Levi Johnston has no class

Levi Johnston has no class

With his appearance on the Tyra Banks show, Levi Johnston showed that he has absolutely no class whatsoever. He stuttered his way through a conversation about sex with Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, including whether or not the governor knew and if they used protection.

Levi Johnston not only says he practiced safe sex “most of the time” when they were together, he also reveals to Tyra Banks that he believes Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin knew he and Bristol were having sex when they lived under her roof. “I’m pretty sure she probably knew. Moms are pretty smart,” Johnston, 18, says in an interview set to air April 6.

… Johnston’s mom, Sherry, and sister Mercede, join him on The Tyra Banks Show, talking about the gag order imposed on them during Palin’s vice presidential campaign. “We were supposed to say that all questions need be brought up to the McCain campaign. Other than that we had to say ‘no comment,’ ” explains Mercede.

Apparently, there was a need to have a gag order — the Johnston family does not possess enough class to shut up about the issue on their own. (If you’d care to see the clip, go here.) Not that Tyra Banks was the epitome of class, either. She absolutely hounded him about the “safe sex” issue. When asked if they practiced safe sex, he replied yes, several times. Tyra refused to accept this as an answer and continued to pry until he replied, “Most of the time,” at which point Tyra repeated “Most of the time!” triumphantly as the crowd cheered.

Because, you know, as long as girls use birth control and boys use condoms, sex is absolutely safe. “Safe sex” is foolproof. Slap on a condom and swallow a pill and you’ll never, ever get pregnant or contract an STD.

Anyway, Sarah Palin hit back with a stinging response to Johnston’s appearance:

“Bristol did not even know Levi was going on the show. We’re disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention, and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship,” says the statement from the Palin family rep, Meghan Stapleton.

“Bristol’s focus will remain on raising Tripp, completing her education, and advocating abstinence,” the statement continues. “It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child.”

The statement ends, saying, “Bristol realizes now that she made a mistake in her relationship and is the one taking responsibility for their actions.”

The worst part of this is the gotcha! game the left will now play. That’s already happening over at the Huffington Post. Sarah Palin is a hypocrite, because Levi said she probably knew that they were having sex! HYPOCRISY!!!!!! Of course, the fact that Bristol Palin was old enough that Sarah Palin could not likely force her to be abstinent won’t matter. It was Bristol’s choice, Bristol’s decision, and ultimately, Bristol’s mistake. I always got the feeling that you raised your children the best you could, instilling in them the best morals and values you can, and ultimately, when the time comes for them to choose their own path, hope that they choose to keep those morals and values.

And of course, the fact that Bristol still advocates abstinence is also being trumpeted as HYPOCRISY!!!!! Of course, one could argue that abstinence is an ideal, and that even if you have failed to be abstinent, it is still something to strive for. But the fact that human beings are not perfect and sometimes make mistakes does not matter to liberals looking to smear conservatives.

Finally, what really strikes me the most about all of this is, again, how little class the Johnston family has. Bristol Palin is the mother of his child, yet he is willing to go on national television and spill intimate details about their relationship to a second-rate, Oprah wanna-be, talk show hack? It’s disgraceful. He should be a better man than that. And not only did he appear on the show, but his mother and sister did as well? Was there no one in his family that took Levi aside and said, “Gee honey, this could be seen as disrespectful to your son’s mother,”? Forget Sarah Palin — he should have declined to do this show out of respect for Bristol. And if he couldn’t have figured it out on his own, where was the wiser adult in his family to tell him to shut his trap? He doesn’t even have a side of the story that needs to be told. Why would you want to brag to America about how you impregnated a 17-year-old girl and then abandoned her? Bristol Palin deserves much better than him.

Bristol should take him to court and sue for child support whatever money the Tyra Banks show gave him to appear. I seriously doubt he’s a decent enough man to offer it to her.

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  • mj says:

    Though he’s still pretty much a kid, Johnston is certainly lacking in class. He, of course, bears no responsibility for his actions, though he suggests Governor Palin “probably” does. Way to _man up_.

    Bristol Palin is perhaps not the best abstinence advocate, having previously said that abstinence is not realistic for all teens. She, however, seems to be doing some growing up.

    She’s in a tough situation, but I think she’ll turn out okay.

  • Larry Sheldon says:

    The good news here is that we don’t have to get used to talking about “social amoboe” instead of “slime mold” because we have a lower form to use in referring to the bottom.

    The “levijohnson”.

