300billion tax cut for corporate America or for Exxon Mobil. Not going to slow up on education or health care. Can’t pronounce “characterize”. Will eliminate wasteful spending. $100billion tax dodge that allows people to take their post office box offshore. He calls it unpatriotic.
9:23: Palin: McCain doesn’t tell one thing to one group and another thing to another group. Biden should remember that the energy plan that Obama voted for which gave the oil companies the tax breaks. She had to take them on in Alaska. They aren’t her biggest fans. She broke up the monopoly and said the people come first. The huge tax breaks aren’t coming to multinational corporations anymore. It was Obama who voted for the energy plan that she had to undo as governor from an energy producing state.
9:24: Ifill asks what she would take off of the table that she’s promised. Palin says no, she will do what’s right by the American people. McCain has not made any promise he can’t keep.
9:25: Biden: agrees with Palin. McCain will not support a windfall profits tax though. McCain wants to give them another $4billion tax cut. He hopes Palin will convince McCain to change his stance.
9:26: Now to Palin. There have been more and more revelations about the corruption and greed on Wall Street. We need to look back and be appreciative of McCain’s warnings. We have him to thank for warning people and bringing people in a bipartisan effort to the table. Just do what’s right to fix this problem. It’s a crisis, a toxic mess. We need to be ever-vigilant.
9:27: Ifill: Biden voted for the bankruptcy bill, Obama against it. Mortgage holders paid the price. Biden’s response: Obama saw the glass as half-empty, he saw it as half-full. Obama pointed out two years ago that there is a sub-prime mortgage crisis, McCain said a year ago that the crisis surprised him. People should be able to adjust the principle that they owe on their mortgages. McCain and Palin don’t support that.
9:29: Palin says it’s not true. Wants to come back to energy. We have to consider all that we can do to become energy independent. It’s nonsensical to rely on foreign countries rather than use our own resources. Instead of dollars circulating here creating tens of thousands of jobs they’re going overseas. Energy independence is the key to our nation’s future, economically and for our national security.
9:30: Ifill asks Palin about climate change. What is true and what is false? Palin: As the nation’s only arctic state, Alaska sees it more than anyone else. She doesn’t attribute everything to man, that they do make a difference but part of it is cyclical. How do we get there to positively affect the impacts of climate change? Was the first governor to deal with it. We’ve gotta become energy independent for that reason also, as other countries don’t care about the climate as we do. That’s why we need an all-of-the-above approach.
9:32: Same to Biden. He thinks its clearly manmade. It’s the biggest fundamental difference between them. If you don’t understand the cause you can’t create a solution. That’s why the polar ice caps are melting (uhhh, except they’re not). McCain has voted against clean energy sources. Obama believes in investing in clean coal and clean nuclear. Off topic, but does Biden’s face look odd to anyone tonight but me? His forehead does not move no matter how expressive his face looks.
9:34: Palin: yes, McCain does support drilling. They hear “Drill, Baby, Drill!” all around the country. People are hungry for it. Alaska is building North America’s largest infrastructure ever in their natural gas pipeline. Obama and Biden have been against every possible solution, especially drilling. Mentions how Biden said there was “no such thing as clean coal”. Does she support capping carbon emissions? She says “I do”.
9:35: Biden says he does as well. Look at his record.
9:36: Does Biden support giving same-sex benefits to couples? Absolutely. In an Obama-Biden administration there will be no discrimination between a same-sex and a heterosexual couple. Talks about joint-ownership of property, hospital visitation, rights of ownership. They can already do those things, idiot.
9:37: Same to Palin. She says not if it goes towards redefining marriage as between one man and one woman. She’s not intolerant of adults choosing their partners and relationships though. She is tolerant and has a diverse family and friends, and some don’t agree with her, but no one would ever propose anything to prohibit visits in a hospital or joint ownership. She will be straight-up with Americans about the fact that she doesn’t support the redefinition of marriage as anything between one man and one woman.
9:39: Biden says Obama and Biden don’t support gay marriage. Palin’s answer is the same.
9:40: Ifill: Wonderful, you agree. Let’s move to foreign policy. Governor, what is your plan for an exit strategy? She’s thankful for the plan for the surge, under a great American hero, Gen. Petraeus. The other ticket opposed the surge and funding for our troops. Obama voted against funding for troops — she respects Biden for calling him out on that, Biden said it was a political move. GREAT! The surge has worked. We can start putting more troops in Afghanistan. We cannot afford to lose against Al Qaeda and the Shias fighting us there. It would be a travesty if we quit now in Iraq.
