John Boehner video: Where are the jobs?

John Boehner video: Where are the jobs?

John Boehner video: Where are the jobs?

A video good for a chuckle that also asks a good question. With all of Obama’s promises, where are the jobs?

Where are the jobs? It’s a question that needs to be answered by our Dear Leader, especially considering the unemployment rate has crept up to 9.5%. The stimulus package was supposed to save hundreds of thousands of jobs, and yet here we are. We’re losing thousands of jobs every day, and yet the Socialists Democrats in Congress still want to shove cap and trade down our throats, quickly followed by Obamacare. This should be a wake-up call to them, but of course it isn’t. Unfortunately, the job situation isn’t likely to change.

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  • Amanda says:

    Ah, his defense is “Without that stimulus package, we would have lost a lot MORE jobs!” but when he was pitching it, he said it would *create* jobs. Then the feminists got all riled up and said that it would only create jobs for men, and where were all the jobs for women, bla bla bla…

    And now we have more figures showing that it hasn’t created squat and the US is still losing jobs.

    Ban outsourcing. Stop sending jobs to China too.

  • smitty says:

    I embedded this video, too, but I think it’s telling that the GOP can’t seem to leverage state governments. It’s a giant WTF.

  • BobV says:

    I’m sure he’ll just reexplain his original numbers that we misinterpreted, showing that in fact without the stimulus bill unemployment would now be 20%. So really he has saved or created millions of jobs and we should be grateful. And the media will happily repeat this (actually they’re already doing a great job putting a positive spin on things as is).

  • This is from a report released by the CBO this afternoon. With it’s combination of targeted tax cuts, government funded constrution jobs and energy investements this added 1.4 million to 3.3 million jobs from April to June lowering the unemployment rate by 0.7%. In addition the stimulus is believed to have boosted the GDP in the second quarter by 1.7 to 4.5 % So I guess in the next ten minutes all you armchair economist here will come up with something to dispute this too.

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