    And she ought to sue im, his sister, his mother and the tv losers for all she can get.

    It is the only support she is going to get from those losers.

  • Phil says:

    No class is very generous of you. I had something quite different in mind.

  • Tish says:

    Seeing as to how we don’t know the details of the entire relationship we shouldn’t be quick to just judge Levi. What he did was not right, but we don’t know the entire story here. Levi did not just abandon Bristol, they could have made an amicable split. And who knows if there was someone in Levi’s family who tried to convince him to do otherwise, he is an adult and made his own decision.

    It’s not a right vs. left debate. It’s two teenagers who have both put their relationship into the public spotlight. Now when one does the opposite of what WE think one should, he’s wrong for going in such a direction. The public wants what it wants, and it’s gossip such as this. And Levi was weak enough to take the bait.

    No one is without blame in this situation, including Bristol. She’s not saint.

  • Larry Sheldon says:

    And I don’t think this is a reflection on Sarah or Todd Palin, and it is only a reflection on Bristol Palin’s poor (or immature) judgement.

    Seems like a reasonable thing for her to think abstinence would have been a good idea, I sure would in her shoes.

  • Mark says:

    Low class indeed! But hopefully Bristol can learn from this and find herself a guy who’ll not only have time for her but the baby too.

    Levi is in need of some growing up!

  • Mat says:

    I think what everyone is missing here is that it takes two to tango. Yes, there is no doubt that Levi sounds like trailer trash, but Bristol should also have known better. And if it is true that Palin probably knew about them having sex in her house, then she also bears responsibility.

    Responsibility isn’t something that can be tossed aside whenever its inconvenient. And yes, Sarah Palin was, in a way, irresponsible for letting this situation get out of control (which it is). I would say that this and some of the other things coming out of Alaska will pretty much deep-six her chances in 2012. Whatever conservatives think is irrelevant. The larger population will listen to the drive-by media like they always do. This just looks like a continuous circus act.

  • TXMarko says:

    I wonder if Tyra is planning on scheduling another hypocrisy show, this time dealing with Joe Biden and his coke-snorting, filthy-mouthed daughter?

    I won’t be holding my breath….

  • CaptDMO says:

    The worst part of this is the gotcha! game the left will now play. That’s already happening over at the Huffington Post.

    Oh COME ON! Please opine on ANY “pundit” at that site you may feel has valuable input to ANY circumstance of ANY consequence, including the host, that merits recognition/citation.

    Sheesh, it’s just as bad as picking the low hanging fruit at ANY of the Feminist(capital F)self proclaimed super-smart/super-empowered/super-leader/super-inclusive sites.

    I realize that yellow journalism sells, and the price of intellectual discourse demands both sides of a coin, but does it NEED to be a synchronic symbiotic existance? Do either “sources” practice anything remotely resembling a fallacious fairness doctorine?

  • Mat says:


    The left plays a continuous game of gotcha!, which is why Republicans in general and conservatives in particular have to be smarter. That’s a reality that the latter refuse to recognize.

    It’s not just the pundits, but the media in general. People may say that they can’t stand journalists, but that doesn’t stop them from reading articles or listening to the news. And let’s face it, the media was at the very least, indirectly responsible for getting Obama elected.

    Is it fair? Nope. However, those are the cards we’re dealt with. As such, Sarah Palin should have known better when she decided to take the VP nomination last year. With the bad press she’s getting, she’ll never garner enough popular support to run because, as I said before, she’s become a circus act.

  • Cylar says:

    With the bad press she’s getting, she’ll never garner enough popular support to run because, as I said before, she’s become a circus act.

    Whatever, pal. “This too shall pass.”

    I hardly think this reflects poorly enough on Palin to “deep-six” her chances in ’12, and I’m very curious to hear about these “other things coming out of Alaska” as well, unless you count cold fronts. I haven’t heard anything of the sort.

    All Palin needs to do to unseat Obama in ’12 is stay on-message, get more experience in the next four years, and hit hard before and during the presidential campaign. She needs to do what Republicans always need (and sometimes fail) to do – ignore the Leftmedia, appeal to the base, outline a vision for America based on smaller government, tax cuts, and a strong defense, and refuse to apologize for this nation or her political philosophy.

    It’s going to take more than some 18-year-old spoiled brat on a talk show, to stop Sara-cuda.

    Your last two posts leave me thinking you want to see her “deep-sixed.” Do you?