9:41: Obama has a plan. The same plan that Bush is now negotiating. As for Obama not funding the troops, McCain voted the same way (uh, no he didn’t). Obama and Biden agree that we need a timeline to get them out. Iraqis should spend their own money instead of ours. We will end this war, with McCain there is no end in sight.
9:42: Palin: Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq. It’s not what our troops need to hear. They opposed the surge, the surge worked, and we are finished in Iraq when the gov’t can govern their people and the generals on the ground will tell us when that is possible. Biden said he’d run with McCain and supported him until he was chosen as Obama’s VP. She respects him for cutting off funding to the troops and she doesn’t know how he can defend that now.
9:44: Biden: McCain voted to cut off funding for the troops. He was right, McCain and Cheney were wrong. He didn’t read history for the past “700 years”. He’s been dead wrong, Obama has been right. OK….
9:45: Ifill to Biden: which is worse, a nuclear Iran or an unstable Pakistan? They’re both a threat. Pakistan already has nuclear weapons. Iran is not close to getting a deployable nuclear weapon. McCain continues to tell us that the central front on the war on terror is in Iraq. It’ll come from Al Qaeda planning in the hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan. A stable gov’t needs to be established in Pakistan. 7000 madrassas built along that border, we should be helping them build schools. That’s where bin Laden lives and we will go after him.
9:47: Palin: Gen. Petraeus and Al Qaeda said the central front is in Iraq. A nuclear Iran would be dangerous. They cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Iraq is a stinking corpse according to Iran. Ahmedinejad is not sane or stable, and he cannot have nuclear energy or weapons, like Castro and Kim Jong Il. These are all people who Obama said he would meet with. That goes beyond naivete and poor judgement, it’s dangerous. They should not be met with without precondition.
9:48: Ifill: Secretaries of State all advocate meeting with these leaders, do you disagree? Palin says no, we agree with diplomacy. But some of these dictators who disagree with us, who would destroy everything we stand for, cannot be met with on a presidential level without preconditions. Diplomacy is hard work by serious people. It’s lining up clear objectives and sanctions and having allies willing to back you up.
9:50: Biden: Obama never said he’d meet without preconditions (LIE! LIE! LIE!). Our friends and allies have been saying sit down and talk. Five secretaries of state as well. McCain says he agrees but won’t sit down and talk with the adversaries. Repeats the Spain lie.
9:51: Ifill to Palin: What has the gov’t done right or wrong with the Israeli-Palestine conflict? We need a two-state resolution. Israel is our strongest and best ally in the Middle East. We can never allow a second Holocaust despite warnings from Iran. We will support Israel, a two-state solution, building an embassy in Jerusalem. They have a track record of being able to negotiate peace agreements with other nations like Jordan and Egypt.
9:52: Biden: No one has been a better friend in the Senate to Israel than Joe Biden. This administration’s policies have been an abject failure to Israel. We will change this policy with thoughtful diplomacy.
9:54: Palin: The administration’s policies have not been an abject failure, but I’m glad we both love Israel. Americans will eventually say “enough is enough” with the looking back and pointing fingers. A ticket that talks about change and looking forward is doing too much finger pointing to be talking about change. Gov’t will be back on the side of the people.
9:55: Biden: past is prologue. McCain’s policies aren’t any different than George Bush’s. Once again we’ll be the most respected nation in the world.
9:56: To Palin: what should be the trigger for intervention with nuclear weapons? Dangerous regimes cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. For countries like North Korea we need to be putting economic sanctions on those countries. They cannot proliferate or acquire nuclear weapons. Wants to mention how Afghanistan policy IS different than Bush’s, want to implement the surge principle. Mentions Obama’s “air raiding villages and killing civilians” in Afghanistan comment. We will win in Afghanistan also.
9:58: Biden: With Afghanistan facts matter. Commanding General said that the surge principles used in Iraq will not work in Afghanistan. We need more troops (um… like a surge?). We have spent more money in three weeks in Iraq than we have in the entirety of Afghanistan. Arms control and nuclear weapons require a nuclear arms control regime. McCain voted against a nuclear test ban treaty.
10:00: Palin: McKiernan did not say definitively that surge principles will not work. Counter-insurgency principles can work in Afghanistan. Clearing, holding, rebuilding can work in Afghanistan. The leaders over there have not said anything but that. Biden: Well, um, our Commanding General did say that.
