Jason Mattera is the intrepid Hot Air reporter who has dared to go undercover at the DNC, as well as cornered dirtbags like John Murtha, John Kerry, and William Jefferson.
Well, he’s now moved on to Charlie Rangel. Charlie Rangel is the corrupt New York congressman (D) who drives around in a taxpayer funded Cadillac, owes unpaid taxes, and is also embroiled in some (some being four) shady rental property deals. When confronted by Jason Mattera, Rangel was not pleased. (Language warning.)
Good to know that in the most ethical, uncorrupt Congress ever, it’s none of our [expletive] business how representatives like Charlie Rangel waste our money.
Hat Tips: Michelle Malkin and Hot Air
Watched this last night on Glenn Beck. He had on Bernie Goldberg, who was not too pleased with the confrontation.
My personal take on it is that, while it’s nice to see the self-described champions of the down-trodden let slip their masks, it’s really nothing more than cheap theater.
The FairTax solves the whole mess. Takes Congress and the lobbyists out of the picture manipulating–and selling off–the tax code. Wipes out all federal taxes on the poor, gives the middle class a decent tax break and closes all the loopholes. No more “Gucci Gulch” where the richest lobbyists in DC work deals everyday with Charlie and others. Those who know it love it and Washington hates it (convinced yet?).
Wasn’t this what our vaunted press is supposed to be doing?? Where the hell is ABC, NBC and the rest of them.
Used to be this kind of crap was done by 60 minutes and was splattered all over the front page. When in the hell did our press become so blind and so bought?
pathetic that someone has to do their job for them because they are too busy enjoying the tingle up their leg.
I believe Rangel is also the one who introduced legislation a few years back, proposing to reinstate a military draft. Of course, it didn’t have anything to do with providing sufficient manpower for the military; it was simply a cheap political stunt designed to turn the American people against the Iraq War, as the Vietnam draft had done.
Like many Democrat congressmen, the man is a damned 60’s leftover, from back in an era when politicians were held in high esteem and the answer to what ailed us was always another government program.