  • Look on the bright side: Levi Johnson is now, albeit unwittingly, the poster child for why abstinence is a good idea.

    Mothers the nation over can point to the Tyra Banks show and say, “Honey, the guy that you think is fun and cool and sexy now may end up doing something like this to you. Wait for sex, because even if you use condoms, you could end up giving birth to the child of a guy like that.”

    Moreover, he’s highlighting the failure of “safe sex:” kids don’t always use it. Even those who, like Bristol and Levi, had comprehensive sex education and know how to use condoms are not consistent in their use. It only takes one time of not using them, of thinking that it’ll be okay this once, to get pregnant. There’s a reason why BC failure rates are reported not just in ideal use, but in typical use.

    Now, Levi is not just a no-class jerk, but also an idiot. In this day and age, nothing we say – nothing! – is ever erased or forgotten. Years from now, Tripp will stumble across Levi’s little 15 minutes of fame, and it will ruin any relationship he may have with his father. Just stupid.

  • Jeff Stone says:

    I still don’t know why the relationship ended.

    Why, oh why, would Bristol not want to be with him always ?

    Now, will this please be replaced by real news on the slanderous MSM ?

  • Joe says:

    Let me get this straight: Bristol is allowed to go on TV and lie, obfuscate and simply never answer some questions, but Levi is a cad for giving an interview, however ineloquently. Yes, he made a mistake for doing this, but why is he classless and Bristol not a whore?

    Cad or not, it strikes me that Bristol used Levi to get pregnant and the fool never knew it. He thought they were practicing safe sex and likely made the mistake of believing Bristol when she said “don’t worry, it’s okay.”

    (Please note that during her interview, Bristol kept saying that having a child at 17 isn’t romantic [after all] and other things to that effect. It’s extremely obvious to me that she wanted to get pregnant and, falling back to raw evolution, she picked Levi. For a while, she even fooled herself into believing they would have a romantic marriage and all that. Then the bitterness of HIM destroying HER life kicked in. Blame the guy all you want, and this is horribly politically incorrect, but preventing pregnancy is primarily the woman’s responsibility. It’s called basic biology.)

  • Mat says:


    “Whatever, pal.
    I hardly think this reflects poorly enough on Palin to “deep-six” her chances in ‘12, and I’m very curious to hear about these “other things coming out of Alaska” as well, unless you count cold fronts. I haven’t heard anything of the sort.”

    Ok, we’ll see what happens four years from now. The press will dredge up every little thing that happened with this family. As for the other things coming out of Alaska, I saw a story about how Palin’s sister-in-law (?) got arrested. They’re already making this family out to be a bunch of Appalachian hillbillies. But feel free to ignore me.

    “All Palin needs to do to unseat Obama in ‘12 is stay on-message, get more experience in the next four years, and hit hard before and during the presidential campaign. She needs to do what Republicans always need (and sometimes fail) to do – ignore the Leftmedia, appeal to the base, outline a vision for America based on smaller government, tax cuts, and a strong defense, and refuse to apologize for this nation or her political philosophy.”

    At one time, I would agreed with you on the message part, but she’s now damaged goods. You can ignore the drive-by media if you wish, but it’s easier said than done. How do you think Obama got elected anyway?

    First impressions are absolutely essential, and Palin squandered it with this past election. I agree with the stuff she talks about, but do you really think most Americans think rationally? After 53% voted for the Messiah? Sorry, but you have a lot more faith than I.

    “It’s going to take more than some 18-year-old spoiled brat on a talk show, to stop Sara-cuda.

    Your last two posts leave me thinking you want to see her “deep-sixed.” Do you?”

    I would agree with you on the first sentence, but it’s not just that. The media has clearly launched a campaign to keep Palin in the limelight and not in a good way.

    And as for the second sentence, don’t even think about pulling that “traitor” nonsense on me. It’s political logic. She had her chance and she squandered it. Will she run for the nomination in 2012? Most likely. Will she win it? It’s possible, given the rest of the Republican pack. Will she win the general election? A lot will depend on how badly Obama screws up (which is essentially all the Republicans can do at this point because they have no power in Congress). If there is a terrorist attack, probably she’ll win. Otherwise, I think Obama will get a second term.

    Have you even been paying attention to what people are saying? It’s true that conservatives can’t stand him, but most people are laying the economic blame on Congress not Obama. There’s nothing wrong with thinking conservative, but don’t let it blind you to the big picture.

