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Liberals cry racism over AZ immigration bill; ignore overwhelming crime

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Liberals cry racism over AZ immigration bill; ignore overwhelming crime

Arizona is on the brink of passing a tough new immigration law that some are calling racial profiling. The bill would give police the right to arrest anyone they suspect to be an illegal immigrant if they are unable to produce a driver’s license or identity papers.

Naturally, this has the liberals and Latino lobbyists in an uproar. Cries of RAAAAACISM!!! are already begininng. Total ignorance of the ongoing, overwhelming crime due to illegal immigrant is, as usual, being ignored.

Over at the Huffington Post Miguel Guadalupe (who identifies himself as a Latino progressive American) calls this a “Gestapo law”.

“Show me your papers, are your papers in order?” This phrase was made famous, or rather infamous, by the Gestapo, and will soon be heard throughout the state of Arizona, should their Governor sign into law SB1070, a vague and broad law giving law enforcement the unprecedented power to stop and check the documentation of any individual where “reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the U.S..”

There are no guidelines as to what “reasonable suspicion” is, but knowing the reality on the ground, it is obvious to all that “reasonable suspicion” means those looking like, sounding like, or acting like general stereotypes of undocumented immigrants coming from Latin America. In short — this is a bill that allows police to suspect all Latinos of being undocumented, and gives them the right to question their status at any time, for any reason.

He bleats on with some more Nazi rhetoric and right-wing bashing, but never once admits to the obvious. Illegal immigration is a crime. And even legal immigrants — non-US citizens — are here only at our pleasure. It’s a harsh truth, but no immigrant has a right to be here. Coming here through legal channels means you won’t be arrested, but if you come here illegally then you can and should be arrested if you are discovered. Liberals may not like it that Latinos will have to prove they are not here illegally, but I think that what really makes them so angry is the thought of our immigration laws actually being, you know, enforced.

As for the Nazi rhetoric, let’s bring Mr. Guadalupe back to reality. In Nazi Germany, the Gestapo was looking for Jews so that they could be shipped to concentration camps and murdered. There’s kind of a big difference between the murders of innocent people and the arrest of a criminal, but apparently, Mr. Guadalupe can’t comprehend the difference.

At Shakesville, they’re hyperventilating that this is going to be a repeat of the Geary Act:

As a historian, I don’t like to hear people say “If we don’t learn history, we’re doomed to repeat it.” We learn history all the time, and still do much of the same, hateful stuff that’s always been done.

In reading the provisons of the bill, I wondered, how different was it from the Geary Act of 1892:

The law required all Chinese residents of the United States to carry a resident permit, a sort of internal passport. Failure to carry the permit at all times was punishable by deportation or a year at hard labor.

How different is it? Well, for one, we don’t force people to serve hard labor anymore. The only place where there is anything even remotely similar is in Maricopa County, where they still have chain gangs. Thing is, the chain gangs are on a volunteer basis. People caught in Arizona who are suspected of being illegal immigrants will be arrested and, if they are in fact illegal immigrants, deported. Again, considering that illegal immigrants are in fact criminals, what is the big deal?

Markos Moulitsas whines that no one will be checking for Canadian or Irish immigrants (really), and points out that Latinos are on the fast track to becoming a majority in Arizona.

The GOP-dominated Arizona legislature last week passed a bill making it a misdemeanor to lack immigration paperwork and requiring police to question people if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that someone is an illegal immigrant. But undocumented white Canadians or Irish need not fear, because “reasonable suspicion” is not-so-veiled code for “brown skin.”

God forbid you are darker-skinned and leave your wallet at home. In modern-day Arizona, that is grounds for jail.

… But while conservatives might pat themselves on the back for passage of this law, the long-term effects shouldn’t be so comforting. Latinos make up 29 percent of Arizona’s population. If current population trends continue, Arizona will become a majority-minority state by 2015. In 2003, more Latino babies were born than non-Hispanic white babies. And by 2007, Latino babies were 45 percent of the total, compared to 41 percent for non-Hispanic whites, and 14 percent for non-Hispanic Asians, Native Americans and African-Americans.

