Leftwing Media SHOCKED that Americans Don’t Like Being Invaded

Leftwing Media SHOCKED that Americans Don’t Like Being Invaded

Leftwing Media SHOCKED that Americans Don’t Like Being Invaded

CBS’s Margaret Brennan was beside herself Sunday when confronted by a CBSNews/YouGov poll showing 2/3rds of Americans back deporting illegal aliens.

Brennan appeared incredulous when pondering recent figures on Sunday showing that 62% of all Americans back, “in principle, a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the US illegally.”

The “Face the Nation” host reacted to survey figures presented by Anthony Salvanto, the top CBS News pollster, who noted that supporters of former President Donald Trump as well as some Democrats were in favor of mass deportations.

Brennan’s face during this segment says it all.

How dare American citizens and LEGAL immigrants be so unwelcoming to over 7 million illegal aliens that have crossed into the USA under the Biden regime! Must be more of that white Christian nationalist supremacy against the brown peoples.

And yet …

video taken Thursday by The Post shows hundreds of migrants from China and Turkey crossing the border unhindered into California.

Creepy Joe’s handlers are trying to appear to be doing something with the recently announced crackdown, yet …

Well, Joe sure showed them, eh?

The gaslighting from the Feds over “irregular migration” is no more working with average Americans than the regime’s claim that the economy is the best it’s ever been. We all see what has happened to our grocery and utility bills with our own lyin’ eyes. And communities that have had illegals either foisted on them or are just magnets for the gotaways have seen their safety eroded and their thin resources squandered on illegals.

The Leftwing and its lapdog media wants you to forget people like Mollie Tibbetts. Crime by illegals surged in 2021 and has showed no sign of abating. There are too many reports of illegal aliens trying to gain access to military bases across the nation.

This isn’t just people looking to work or game the public largess system — these are sketchy actors from hostile nations testing our security systems.

And the Leftwing has shown its just fine with it. Double their shock at your heresy and get them out of power.

featured image, cropped, Adobe stock standard license

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1 Comment
  • Lloyd says:

    What we have experienced due to open borders during Biden’s reign is not immigration…. It is a planned, well-organized INVASION!!! No matter if Trump gets elected…or any other Pro-America candidate…the damage that Biden has caused can NEVER be undone!

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