Komrade Kamala Will ‘Snatch’ That Property Right Up!

Komrade Kamala Will ‘Snatch’ That Property Right Up!

Komrade Kamala Will ‘Snatch’ That Property Right Up!

Regardless of how busy American Pravda has been in constructing Potemkin Kamala and cheerleading the astroturf support for the Harris/Walz radical Left duo, the good Komrade’s past statements keep getting sussed out.

A 2019 video of a Kamala Harris campaign event made the rounds on the internet Friday night after the Democrat presidential hopeful unveiled some of her economic proposals, including her apparent desire for Soviet-style price controls on groceries.

During her ill-fated run for president, the now-vice president said she could lower prices on drugs simply by having the government seize patents from pharmaceutical companies and “take over.”

Let’s not let just commentary alone make this claim about the good Komrade; as they say, let’s roll tape!

Kamala figures if taxpayer money came anywhere near the company creating “x”, then if said company doesn’t play by her rules, she’ll just seize the patent. Nothing like those pesky patent rule, property rights and even the US Constitution will stand in her way “On dAY onE!”

The Intellectual Property (IP) Clause, also known as the “Patent and Copyright Clause” refers to Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, which grants Congress the enumerated power “To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.” It is a foundational document establishing intellectual property rights in the United States, replacing the patchwork of state-law protections that existed in the Articles of Confederation period.

This clause gave Congress the power to enact legislation governing patents and copyrights. For patents, the clause gave Congress the power to grant inventors exclusive rights to their discoveries, allowing inventors to recoup their investment, and capitalize on their research.

The Constitution grants Congress, not the President, the enumerated power secure to intellectual property rights.

Of course, as we’ve seen time and again from the Biden/Harris administration, the Constitution (and rulings from SCOTUS), is the least of their concerns. Student Loan Forgiveness Bribery anyone?

American Presidents may not like Supreme Court decisions, but most since Andrew Jackson haven’t bragged about defying its rulings. Not even Donald Trump. Then there’s President Biden, who, while canceling more student debt this week, boasted about ignoring the Supreme Court’s landmark 2023 ruling that his previous loan forgiveness plan was illegal.

It gets pretty telling when even a CNN business writer is throwing cold water over Komrade Kamala’s Very Soviet Five-Year Economic Plan speech where she blames “corporate greed” for inflation.

Economists at the SF Fed found that corporate price gouging was not a primary catalyst for the inflation surge of 2021 to 2022. (snip)

When zooming out and looking at markups across the economy, the SF Fed economists found little evidence that price gouging was the main culprit.

“Aggregate markups – the more relevant measure for overall inflation – have stayed essentially flat since the start of the recovery,” the paper concluded. “Rising markups have not been a main driver of the recent surge and subsequent decline in inflation during the current recovery.”

In fact, the SF Fed found that the path of collective markups over the past three years “is not unusual compared with previous recoveries.” (snip)

Greg Valliere, chief US policy strategist at AGF Investments, said the White House is “desperate to blame someone or something for inflation.”

“Blaming greedy corporations is just looking for scapegoats,” Valliere told CNN.

Now some of us, like your senior citizen writer here, are old enough to remember 1970’s price and wage controls, put in place by President Nixon as an alleged 90 day ‘cooling off’ period to tame inflation.

Didn’t work, made things worse and we only got WIN t-shirts as a consolation prize.

Komrade Kamala’s foray into to each according to his need, from each according to his ability is not a one-off goof. She’s been touting equal outcomes for years.

How many times does Komrade Kamala have to say she doesn’t believe in private property rights — for all you WrongThink people and businesses — over the years until we believe what she is saying? I realize we have a tendency to stop listening to her early on because her voice drips condescension each time she takes the podium to lecture us like a room of recalcitrant second graders, but she didn’t earn the Most Liberal Senator rating from GovTrack for nothing. Well, right up until the time they pulled it during the Great Potemkin Reconstruction effort.

The esteemed Komarde will continue to address you from the basement or tell you how she wants to punish grocery stores from carefully managed appearances …

… but the astroturf will wear thin in time. Hopefully, soon enough.

Remember before November.

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Lloyd says:

    Harris obviously believes the government should CONTROL the people. We are close to a government ON…OVER…and AGAINST the people. If Harris is elected (and, she will be…the FIX is in!), we can forget about a governmenr FOE the People!

  • rbj1 says:

    I remember when those 14 oz. cans were 16 oz. To say nothing of coffee. Which came in useful metal cans.

  • John C. says:

    Price controls have never worked, on any continent, in any century, and have always brought disaster. In 18th Century France, for example, price controls on bread flour led to “Let them eat cake,” an epidemic of decapitation, and Napoleon. But they never stop trying.

  • Yep, you do have to be “of a certain age” to remember that idiocy of Nixon’s. The price controls, and the cozying up to Mao, are the two things he SHOULD have been impeached for.

  • GWB says:

    we only got WIN t-shirts
    You got t-shirts?! We only got those crappy WIN buttons. And not even the full-size ones. Just the ones for a lapel that all you could read was the WIN part.

    She’s been touting equal outcomes for years.
    Harrison Bergeron *cackle* here we come!

    she doesn’t believe in private property rights
    The real problem here is that there isn’t a massive outcry against her. She and old Bernie shouldn’t even have a presence in American politics. Running for so much as mayor should get them put in the stocks, at a minimum. (I’m still a fan of tar and feathers; I’m a conservative that way.) Communism is so against the American Founding it should be stomped every time it rears its ugly head.

    her voice drips condescension each time she takes the podium to lecture us like a room of recalcitrant second graders
    The thing is, she does it sounding like an 8th grader who only skimmed the Cliff’s Notes, and chastising the 2d graders for not being as smart as her. STFU&STFD is really the best that can be said to her without yelling “We got a commie here! Get a rope!”

    The esteemed Komarde
    Was that a typo? Or a really nice mash-up of “komrade” and “retard”? Though, if it’s a mash-up, it should probably be “komtarde” to make it obvious. 😉

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