The Irish-Canadian argument is perhaps my favorite. I’m sure police should be worrying about all immigrants in Arizona. Because we all know that there are just tons of Canadians and Europeans flying into Mexico City so that they can cross the border illegally into Arizona!

The reality is, Latinos will be targeted because Latinos make up the majority of illegal immigrants. Again, this is a criminal offense. Authorities talk about enforcing the law, and liberals completely lose their minds. If we aren’t even allowed to ask someone about their immigration status, then how the hell are we supposed to get a handle on illegal immigration? The answer is we can’t, and I suspect that this is the exact thing that liberals are trying to accomplish.

As for the growing number of Latino babies being born, there’s a name for them: anchor babies.

At Firedoglake, the bill is being called xenophobic, and strangely… being attacked on the grounds that poor, innocent, little brown-skinned people will be the ones investigated while all the evil white-skinned criminals will be able to keep on breaking the law!

In fact, multiple police chiefs have come out strongly against the bill, despite state legislators trying to minimize that opposition. Law enforcement doesn’t want to spend all their time enforcing an untargeted police state against brown-skinned people while real people engaging in real crimes don’t get the same kind of speculation.

It’s a shame that none of these people get it. Being an illegal immigrant is in and of itself a crime. And Arizona residents have seen firsthand the effects of letting illegal immigration run rampant — but more on that shortly.

The best angry post was from Feministing. Apparently, illegal immigration somehow relates to equality for women now. I don’t see it, but then again, I don’t consider modern feminists to be true feminists, anyways. Their outrage comes courtesy of John McCain.

According to McCain, “illegals,” are intentionally cause traffic accidents, uh, not to mention cause property damage, theft and other types of crime, well, you know, all while tending to your garden. Watch below.

… You have to love how he essentially says that he is sorry if there is any racial profiling to come out of this law, but that it is basically worth it to “protect” people.

McCain’s attitude to me reeks of the small minded racism that came out of the last election and reminds me of something Alice Walker said when I went to see her speak last week (i know I am so lucky, she was amazing). She mentioned that she really loved Obama, but she often felt frustrated with the way that he was negotiating with some Republicans, not because it was bad politics, but because he isn’t old enough to have seen how stubborn whites that were against desegregation and black advancement used to act in Congress. She said that the behavior of many Republicans in Congress was the same attitude that they had many years ago when they didn’t want blacks to have equal access and that they were acting like “spoiled children.” To which naturally, we all applauded.

So we not only have Nazi rhetoric against this bill, but we have racism/civil rights rhetoric as well. Most interesting to point out, of course, is that Republicans are being blamed for fighting against the civil rights and desegregation movement. As most people with any knowledge of American history know, it was Democrats who fought against repealing slavery, Democrats who fought against desegregation, Democrats who fought against civil rights, and Democrats who kept a former leader of the KKK in their party for decades. Republicans were the ones for desegregation, the repeal of slavery, and the civil rights movement. But, as per usual from liberals, that’s gotten neatly turned onto its head in order to paint conservatives and Republicans yet again as racists.

And a big thanks to John McCain, by the way, for boiling this all down to illegal immigrants intentionally causing traffic accidents. While framed disastrously, this is the kind of thing he was actually referring to:

In that story, Babeu said that there had been “numerous officers that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona” and that “in just one patrol area, we’ve had 64 pursuits — failure to yield for an officer — in one month.”

The line didn’t fully mesh with McCain’s inference that illegal aliens were causing disasters on the roads “intentionally.” But Buchanan pointed out that in a subsequent interview on MSNBC (this Wednesday), Babeu did, in fact, make that point.

