Janeane Garofalo: Hey, we should jail all Republicans!

Janeane Garofalo: Hey, we should jail all Republicans!

Janeane Garofalo: Hey, we should jail all Republicans!

But hey, we brought it on ourselves. We stand for torture, homophobia, “no reproductive justic”, global warming denial… and face it, we probably rape kittens, too. But remember, Democrats are the tolerant, diverse ones. That’s why they say things like this (skip to about six minutes in):

Here’s the money quote:

GAROFALO: First of all there is no evidence to support that the current incarnation of the Republican party, hyphen conservative movement, has any tethering to decency, kindness, tolerance, open-mindedness. What do they stand for? Torture as a policy. They stand for homophobia. They stand for no reproductive justice. They stand for denying global warming.

FUND: So what should we do? Jail them?

GAROFALO: That would be great!

Hey, good to know that if you disagree with Janeane Garofalo, you should be put in jail.

Now, which side calls which fascist more again?

Hat Tip: Newsbusters

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  • “Conservatives consider liberals well-intentioned, but misguided. Liberals consider conservatives not only wrong, but really, really bad people.” — Larry Elder.

    “For the most impassioned and loyal supporters of Obama and his hopenchange, this election is not about policy at all. It is about being, over doing. It’s about them being superior to others. They’ll insist on being reminded of it, constantly, for they do not believe in it.” — Morgan K. Freeberg.

    Man, I get so suspicious of people who have gimmicks to prove what good people they are. If they were really good people and they really knew they were good people, they wouldn’t give a rat’s ass how many people agreed with ’em about it…and they damn sure wouldn’t need any gimmicks to prove it. The older I get, the more suspicious I get of people who are “decent” this way — and I can guaran-dam-tee you that has nothing whatsoever to do with liberals and conservatives.

  • Steve Taylor says:

    I read a book recently that opened my eyes. The History of Liberal Facism. Garofalo’s response to the jail question is just more proof of how liberals (and especially the far-left) view their world.

    And it’s now “reproductive justice.” what the hell is that? Abortion on demand as a means of birth-control is reproductive justice.

    That people think this way makes me sad.

  • At first, I wasn’t going to comment, but hey here I am.

    Seriously, who gives at rodents ass about what any celebrity thinks. They, like most of the left get their positions out of emotion not logic.

    I don’t care what they say. Or to quote a celebrity:

    “I truly believe that people like myself, who are in a position of entertainers in the limelight, should keep their mouth shut on politics.”

    Kid Rock

  • ScottS says:

    Conservatives think Liberals are wrong.
    Liberals think conservatives are evil.
    Plain and simple…

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Steve, I was going to say the same thing about ‘reproductive justice’.

    Does it mean ‘the execution of unborn infants for the crime of being inconvenient’?

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