  • CaptDMO says:

    Let me get this straight: one kid is allowed to go on TV and lie, obfuscate and simply never answer some questions, but the other kid is a cad for giving an interview, however ineloquently. Yes, he made a mistake for doing this, but why is he classless and Bristol not a whore?

    Because non-adherence to “A Gentleman NEVER tells!” pretty much defines one major aspect of lack of class?

    Non-adherence to “Non sequitur minor children of pols are off limits as collateral targets” displays another, In My Humble Opinion of course.

  • Knott Buyinit says:

    Well, I don’t see how proving Bristol is a whore means that Levi is a gentleman, either.

    I expect that Bristol has learned the truth of the old adage that says ‘the school of experience is a hard school, but a fool will learn in no other’. I imagine she is regretting her foolish behavior, even as she is learning how hard it is to raise a child in this damaged culture in which we all live – and how much pain your love for that child gives you to see that culture twist and turn them like Malibu Barbies.

    The Left’s opinion of Sarah Palin (and the Right’s, for that matter) will be confirmed, rather than changed by this incident her family life. The question then becomes, how will the ‘mushy middle’ in the American political spectrum respond to the ‘filth pushers’ (e.g., Tyra Banks, big time) trashing of Bristol Palin?

    Frankly, I would be amazed if the majority of those who base their vote solely on how the press treats a politician’s family would choose to vote for Sarah Palin’s opponent.

  • Cylar says:

    Ok, we’ll see what happens four years from now. The press will dredge up every little thing that happened with this family. As for the other things coming out of Alaska, I saw a story about how Palin’s sister-in-law (?) got arrested. They’re already making this family out to be a bunch of Appalachian hillbillies. But feel free to ignore me.

    This would be the same media (CNN specifically) that called Florida for Gore in 2000. The conservative movement in this country knows to take them with a grain of salt. A big one.

    It’s the middle that we have to worry about. An articulate, down-to-Earth candidate like Palin can’t lose. She has everyday problems and is someone that middle America can identify with. Compare her to a screeching harpy like Hildog.

    At one time, I would agreed with you on the message part, but she’s now damaged goods. You can ignore the drive-by media if you wish, but it’s easier said than done. How do you think Obama got elected anyway?

    Snort. “Damaged goods?” That’s a good one. By your standard, any politician is damaged goods. I can’t think of even one without some skeletons in his (or her) closet.

    Seriously, man. Come on. We’re talking about Sarah Palin, the most exciting conservative politician to come along in probably a generation. Her entire presidential aspirations has been torpedoed because her daughter’s boyfriend tried to “cash in” on the publicity? You’re really reading too much into this.

    I noted someone else on this thread asked whether the Palins were “duped” by the Johnstons, or simply unaware…when the former referred to the latter as fine, upstanding people. The poster (whose name I’ve lost) went on to imply that this lack of character-judging-ability supposedly reflects poorly on Sarah Palin herself.

    Here’s a thought. You’re running for president. You know that your daughter’s fiancee (who just knocked-up your daughter) isn’t a real classy guy, and neither does he come from a real classy family. Do you point that out in the middle of a speech and risk appearing classless yourself, or do you take the high road and praise the young man when asked?

    What a stupid question to ask. Clearly that poster has never been asked to use any sense of decorum or social grace.

    First impressions are absolutely essential, and Palin squandered it with this past election.

    By whose calculation? And what “squandering?” You mean that stupid Tina Fey routine? That wasn’t even the real Palin.

    Yeah, those crowds going wild at campaign stops and at the GOP convention really came away with a bad impression of the woman, didn’t they?

    I agree with the stuff she talks about, but do you really think most Americans think rationally? After 53% voted for the Messiah? Sorry, but you have a lot more faith than I.

    The hard left is a lost cause and permanently out of our reach. I get that. But the bulk of Obama voters were in the middle. They had the economy on their minds but were not politically astute enough to put the blame where it belonged, so it landed on Bush instead simply because he was still in the Oval Office.

    Faith in the American people? You bet, even when it gets hard sometimes. If you want to get jaded and cynical about our electorate, be my guest.

    “It’s going to take more than some 18-year-old spoiled brat on a talk show, to stop Sara-cuda.

    Your last two posts leave me thinking you want to see her “deep-sixed.” Do you?”

    I would agree with you on the first sentence, but it’s not just that. The media has clearly launched a campaign to keep Palin in the limelight and not in a good way.