“[J]ust last month alone we have had 64 pursuits. That’s where these illegals are failing to yield to lights and sirens, as every good citizen would pull to the side of the road, they are intentionally causing serious traffic hazards. They have caused wrecks, running red lights. It puts our deputies and officers in harm’s way. One thing new in their tactics, nearly every one of them is armed. So this created, even with one of our deputies crashing into an actual ditch and into water, he was face down unconscious. And a Casa Grande officer literally saved his life.”

McCain was making a good point, but he did it in the most awful way. He effectively diminished the rampant crime taking place in Arizona due to illegal immigration to nothing more than traffic accidents. And the reality, unfortunately, is much more grim.

Consider the murder of Arizona rancher Rob Krentz. Arizona ranchers had been afraid that something like this would happen for a long time now, because of the increasing amount of border crime going on, and it eventually did. Michelle Malkin has been very outspoken about his death, and received multiple testimonies from other ranchers attesting to the increasing crime in the area. They have seen firsthand the drug smuggling and human trafficking going on across the border. They’ve seen the violence from the drug cartels. See this example:

For many years, we farmed along side those on the other side of the border. Most people who crossed our properties were not a threat, but that has long since changed. We now find ourselves faced with a government that feels the issue is not significant, as well as our neighbors in the city who are more concerned about “immigrants rights” than our safety. While Bush’s fence project had a lot of problems, the section that crosses our property created a significant deterrent. Traffic decreased from over a hundred per day to a handful per week. The cartels don’t care how they get access to your property. If they can’t buy you out, they will kill you and your family.

Families who live along both sides of the border have been threatened and attacked for some time now by cartels. On the same weekend that the consulate worker was murdered, a young man from Fabens, Texas and his father in law were kidnapped and taken into Mexico. He had turned in a group who had moved onto his property and set up a meth lab to law enforcement. Both men were tortured for several hours before they were finally murdered and dumped.

This problem is not just one on the borders anymore, either. Illegal immigration crime has spread its tentacles throughout the entire country, and nowhere is that more evident than in the frightening growth of the brutal Central American gang, MS-13. They engage in a whole host of illegal activities — drug trafficking, murder, prostitution, human trafficking, home invasions, money laundering, extortion, carjackings, bank robberies, contract killing, rape, kidnapping, arms trafficking, and more. This isn’t your average gang. They are notoriously brutal and bloodthirsty, and they’ve become the fastest growing gang in America.

The signs of a new threat in northern Virginia emerged ominously in blood-spattered urban streets and rural scrub. Two summers ago the body of a young woman who had informed against her former gang associates was found on the banks of the Shenandoah River, repeatedly stabbed and her head nearly severed. Last May in Alexandria, gang members armed with machetes hacked away at a member of the South Side Locos, slicing off some of his fingers and leaving others dangling by a shred of skin. Only a week later in Herndon, a member of the 18th Street gang was pumped full of .38-caliber bullets, while his female companion, who tried to flee, was shot in the back. The assailant, according to a witness, had a large tattoo emblazoned on his forehead. It read MS, for Mara Salvatrucha, the gang allegedly responsible for all these attacks.

At the nearby headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, agents–many of whom live in these communities–fielded the reports with mounting alarm. But Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, wasn’t terrifying just northern Virginia. “They were popping up everywhere,” says Chris Swecker, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division. “It seemed like we were hearing more and more about MS-13.” Then one day last fall, FBI Director Robert Mueller called Swecker into his office. “You have a mandate to go out and address this gang,” Mueller told him. Mueller declared MS-13 the top priority of the bureau’s criminal-enterprise branch–which targets organized crime–and authorized the creation of a new national task force to combat it. The task force, which includes agencies like the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), aims to take on MS-13 much as the FBI once tackled the Mafia.

