JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies

JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies

JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies

When is being weird an insult? I thought the leftists loved being weird. But now they are using it as a derogatory term for JD Vance. And yes, we’ll also get to the childless cat ladies’ comments.

First, though, JD Vance is weird. The state media made that the new talking point over the weekend.

The Harris campaign has taken “weird” as its new attack line against Trump and Vance. At a Massachusets campaign fundraiser on Saturday night, the vice president said: “You may have noticed, Donald Trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record. And some of what he and his running mate are saying, well, it’s just plain weird. I mean that’s the box you put that in.”

On Friday, the campaign sent out a press release titled: “JD Vance is a creep (who wants to ban abortion nationwide).” It listed some of his stances on restricting abortion access and wrote that it “isn’t just bad policy — it’s creepy, it’s unacceptable, and voters won’t stand for it.” – Newsweek

So not only is he weird for not wanting to kill babies, but he’s also a creep for his stance on pro-life, too. Okay, Kakala.

And just like that, the state media got their marching orders.

Okay, big whoop. The media are calling Trump and JD weird. To that, I say, is that the best they can do?

But The Childless Cat Lady Remarks!

On the other hand, the childless cat lady remarks made by my JD Vance a while ago seem to be growing legs. And the only reason they are growing legs is that now some on the right side of politics are siding with the ridiculousness of the left regarding his comments.

Fox News host Trey Gowdy is the latest to come out scolding JD Vance’s remarks. Lord Trey, I thought you were smarter than this, being a lawyer and all. Are we really at a point in today’s world where a person has to spell out every word they say and provide detailed footnotes with every sentence?

This video provides a one-minute setup and then shows the part where Trey Gowdy bloviates a misguided, morally superior homily meant specifically for JD Vance.

If you are offended by JD’s comments, I tell you, Be offended. And maybe next time, try to see the point JD is making with the left wanting to destroy the foundation and the importance of family.

At the beginning of this blog post, we just showed you that Kamala is mad that JD is pro-life and calls him weird.

Does no one read what the Bible says about creation anymore? Huh, no wonder the opening ceremony for the Olympics was so profane.

Make no mistake, the left isn’t upset about the actual words “childless cat ladies.” What they are upset about is JD Vance being anti-abortion.

Some Have Common Sense

At least Megyn Kelly had the guts to say some things. FYI, JD Vance went to Megyn’s show to discuss the comments.

So yeah. Get a grip, indeed. Do people not use their brains anymore? Can some people on the right not discern that JD was talking about the left’s insistence on destroying the nuclear family? Maybe the Nags on the right were still reeling from the horrendous Paris Olympics opening ceremonies, and they got lost in their thoughts. Because that opening ceremony was something else, wasn’t it?

The political machines and pundits need to stay focused. Stop getting distracted by these sidebars that the left so expertly sets up for you. Keep your eyes on the prize; a Trump/Vance victory come November. And that means keep calling out Kamala’s horrible record.

Get to it!

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/JD Vance/Flickr/License CC BY-SA 2.0/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Kevin says:

    So many errors and oversights in this post.

    (1) Does no one read what the Bible says about creation anymore? Huh, no wonder the opening ceremony for the Olympics was so profane. If you do a simple search about the opening ceremony, given the hysteria, you’ll find out what the originator intended. Here, let me help you out … “Appearing on French news channel BFM-TV Sunday, Jolly (the creator of the “offensive” scene … my words) confirmed “The Last Supper” was “not my inspiration. There is Dionysus who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the God of celebration in Greek mythology,” Jolly said. “The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone.” He’s referencing the origin of the Olympics and not the Last Supper of Jesus. Did you get triggered? Can you say “Snowflake?”

    (2) The use of the word “weird” to describe Vance, tRump, et. al. is MASTERFUL and it appears it was an accident and not intended to become a description of the Malignant Tumor’s campaign, his VP and staff. Simple words, phrases or statements stick; especially words/phrases that people routinely use. Who hasn’t referred to someone in a negative/derogatory manner by saying, “That guy was really weird!” and everyone you spoke to knew exactly what you mean? Kamala just yesterday said to reporters about something the Malignant Tumor said (I’ll get into that later) and just said, “He’s just weird.” and it flew around the world!

    (3) The doubling/tripling down of the “single cat lady” comment is going to be a seriously inflicted wound the longer Vance continues to dig his heels in. Along with this story, it’s been reported that 50% of people surveyed do not want to expect to have children. Society is changing. 200 years ago, you had massive families because they were basically free labor to operate the farm. Now, instead of a child being free labor they cost thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. Even after the Communist Party in China did away with the “One Child Policy” (which will collapse their economy in about 20 years if you read the impact of so few children), people in China don’t want children. It’s happening all around the word. And then those “childless” cat ladies who enter a relationship with a person with children I’m sure feels slighted because they may not have given birth to the child but was very involved in raising that child. Vance can do the smart thing and backtrack and clean up his comments or he can continue to throw water on this dumpster fire.

    The other thing, have you protected your couch from Vance? I love it!

    (4) As mentioned above, getting into this point later … Kamala’s comment about the Malignant Tumor being “weird.” The Malignant Tumor is the most down, pissed, angry, bitter man I’ve ever seen. Does he know how to laugh? What a horrible man who wakes up at 3 am and rage tweets all night long. That’s not someone I would have in my life nor someone that the majority want back in the White House. You want to spend four more years listening listen to this vengeance, rage filled man? People want to move on; the minority of cult members want to wallow in this shit. Good fucking luck with that.

