Lethal injection is cruel says Ohio judge, from his Che-Obama shrine.

Lethal injection is cruel says Ohio judge, from his Che-Obama shrine.

This kind of stuff makes my blood boil:

A judge in Ohio says the state’s method of putting prisoners to death is unconstitutional because two of three drugs used in the lethal injection process can cause pain.
Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge said Tuesday the state’s lethal injection procedure doesn’t provide the quick and painless death required by Ohio law.

Burge said Ohio must stop allowing a combination of drugs and focus instead on a single, anesthetic drug.

Last time I heard someone whining about this, it was notorious Florida serial killer Danny Rolling, who brutally butchered college students in Gainesville. Here’s what I wrote:

Before he was executed, his lawyer submitted documents stating that the chemicals used during lethal injection ”cause extreme pain”. One, it’s lethal injection. We do this to pets all the time. You give them a little shot and they fall asleep forever and that’s extraordinarily painful?! Give me a break. And two, even if it is extraordinarily painful, who says he doesn’t deserve it?? In my opinion, lethal injection, no matter how ”painful” is not good enough for a monster like him. A couple of minutes of pain is not retribution for the pain, torturing, terror, and grief he caused to not only the victims but to their families as well.

His attorney also told the Associated Press in an interview that Rolling had told him, ”I don’t want to die, but it looks like I am going to die.” Oh, really?! I’m willing to bet that his victims didn’t want to die, either, but what kind of choice did they have in the matter? I mean, I guess they might have opened the door to him and said, ”Come in, do you have a knife? Because I think I’d like to be tortured and mutilated today,” but somehow I doubt it.

On top of this blatant hypocrisy, Rolling was fed an extravagant final meal of lobster tail, butterfly shrimp, a baked potato, iced tea, and strawberry cheesecake — exactly what he had requested. Did he extend that same courtesy to his victims? Somehow I don’t see him saying to Christa Hoyt, ”Before we get started, what would you like your final meal to be before you die?”

Excuse my political incorrectness here, but I don’t believe Daniel Rolling was punished at all — and certainly not in a way that was ”cruel and unusual”. He should’ve been made to suffer, minute for minute, exactly the same as his victims did. Being allowed to live in relative comfort for sixteen long years, fed a nice final meal of exactly what he requested, and then being executed by going to sleep forever is not punishment. Basically, in my opinion, he absolutely got away with his crimes.

And now we have yet another libtard crying over murderers being put to death, which I just don’t get. Seriously, how is it that liberals don’t get anywhere near as offended about the horrific crimes the animals have committed as they do about the damn death penalty?! So they get a few minutes of pain before they die. My response? Good. Let’s sign up rapists and child molesters while we’re at it. And then we should find a way to make the death penalty a little bit more relative to each scumbag’s crime. That’s how I feel about that, along with most other people who aren’t libtard morons.

How do I know this guy is a libtard moron, anyways?

From this picture of him in his office:

That picture says it all.

I can’t help but wonder how the good judge feels about the pain and suffering that good ‘ole Che caused to so many. Apparently, he approves of that. It’s causing pain to sick, heartless animals who kill innocent people that makes him cry. Nice.

And let’s not forget the Obama poster. I wonder, by making death a little bit easier and crusading for murderers, who exactly will that bring “hope” to? Other murderers? It certainly doesn’t make victims feel any better, that’s for damn sure. Douchebag.

Hat Tips: Rachel Lucas and Gabriel at Ace of Spades

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  • Toa says:

    A typical American judge. No surprise at all.

  • bob says:

    Why the hell doesn’t anyone bring this up during these discussions concerning the “suffering” of convicted criminals? It makes my blood boil too. The libtards have turned the justice system on it’s ear so we are far more concerned with the criminal rather than the victim. But that is right in line with the left’s philosophy. You see it with murder as well as abortion. Granted in my eyes, the two are the same. If you are dead or unborn, they do not care about you. If you are alive or born, well they care, providing you are a minority or a citizen of another country.

  • Matt says:

    If it makes you feel any better, Cassy, I think that murderer is getting his on the other side right now. It is an outrage that some people do not seem to be served justice in this life; but rest assured they’ll get it in the next.

    And DarthIndy, if you’re listening, I repeat what I said last week. God is waiting for us all on the other side, gavel in hand, ready to judge. He is ready to condemn the wicked to damnation, to hell, to the eternal and everlasting fire. Their worm dies not; their fire is not quenched. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. God’s judgment is just, fair, final, and forever righteous.

    This has nothing to do with “crossing me.” I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. It’s the Lord, not me, who is judge, jury, and executioner. He doesn’t need pathetic little men like me to pour out wrath on His behalf; He can do His own punishing, thankyouverymuch. This is precisely what separates us from the Islamists.

    Do you understand? You don’t have to worry about what men like me are going to do you; we are the messengers only. We’re trying to warn you about what’s waiting for all people on the other side…unless we accept Christ and His forgiveness in time.

  • Scott Jacobs says:

    The irony is, of cource, that Che brutally murdered his opponents, even pre-teens…

  • Hmm. I’ve never cared if they feel pain or not. I don’t particularly want someone who is to be executed to suffer, but if they happen to then so what?

    It always seemed to me that the animals who perform such actions should be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
    What really bugs me is the length of time it takes to get the executing done, with DNA testing there should be very, very few people on Death Row who are innocent.

    If I saw a rabid dog in my backyard, I would shoot it. It’s the same for these animals in the prisons.

    -Matt, while I respect your religious beliefs, secular punishment seems more satisfying to me. 🙂

  • Toa says:

    Religeous belief fits right in…God instituted capital punishment way back there, right after the Fall of Man (Gen. 4:15), and in the Mosaic Law (Ex. 21:12).

  • Matt says:

    I get what you’re saying Shaggy, and it makes sense. Even though I believe in God’s judgment, I still share your desire to see murderers dealt with appropriately in this life as well. It’s part of our desire for justice – for every person, good or evil, to get what is coming to him.

    There has always been some controversy over whether The State (I use the term in the figurative and institutional sense) has the right to mete out such punishment, but like Toa points out, it’s right there in the Bible, and I see nothing from Jesus that directly contradicts this area of Mosaic Law.

  • Toa and Matt,

    I’m not saying that there is no Biblical basis for capital punishment, but that for our religiously open society, that the basis of execution should be secular.

    Peace and Prosperity to you both


  • Toa says:

    Right, Shag- I wasn’t necessarily trying to refute anything you said, just wanted to add to it.

    And you’re right, Matt- the New Testament makes no case whatever against justice being served; one example is found in the Epistle to the Romans, Ch. 12, where is mentioned the need for submission to the magistrate “who wields the sword against the evildoer”.

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