    Pff. Whatever. They give every Republican presidential candidate a rectal exam. The Left threw everything it had at Bush – twice – and he still came out on top. If the Old Media has as much power as you think they do, we’d never win any elections. Somehow, though, that’s happened from time to time even when there was no alternative media as today.

    And as for the second sentence, don’t even think about pulling that “traitor” nonsense on me.

    The only nonsense I see here is yours. Nobody accused you of treason. I asked the question because it’s possible to not want to see Palin get the nom in ’12 and still be able to call oneself a Republican, even a conservative one.

    It’s political logic. She had her chance and she squandered it.

    I really don’t think logic is your strong suit, so don’t go there.

    Will she run for the nomination in 2012? Most likely. Will she win it? It’s possible, given the rest of the Republican pack. Will she win the general election? A lot will depend on how badly Obama screws up (which is essentially all the Republicans can do at this point because they have no power in Congress). If there is a terrorist attack, probably she’ll win. Otherwise, I think Obama will get a second term.

    Here, we’re actually on the same page. However, I’m quick to point out that everything you’ve said is idle speculation and predictions about the distant future. A lot can happen between now and then.

    Have you even been paying attention to what people are saying?

    Have you?

    It’s true that conservatives can’t stand him,

    Duh. A poll came out today showing that Obama is the most polarizing president in history, with a larger spread between Democrats approving (88%) and Republicans approving (26%) than any other. Even Bush or Clinton.

    but most people are laying the economic blame on Congress not Obama.

    …which is controlled by which party?

    There’s nothing wrong with thinking conservative, but don’t let it blind you to the big picture.

    Once more, it’s a perfectly reasonable position to dislike Palin and still be conservative in one way or another. The big picture I’m looking at regaining control of the government, and with that, turning this economy and this country around before the Left damages it beyond repair.

  • Mat says:

    “This would be the same media (CNN specifically) that called Florida for Gore in 2000. The conservative movement…”

    I’m not talking about the conservatives and the media…I’m talking about the rest of the country. 33% of the country is conservative, 25% liberal (though that might be changing). The rest are undecided. You’re right, it’ll come down to the middle, and I’m not as optimistic about them as you are. Most people will just see the message as Palin the hillybilly clown portrayed by the media, mainly because they don’t really think for themselves. Personally, I wished that Palin didn’t accept the VP nod and waited for 2012. Running with McCain probably, but not definitely, hurt her long-term.

    “Snort. “Damaged goods?” That’s a good one. By your standard, any politician is damaged goods…”

    There’s damaged goods and then there’s “damaged goods”. Yes, Reagan managed to bounce back after the ’76 primaries, but he didn’t have all of this baggage. Palin may be exciting, but she’s also got one hell of an uphill battle. Bear in mind that not all Republicans are truly conservative either, so the primaries will be interesting to say the least. When running for the presidency, timing is key. You mentioned Frank Thompson, who quite frankly was the only real candidate in last year’s primary bunch. Unfortunately for the rest of us, Thompson didn’t act like he really wanted it and dithered on his primary entrance until other events overshadowed his eventual bid.

    “By whose calculation? And what “squandering?” You mean that stupid Tina Fey routine? That wasn’t even the real Palin.”

    Read the above comments. No, I’m not referring to Tina Fey specifically, though that was part of the problem.

    “Yeah, those crowds going wild at campaign stops and at the GOP convention really came away with a bad impression of the woman, didn’t they?”

    You just made my point. The people at the GOP convention and her campaign stops were already conservative. She already won them over. The problem will lie in winning enough over so she wins a plurality, assuming she even gets the GOP nod four years from now.

    “The hard left is a lost cause and permanently out of our reach. I get that…”

    I’m cynical by nature. So yes, I do have concerns with what will happen in four years. Like I said in a previous post, it’ll come down to how badly Obama has screwed up this country four years form now. I’m just unsure of how much actual damage will be out there by that time. If not, then I see this leftist having enough charisma, supported by a lapdog media and tons of liberal money getting the presidency again, which would be an unmitigated disaster for this country. Also bear in mind that there are a lot of young voters who are absolutely fanatical about Obama, and many more will be voting next time around. And my next point is, no, I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in the Millenials. Or maybe a little Amnesty will give Obama a bunch of Mexican illegals votes? Four years from now, the bulk of the middle may not be as decisive as they were last year.