Composed of mostly Salvadorans and other Central Americans–many of them undocumented–the gang has a uniquely international profile, with an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 members in 33 states in the United States (out of more than 700,000 gang members overall), and tens of thousands more in Central America. It’s considered the fastest-growing, most violent and least understood of the nation’s street gangs–in part because U.S. law enforcement has not been watching as closely as it might have. As authorities have focused their attention on the war against terrorism, MS-13 has proliferated. In the FBI’s D.C. field office, the number of agents dedicated to gang investigations declined by 50 percent. “There was a definite shift in resources post-9/11 toward terrorism,” says Michael Mason, assistant director in charge of that office. “As a result, we had fewer resources to focus on gangs,” though he adds that the bureau made up for any shortfall by leveraging resources from other agencies. In recent weeks, authorities have made strides against MS-13: a gang leader accused of orchestrating a December bus bombing in Honduras that killed 28 people was arrested in Texas in February, and a recent seven-city sweep by ICE netted more than 100 reputed MS-13 members. But Robert Clifford, head of the new national task force, says “no single law-enforcement action is really going to deal the type of blow” necessary to dismantle the gang. No one is more interested in busting up MS-13 than leaders of the Latino community, who live with the fear and fallout of the gang’s savage actions.

The violence and crime that have washed over our country due to our open borders and lax immigration policies cannot be dismissed anymore. And if racial profiling is what’s needed to stem the bleeding, so to speak, then that is what needs to be done. Liberals like to pretend that they can hold hands with dictators, terrorists, and illegal immigrants alike and sing Kumbaya to make everything all better. Saying over and over again that they’re just trying to do jobs that Americans won’t do won’t stop the crime. The truth is, the amount of crime that has flooded into Arizona has given lawmakers no choice but to take harsher measures to protect Americans. Liberals and lobbyists want to stand in the way of that, making people like the Arizona ranchers further susceptible to become victims of these criminals. They try to stop the effort to stop the flow of crime by making accusations of racism and by marginalizing the amount of criminal activity that has been happening in Arizona.

Arizona lawmakers are responding to what has become a legitimate crisis in Arizona, yet liberals are siding with criminals, drug dealers, murders, and the like. You tell me who is more un-American.

Cross-posted at The Green Room, Stop the ACLU, and Liberty Pundits.

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  • Jim Fister says:

    The point is that police should be required to understand citizenship and immigration status at any point. There’s no reason they can’t just ask for proof of citizenship at any stop.

    But with all that said, the immigration problems in AZ (and CA, but don’t expect change there soon) are so pervasive, it would probably help to at least identify where the deepest issues lie.

  • Great, just great. Good to see that HA is parachuting in to this issue.

    However, “Being an illegal immigrant is in and of itself a crime” probably isn’t correct. An overstay probably hasn’t committed a crime; those who are here illegally but who didn’t have a visa have been prosecuted for the crime of illegal entry.

  • Juan says:

    Wow, I didn’t realize my parents (who are here illegally, oh noez!) are criminals.

    Thank you for opening my eyes!

  • ERIC says:

    When I get pulled over for whatever, I know I must prove my identity. what’s the problem here…are you against latinos having to do the same? I don’t understand why this is even still a discussion. GET EM OUTA HERE and they can just start over..from the Beginning!

  • I thought police could make an arrest for probably cause anyway. Isn’t being here illegally a misdemeanor (sp?). So what is the problem? If the Federal government had been doing their job, this would not even be an issue.

  • icr says:

    Hard to believe, but about the time of the first Earth Day in 1970 lefties were actually worried about overpopulation. (It’s true-you can look it up) Now the US is on its way to a population of 400 million by 2040 and the population would have stabilized many years ago without (leaving aside distinctions of legality) immigration.

    What caused the change in tune by the left?

    In 1970 they hadn’t yet come to the realization that they could import tens of millions of left-wing voters who could be used to turn the US into a neo-Bolshevik state.

  • OUR FOUNDER, along with Juan McCain, tried to solve this problem 3 years ago. Now you have Hate Sites like popping-up everywhere.

