Jack Schlossberg Is Reduced To Social Media Troll

Jack Schlossberg Is Reduced To Social Media Troll

Jack Schlossberg Is Reduced To Social Media Troll

Jack Schlossberg couldn’t cut it as a politician, so now he plays internet troll. He rants, he mocks, he begs. First, he went after his cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr., mocking his vocal disorder. Then, he took shots at Joe Rogan while practically pleading for an invite. Now? He’s throwing on a hoodie to go after CNN.

The John F. Kennedy (JFK) files have been released—well, some of them, anyway. It’ll take journalists and researchers weeks, maybe even months, to sift through everything. I clicked on a few and had no clue what I was looking at. Bureaucratic jargon, redactions, and intelligence codes—it’s like trying to read a classified crossword puzzle.

JFK’s grandson, Jack, is not happy with CNN covering the document release. Let’s find out why.

Sidenote: Here’s a handy link from People magazine to help you navigate the Kennedy family tree.

First, let’s get a sense of Little Jack and his constant meltdowns. Here he is on his Instagram, desperately trying to grab Joe Rogan’s attention like someone throwing a tantrum.


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Little Jack went off, claiming Joe Rogan was too scared to have him on because he avoids guests who challenge his views.

Hey buddy, before you start trashing someone’s show, maybe try watching it first.

Wait, is this the same guy who just hours ago posted a video asking how to go clubbing? Wow, talk about an emotional rollercoaster—one minute, he’s taking shots at the world, and the next, he’s on social media looking for actual shots to drink. Dang Jack, ease up on the rants and remember not to drink and post.

Seriously, he doesn’t know how to go clubbing?  You walk into a nightclub. You’re welcome. But seriously, Jack, you might be a little too old for that.

But Why is Jack mad?

So why is Jack so mad at the left-wing media covering the document release of his granddad’s assassination?

President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg, tore into CNN for covering the trove of 80,000 documents surrounding the 35th commander-in-chief’s 1963 assassination that were released by the Trump administration Tuesday.

A breathless and sweaty Schlossberg, 32, was seen freaking out over CNN’s reporting, which was playing on a TV behind him, in a video he shared on X just hours after the Trump administration followed through on its promise of government transparency by giving the public the highly anticipated JFK files. – New York Post

Jack Schlossberg probably thought stepping into politics was a given. I mean, he’s JFK’s grandson. The Kennedys have been political royalty for decades, and surely, the family name would carry him straight into a seat of power. He went to Harvard, got his law degree, and even introduced Joe Biden at the 2020 DNC—just checking off the boxes, right?

Except… it never happened. No one wanted him. No one was lining up to crown him the next Kennedy in politics. His cousin RFK Jr. may have caused some waves, but Jack? He’s a blip on the radar.

Now? Instead of running for office or carving out any kind of meaningful political identity, he’s found a new gig: ranting on social media, taking cheap shots at his family, and practically begging Joe Rogan for an invite. Talk about a fall from grace. Maybe politics wasn’t his thing—but social media drama sure seems to be.

Back in 2020, Jack Schlossberg was out there hyping Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention. He was only 27 and still in law school, but you could tell the family was trying to position him as the next Kennedy in politics.

Honestly, I think little Jack was more upset about not being able to pass himself off as the second coming of his smooth, charismatic uncle John-John. The public wasn’t buying it, and that had to sting. Instead of stepping into the political spotlight, he’s been stuck as the social media agitator, trying to carve out a name that doesn’t quite fit.

Feature Image: From Jack Schlossberg media tab on X/edited in Canva Pro with color change and applied ‘Bad TV’ effects.


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1 Comment
  • The Gent says:

    He probably doesn’t know how to drive a car, change a light bulb, or wipe his bum! Typical NE elite with good teeth but no common sense. Just an entitled tude!!☹️

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