    “Pff. Whatever. They give every Republican presidential candidate a rectal exam. The Left threw everything it had at Bush – twice – and he still came out on top…”

    Ok, and who did the Democrats throw at Bush in those to elections, while we’re on this argument? Gore, who had Clinton’s taint on him and Kerry, who didn’t really know what he wanted. Neither one of them had the charisma that the “Messiah” has. For some reason, and I don’t really understand why because it defies logic, people decided to vote for this guy when he said absolutely nothing of substance. It’s a cult of personality.

    The Republican Party as a whole was also more united under Bush (at least until 2005) than it is now. You have what amounts to a virtual civil war within the Republican Party between the RINO moderates and the conservatives. The party message is still vague. You also had not only the leftist media going after Palin, but members of her own party, for crying out loud (talk about traitors).
    And you better hope the conservatives win the civil war, or the GOP will be worse off than it is now.

    “The only nonsense I see here is yours. Nobody accused you of treason. I asked the question because it’s possible to not want to see Palin get the nom in ‘12 and still be able to call oneself a Republican, even a conservative one.”

    You asked me if I wanted to see Palin fail. I’ve seen enough blog posts on other sites go crazy against someone who injects an alternative opinion which starts a witchhunts and finger-pointing. Sometimes it’s helpful. In my case, no. I’m merely pointing out the difficulties that Palin will have and I would be honestly surprised if she overcomes them. I voted for McCain in the election partly because I didn’t want to see Obama in, but I also voted because of Palin. Outside of Jindal, I see no real viable conservative candidates. Most Republicans right now are still paying lip service to conservatives and then ignoring them when they get into office (which is exactly what McCain would have done if he won, but it still would have been better than what we have right now).

    “I really don’t think logic is your strong suit, so don’t go there.”

    Like I said, we’ll see. I also seem to remember back right before the election that I posted here the consequences of an Obama win. Another conservative poster called me a communist when I dared say that if he wins, and the Democrats get the seats I thought they would, then the Republicans would be irrelevant for the next two years. As it happened, the Democrats now have the Presidency, the House and more or less the Senate because of a couple GOP senators are essentially Dems. I don’t think my logic was off there, so I’ll stick to it, but thanks for your concern…

    “Have you even been paying attention to what people are saying?”
    “Have you?”

    Nice response, but I was looking for more of an answer than that. But to answer curtly, yes, I have been and I don’t like what I see at this point in time. Can it change? Of course.

    “but most people are laying the economic blame on Congress not Obama.
    …which is controlled by which party?”

    But Congress isn’t Obama. And to be honest, Congress applies to both parties, which doesn’t exactly help the Republicans.

    “Once more, it’s a perfectly reasonable position to dislike Palin and still be conservative in one way or another. The big picture I’m looking at regaining control of the government, and with that, turning this economy and this country around before the Left damages it beyond repair.”

    This assumption that I dislike Palin is odd. But your idea of the big picture is a bit off. It’s not just about regaining control of the government. Politics is just one facet of the problem that conservatives face and its something they need to wean themselves off of before its too late.

    The liberals dominate the educational, legal and media arenas and that means they have a long-term chokehold on the pulse of this country. Call me names, ignore me, tar and feather me, no matter. Until the conservatives make major efforts in those other arenas, then they’ll stay on the defensive.

    What good will it do to take back the government when you have a generation (and more coming behind it) who have been brainwashed by liberal groupthink? What good will it do when the legal profession is backing up all of these absurd laws that support all sorts of liberal junk (and keeps filling judicial positions that ignore the people)? What good will it do if the left keeps hammering on Palin with the media and there’s no effective response? Yeah, I know the conservatives get it. I read the blogs, watch Fox and listen to the radio. However, all that is pointed within towards conservatives who already get it and not to the masses outside who really need to hear it. And newsflash, most people aren’t even having the argument we’re having, not even close. That’s what I mean by big picture.

    And the way the Left is going with the economy, it could be in trouble already. Bear in mind that once laws are enacted, it’s extremely difficult to get them changed or nixed. Just food for thought.

  • RMW says:

    I try not to judge anyone too harshly. None of us have walked in their shoes and I kind of feel sorry for Levi. Tyra Banks made a fool of him and he showed that he is truly an immature kid and all this publicity is overwhelming for him. Every family suffers some kind of problems but it isn’t aired publicly.

  • RMW says:

    Levi is still a kid who is not very worldly. Having all this publicity hurled at him must be very overwhelming. He looked immature and was out of his element. He was used by the show and I do not judge either he or Bristol. They aren’t used to the limelight.

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