10:01: Ifill to Biden: You have a track record of putting boots on the ground in places like Bosnia and Darfur. Do Americans have the stomach for that? He answers yes. Look at what we accomplished. Iraq has been a mistake. We needed to use sanctions. “I don’t have the stomach for genocide” like in Darfur.
10:03: Palin: It’s so obvious that I’m a Washington outsider, because I just don’t understand the “I was for it before I was against it”. He supported McCain’s military strategies pretty adamantly and opposed Obama’s pretty adamantly, until he joined this ticket. Agrees with him on Darfur though. Call for divestments from Sudan in Alaska when she saw what was happening. We should do all we can to end those atrocities.
10:05: Is there a line that should be drawn before we go in? Biden: Absolutely. We first need to have the capacity. A country partaking in genocide has forfeited their right to tell other countries they have no right to invade. He never supported McCain’s military policies. He was lockstep with Dick Cheney. It has been absolutely wrong from the outset. Palin disagrees with him again. He can say what he wants to say, but pundits will start the “who said what at what time” tomorrow and everyone will know the truth anyway.
10:07: Ifill: How would a Biden administration be different from an Obama administration if the worst were to happen? Biden: it would be a horrible tragedy but he would follow Obama’s policies. In essence he agrees with every major initiative he is suggesting.
10:09: Palin: as for disagreeing, what do you expect? We’re a team of mavericks, we don’t agree on anything. He never asks her to check her opinions at the door. She disagrees about ANWR. She agrees with him about putting gov’t back on the side of the people and working on reform. Every day working class Americans telling gov’t to get out of their way. They’re going to have a choice between a ticket that wants to create jobs and win a war, or a ticket that will hurt the economy and raise taxes. Biden talks about the middle class, “his” neighborhood of Scranton, failed Bush policies. Palin: Oh, say it ain’t so, Joe, there you go again pointing fingers. America needs to be putting more focus on education, teachers need to be paid for, she comes from a house full of teachers (grandmother, father, brother). We have to increase standards. No Child Left Behind is not doing the job. We have to ramp it up and put more attention on schools.
10:13: Ifill: Palin said she needed someone to explain to her what the VP does. What as the VP do in your eyes: It was a lame attempt at a joke. No one got the joke. She knows what a VP does, like preside over the Senate. Will be supportive of the President’s policies. Will lead in specific areas, like families with special needs children.
10:14: Biden wants to get back to education. Obama wants Biden with him to help him govern, he’ll be in the room for “every major decision”. Uh, that was a bad line.
10:15: Biden: VP Cheney is the most dangerous VP we’ve ever had in the history of the United States. Primary role of VP is to support the President. They only preside over the Senate when there is a tie vote. He has no authority over the legislative branch, it’s been a lie invented by Cheney.
10:18: Bathroom break!
10:20: Biden: It’s very kind to say his only Achilles Heel is his lack of temperament. He also has too much passion. Talks about his record of change. I gotta be honest, this debate’s getting boring. Mentions his wife and daughter dying in a car accident. Knows what it’s like to be a single parent. He’s much better off now than most Americans. He knows what it’s like to have a child you don’t know is going to make it. They’re all looking for help, not more of the same.
10:21: Palin: People are looking for change, and John has been a constant maverick. He’s taken on his own party when the time was right. That’s what she’s done as governor also. His supporters who come from such a diverse background of party and partisanship show that he is truly a marverick. Biden cuts in. McCain has been no maverick on things that matter to people’s lives. He has not been a maverick in providing healthcare to people (since when is healthcare a right?? UGH!). He has not been a maverick on the war or on virtually anything that genuinely affects what people sitting around the kitchen table. How are we going to heat the house or get Mom’s MRI? Maverick he is not.
10:24: Final question to Biden. Can you think of a single issue which you were forced to change a long-held view? He was originally of the view that the only thing that mattered was whether or not a nominee put to the Supreme Court had a judicial view. And he eventually realized that the ideology of the judge matters. It’s why he was the first Chairman of the Judiciary Committee who said ideology matters.
10:25: Palin: there have been times that budgets have been passed that she didn’t veto, where she quasi-caved. There were times she wanted to zero base budget and cut taxes even more. But no, she never compromised her principles. They worked together and didn’t care who got the credit for what. That’s what we’re going to do in Washington, bring both sides together.