    • GWB says:

      You’re really not living in the same universe with the rest of us, are you? Hoo boy.

    • Cameron says:

      So have you replaced your inflatable Biden doll with a Kamala one? I’m sure you can close your eyes and pretend that you’re not fantasizing about a woman.

      And no, people such as you who want children to be mutilated to follow a trend, who think age of consent laws are getting in their way and who want their perversions broadcast to the world are not the normal ones.

    • chester arthur says:

      Your cats are hungry,Kevin. (Similar comments should be removed and ignored.I posted in the wrong place.TWICE.)

  • John C. says:

    I’ve been told I’m so odd I’m almost even. Being called weird is par for the course. One thing I am not is liberal, unless you mean Classical Liberal, which I understand would make me dangerously reactionary. Fly your freak flag proudly; I do.

  • A reader says:

    FYI, as far as the Biblical creation story goes, it also states that there will be pain in childbirth as a result of the first sin. One can presume that that pain may also extend to those, who, through no fault of their own, are unable to have children. Not every “childless cat lady” has been able to have children and chosen not to. Considering conservatives recent views on IVF you may want to walk your support of “your JD Vance” waaaaaaaaay back. It also doesn’t account for those who suffer while trying to give birth, the policies of basically prosecuting women or policing when they have miscarriages, etc. JD has made his support of project 2025 very clear. And that whole focusing on the nuclear family thing you’re going on about? It’s in there. And it would have disastrous effects for single moms for example, of which I believe your blog has at least one. It also upsets women who have kids who have cats. It’s just a dumb and, yes, weird comment. And it’s not doing him any favors.

    I already responded to the insanely stupid Olympics controversy on another post, but suffice it to say that it’s very clear it wasn’t the Last Supper. In fact, some have pointed to it being a tableau of the famous painting called “The Feast of the Gods” by Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert. And yes, that particular painting was in response to DaVinci’s famous painting. Also DaVinci’s painting is a painting, not a picture, so it’s not sacred or holy. The whole idea of using a depiction of the gods was likely a nod to the origins of the Olympics in Ancient Greece. Christians getting all up in arms with this are really making themselves look stupid, especially considering that some literally refer to Trump as “The Chosen One” and there have been artistic renderings of him as a Christ-like figure. Those complaining look ridiculous to anyone with half a brain, education and an understanding that America is not the center of the world. But since Project 2025 wants to get rid of the Department of Education and cripple public education, I guess that tracks.

    • GWB says:

      Not every “childless cat lady” has been able to have children and chosen not to.
      Then you’re ok with his comments? Because he has explained multiple times, in multiple venues that he was specifically excluding those people.

      BTW, I have never met a woman who could not have children who became the common perception of a “cat lady”, unless she also didn’t want them. At least not in the last 30 years.

      Your ongoing attempted justification for the absurdity and blasphemy in the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics is really ridiculous. And it’s evidence of exactly why the federal Dept of Ed should be abolished (along with that whole Constitution thing).

    • Cameron says:

      But since Project 2025 wants to get rid of the Department of Education and cripple public education, I guess that tracks.

      Citation, please. And no, not your feelings.

      As a side note: The Department of Education was created in 1979. Public education was better before it came around. Killing it and salting the Earth where it once stood with the ashes of its former employees would be a good start.

      Now try to stop being inferior. You’ll be a lot happier.

  • Not replying to the two morons directly – but, if “Project 2025” wants to cripple public education, I’m not in agreement. It needs to be burned to the ground, the earth dug out at ten feet down, and liberally mixed with salt. Kevin and The Reader are perfect examples of why.

    “The Feast of the Gods” has only one similarity to “The Last Supper.” It’s a tableaux of people (and one ass, which the Olympic “artist” missed including if he was truly trying to recreate the famous painting).

    It (the painting) is set in a natural setting, not at a table. There is no central figure, no radiant crown on any of the figures, certainly no naked “queer” lounging and leering front and center.

    • Ah, I find that I must refute myself – this comment is inaccurate.

      Being in possession of an art history education that stopped before it devolved into finger painting and blowing pigment through cocaine straws by psychopathic no-talents, I was referring to the classic painting by Giovanni Bellini in the 16th century.

      I was not aware that this “performance” was simply a LARP of a Christian-bashing piece of garbage incorrectly called “art” from the 1980s.

      My apologies.

      • GWB says:

        Actually, the one cited is this one. It was painted between 1635 and 1640.
        The theme was evidently really popular for a while among “classic” artists (who often went back to “classical” times for their art inspiration; hence Venus on the half-shell and others). Some of them might not have been a ripoff of DaVinci’s Last Supper, some of them might have been. They all had nekid women in them (because that’s how the Greeks portrayed them, after all). And there is a version in the Louvre (the one you mentioned previously) that does NOT have a table.

        And yes, the portrayal they did is a rip-off of the Last Supper because the colors of the robes and positions of the actors is supposed to evoke that image (if not precisely, because they also wanted to portray the Bacchanalian feast). Because these people want to be pagans – at least where hedonism is involved.

  • The Gent says:

    That was fun. Keep up the good work Carol.

  • […] Stop Turning The Other Cheek, With Little Fanfare, NewsGuard, and Back To Vegas Victory Girls: JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies Volokh Conspiracy: Venezuela Illustrates the Perils of “Democratic Socialism” Watts Up […]

  • […] yes, I also wrote about the weirdness on the Victory Girls Blog. And while it is fun and easy to shoot down the silliness the left sets […]

  • rbj1 says:

    I’m so old I remember when the left proudly proclaimed “Keep Austin weird.”

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