    Pass Amnesty…Do it for Ted!

  • Juan says:

    And Republicans wonder why we (Hispanics) vote Democratic.

    I’m tired of the GOP treating us like 2nd-class citizens. Unreal.

  • marty liam says:

    Maybe at traffic stops police shouldn’t ask for driver’s licenses either. Is that infringing on constitutional rights? Doesn’t a nation have a right to protect it’s borders? What other nations have such open borders? Name them. Name one.

  • Fiend says:

    Juan, in order for them to treat you like 2nd-class citizens, you’d actually have to be a citizen in the first place.

    No one has a right to just come into this country and start working. Our immigration policies need overhaul, I’ll agree with that, but no one has the right to just sneak across the border in the dead of night. What makes them so much more special than the folks who are going through the legal immigration process and patiently waiting for the door to be opened?

    I have zero sympathy for illegals. They need to be deported, and if I had my way, they would be forever barred from getting a visa of any kind so they could enter the country and work legally. We also need to do away with citizenship being granted to anyone born on American soil, to get rid of the anchor baby problem.

  • I love that part about the Geary Act. Apparently, Shakesville missed the part where California Congressman Thomas Geary was a Democrat, and that the majority of votes in favor of the Act where from Democrats.

    The labor unions supported the Geary Act.

    The Act went along hand in hand with the racism towards blacks inherent within the Democrat Party.

  • Hah! Finally found this:

    “No more Chinese immigration, except for travel, education, and foreign commerce, and that even carefully guarded.” –Platform of the Democratic Party, 1880

    “American civilization demands that against the immigration or importation of Mongolians to these shores our gates be closed.” Platform of the Democratic Party, 1884

    “We favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law, and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races.” -Platform of the Democratic Party, 1900

  • Jay Davis says:

    I have a novel idea – why don’t we just handle illegal immigrants the same way the country they came from handles illegal immigrants. I hear Mexico is very nice to people caught entering the country illegally – they welcome them with open arms. And they are very accomodating with regards to language, printing bilingual signs and everything.

    Obama and the rest of the liberal idiots should learn from Arizona’s anger and close our borders.

  • TomareUtsuZo says:

    It’s times like this that I understand why the the liberals call you Conservatives Fascists. I am sad because I know, this law will hurt law abiding citizens far more then the illegals. Fools, we are a nation of fools on all sides.

  • Natalie says:

    I’m not against the Arizona law — it seems it’s basically just giving law enforcement the go-ahead to do their jobs, which is to simply enforce the law.

    In addition, I’d suggest a kind of consumer watchdog/boycott/sunshine movement that would target businesses who have been proven to knowingly employ illegals. Make it more costly for them to do so, rather than the opposite. Nothing commands action louder than the bottom line.

  • Duke says:

    Wait. I was led to believe that there was some smokin’ hot to be found here? Is it that thing above?

  • courtenay says:

    I think what you fail to realize about the Nazi and Geary act arguments is both are predicated totally on race. Nazi’s hunted down Jewish people because of their race. The Geary Act required only Chinese to hold and produce paperwork. Race is a constitutionally protected class. Innocent citizens will be subjected to unreasonable detentions as a result of this lunacy. Most law enforcement is not qualified to make such subtle distinctions in status. Lawsuits for violations of civil rights are bound to occur. This misguided legislation is vague in it’s definition and allows arbitrary enforcement. Both unconstitutional without conferring any constitutional rights to the illegal alien.

    No, we are not killing people or forcing hard labor but an Arizona Class I misdemeanor carries up to $2500 fine and six months in jail. It then graduates to a felony, with no mitigation of sentence in either class. If this person ends up in Maricopa County with Sheriff Joe, it’s a close as it gets to hard labor. Furthermore, the law doesn’t say law enforcement can only employ this statute for people caught entering through the Mexican border. It’s valid anywhere in the State, therefore, the European decent argument “is” valid for just the reason you cited. Plenty of foreign tourists come to Arizona for the weather.