10:26: They both talk about bipartisanship. How do you change the tone as VP? Biden: McCain would acknowledge this, but he’s been able to work across party lines. He doesn’t question motive, he questions judgement. Palin: you do what she did as Governor, and appoint people of all political persuasions, Republican Democrat or Independent. The policies and proposals need to speak for themselves. Support a ticket that will win a war and help the economy or support a ticket that will raise taxes and hinder energy independence.
10:29: Palin’s closing statements: She likes being able to answer the tough questions without the filter of the mainstream media. Likes to be able to just speak to the American people straightforwardly. She and McCain will fight for America and she knows the hurts and the joys. We are so blessed and has always been proud to be an American. We have to fight for economic and national security freedoms. Quotes Ronald Reagan on freedom. Only one man in this race has ever really fought for you, and that’s McCain.
10:31: Biden’s closing statements: This is the most important election we’ll ever vote for in our entire lives. We’ve dug ourselves into a hole these past eight years. He and Obama don’t measure progress towards change by how CEOs are doing or how much regulation we cut. We measure progress whether or not people can pay their mortgage or if they can send their kids to college. In the neighborhood he grew up in, it was all about dignity and respect. Ends with a “God Bless All of You”.
And that’s it!
For me, I think Sarah Palin won. She had plenty of zingers and seemed knowledgeable, confident, and assertive. She attacked Biden over and over again, and Biden couldn’t quite respond. She was feisty and she was just herself, Sarah down the street who your kid plays hockey with.
However. (Yes, there is a however.)
However, I think the American people will likely see this as a draw. The media will not call out Biden on the gazillion lies he told during the debate, and there were a lot. They both performed well. Neither of them made any real big mistakes, no one said anything embarassing, so Americans will probably like both of them. She definitely held her own, and Biden was able to control himself.
I think Biden did have a major uh-oh, and perhaps I’m the only one who raised an eyebrow. He said Obama wanted him in the room advising him for every major decision Obama would make as President. It certainly made me think, wow, is Obama not comfortable making Presidential decisions on his own? That line makes it look that way for sure.
So, as far as a clear winner goes, I don’t think there is one. Palin did great. Biden didn’t have any gaffes. I think Palin wins, but Biden didn’t necessarily perform badly.
A Fox News focus group is being featured right now. At the beginning of the debate, they were split down the middle. At the end, the majority said she won. Almost all of them said she did better than expected. Many of them said that she came across like “Main Street America”. On the issue of personal responsibility, everyone in the focus group reacted extremely positively. A few said that they even moved towards McCain thanks to this debate!
Hey, maybe I’m setting the bar too high. It seems like everyone loved her!
UPDATE: I hope that this gets spread far and wide. Ace of Spaces has Biden’s fourteen lies from the debate. Here’s a few:
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
UPDATE: Hot Air has the statement from the McCain campaign.
“Tonight, Governor Palin proved beyond any doubt that she is ready to lead as Vice President of the United States. She won this debate, putting Joe Biden on defense on energy, foreign policy, taxes and the definition of change. Governor Palin laid bare Barack Obama’s record of voting to raise taxes, opposing the surge in Iraq, and proposing to meet unconditionally with the leaders of state sponsors of terror. The differences between the Obama-Biden ticket and the McCain-Palin ticket could not have been clearer. The American people saw stark contrasts in style and worldview. They saw Joe Biden, a Washington insider and a 36-year Senator, and Governor Palin, a Washington outsider and a maverick reformer. Governor Palin was direct, forceful and a breath of fresh air.” –Jill Hazelbaker, McCain-Palin 2008 Communications Director
I noticed the major uh-oh myself. I think that it will be brought up by the alternative media as soon as they have a chance to digest everything.
I think you are right that most people will see this as a draw, except, those are the same people who have been subjected to the media portrayal of her as some kind of stupid ditz. Obviously, she was not. For that reason alone, she won big time. And so did McCain, since they have been tying that to his judgment.
Funny about that FOX focus group being split. I was watching CBS and they had a group of “undecided” voters, most of whom, they said, were leaning Obama/Biden. I guess CBS couldn’t locate any McCain supporters to make a balanced group.
I only tuned in at the point where they were discussing gay marriage and couple’s rights. From that point on, what I saw was pretty good. Sarah held her own, and really surpassed Biden on several areas. However, she missed a couple key openings. But in the end, I think she won (what I saw) hands down. I love how Biden said he “hasn’t changed” in his “35 years” in the senate, yet pushed how he and Obama were going to bring “Change”. Erm…HUH? As for the Uh Oh, I caught that too, and I got the same creepy feeling as well.