    And finally, the MS-13 and driving crime issues are completely preposterous arguments. MS-13 is not confined to illegal immigrants. It’s one of the fastest growing gangs in the nation. That means, logically, citizens have to be involved. While started by Central American’s, it is not solely an immigrant issue. What about non-Latino gangs: Aryan Brotherhood, Blood, Crips, etc. Just as dangerous and widespread. Most illegal aliens are, with the exception of immigration or entry status, law abiding people. They cannot afford otherwise. This law has merely given them another reason to be involved in those high-speed chases you and McCain complained of.

    I’m glad you’re are getting involved but you are still missing the intellectual/constitutional side of this issue. Not to mention, how much Arizona will be paying if it actually has to incarcerate all these offenders? Your state treasury will disappear instantly. This also ignores civil suits.

  • KAT says:

    this is bullshit they are always treating all the Latin people like is we were slaves or something !WTF!??we are people to! and we are not here just to bother all this “”GRiiNGOS!”” we are here for a better life beause we also want to suceed!!

  • Juan says:


    That is what I keep telling people on Republican blogs, I try to change their mind and tell them that we will never vote for Republicans if they treat us like second class citizens.

  • Jen says:

    I understand where the contreversey lies… it leaves a thin line in regards to racial profiling. I sympathize with hispanic-americans because they’ve done nothing wrong and fear that this could turn them into a prey for the local police departments. This does suck. However, it would be wise to consider all the hispanic citizens they’re protecting by removing the illegals and their theives/drug cartels/even murderers. The first thing a wanted Mexican would do, being hunted by the Mexican Police, is run to the US. Much like a US criminal would run to Mexico. Of course, Mexico wouldn’t be nearly as kind to the US criminals.
    More food for though… if enforcing our immigration laws are illegal on the pretense there isn’t legitimate probable cause (being hispanic shouldn’t be probable cause), then in the same sense, DUI check points don’t hold substantial probable cause. They pull you over merely for driving. Is that immoral? I didn’t commit any crime by driving down the specific road, yet they can pull me over and request my ID? Drunk drivers kill people, why not try to save lives?
    If you’re out on the town (in any public setting, even a beach) and have a drink in your hand, officers are permitted to ask for ID if you happen to look younger than you actually are. Drinking isn’t a crime. Yet, I’m required to show him my ID, because drinking underage is a crime.
    Unfortunately, in this case, instead of driving down a specific road, or looking younger than age, being hispanic opens possibilties that you’re committing a crime by being here illegally.

  • Tim says:

    The argument that immigrants cause “overwhelming crime” has not been supported by any of the research on the topic. Numerous scholarly studies have been published in the last year that show that the cities that experienced the greatest increases in immigration between 1990 and 2000 experienced the greatest declines in crime. Check these articles out in the professional journals (Criminology, Social Problems, and Social Science Quarterly). In addition, the vast majority of individual level studies demonstrates that immigrants are less likely to commit crime than native born individuals. While there are a variety of valid reasons for taking a firmer stance on immigration, the claim that immigrants (legal or illegal) cause more crime is not one of them.

  • damnmexiterriss says:

    Why do you hate America and love the terrrrissss, Tim?

  • kerriefuentes says:

    Can you tell me what is the differece between African American and Spanish people? I feel that the United States has steped back when Martin Luther King was around. IT WAS NOT RIGHT BACK THEN AND NOT RIGHT NOW. I also feel that being a Native American and being married to a spanish person and bring out a law that is so races rises questions about this country. I could said a lot of thing about be Native and how my ansters was here before anyone else was here. I know if I was in Arizona and they pulled me over and asked me were are your paper? I would look up at that officer and ask were are your papers? Don’t forget that there are people that come on here to the United State over sea to have better life. To me we need to be more worry about the people that come over and that are trying to blow us up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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