Thanks for the play-by-play. I don’t watch TV, this is my only source for the debates.
After Governor Palin’s speech at the convention, I heard Michael Reagan say how wrong he had been in thinking that no one would ever come along to pick up his father’s mantle, that Sarah Palin was that person.
I thought, at the time, that might be taking it a bit far. I would like to ask for a little sympathy for that doubt seeing as how his father, America’s second Washington, was the first president I ever voted for – and the man who shook me out of my youthful, mush-headed liberalism.
But, it’s really true, tonight the Governor spoke to me just as President Reagan once did, right over the heads of the jaded, America-hating, limousine-liberal press. No matter what happens next month, let the world be on notice, conservatism is back – and this time the liberal-smashing, little-guy defending, Iron Lady pitbull is on our side of the Atlantic.
It’s a new dawn, a new day..our day!
After Governor Palin’s speech at the convention, I heard Michael Reagan say how wrong he had been in thinking that no one would ever come along to pick up his father’s mantle, that Sarah Palin was that person.
I thought, at the time, that might be taking it a bit far. I would like to ask for a little sympathy for that doubt seeing as how his father, America’s second Washington, was the first president I ever voted for – and the man who shook me out of my youthful, mush-headed liberalism.
But, it’s really true, tonight the Governor spoke to me just as President Reagan once did, right over the heads of the jaded, America-hating, limousine-liberal press. No matter what happens next month, let the world be on notice, conservatism is back – and this time the liberal-smashing, little-guy defending, Iron Lady pitbull is on our side of the Atlantic.
It’s a new dawn, a new day..our day!
[Obama wants Biden with him to help him govern, he’ll be in the room for “every major decision”. Uh, that was a bad line.]
To me, Biden just pretty much admitted he’s Barack Obama’s brain. Not exactly a comfort to be sure.
I think what strikes me most is how many blatant lies Biden told. I think it’s sad that most of America won’t ever take the time to look into any of it and will just take what he says at face value. 🙁
Obama warning about the crisis? If that’s true I haven’t seen the documented evidence (though McCain’s bill to curb Fannie/Freddie is on the books). Not to mention Obama made millions off of the questionable practices.
Biden says climate change is man’s fault. Sorry bud, at best this is questionable (personally I think it’s flat wrong but that’s only because I’m plagued with data and facts).
Biden also says Obama supports nuclear. Everything I’ve ever seen says he’s against it. I mean sure he says he’s for it but doesn’t support any plan to deal with the waste products which would pretty much leave any nuclear option doa.
McCain voted against troop funding. Wrong.
and the list goes on. I mean really. What’s he thinking when all these facts are public record and easily accessible. Again though. I wonder how many people will actually take the time to verify what he’s said (and to be fair, what Palin said).
I especially loved the part about Biden talking about “ya wanna see the economic crisis, just walk around my neighborhood”. Yeah, I bet his neighborhood is a little different the my $500 a month apartment complex what with the Lexus’s and million dollar houses and such. Made me throw up in my mouth a little. He knows the “average” American like I know the price of arugula.
of course someone beat me to it…
Biden’s 14 lies from Ace of Spades
How the left tolerate all the lying and blatent hypocrisy is beyond me, when any faux pas or misstep by a Conservative is emblazoned across the media spectrum. Palin was incredible though and regardless of this election outcome, I think we are looking at the first woman President.
I’m pretty sure that Biden made an explicit, positive reference to “gay marriage”, using that specific term, during his response to that question. The word “marriage” jumped out at me, especially since very soon thereafter he said he did not support gay marriage. Maybe it was a simple mistatement, but it semed pretty Freudian to me.
And of course homosexuals can already enter into any contracts, name insurance beneficiaries, etc., that they like. I used to be an insurance agent, and never gave two hoots who a client named as a beneficiary, what gender they were, or what their relationship was. They were a name on a form.
Or maybe I misheard him. I hope not, because unlike the other side, I’m not interested in spreading information that I know isn’t true just because it may help my preferred candidate.
and the hits just keep on coming…
I don’t know enough about the history of this to have recognized the error:
and of course yet another article on his not knowing the constitution:
I like this quote: “It is Article II that creates the executive branch of government, a fact that Hinderaker’s 16 year old daughter pointed out.”
Apparently Biden can’t be bothered with little things like THE CONSTITUTION. I tell ya, if Cabela’s was smart they’d run a massive sale on ammunition. Anyone who’s not stockpiling in the off chance these clowns take office really should be.