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How very shocking of him to say so. I mean, the term RAAAAAAACIST!!!!! isn’t being used every time someone criticizes Obama or anything. Now, why exactly are the senior citizens and military veterans of western Pennsylvania RAAAAAAACISTS!!!! according to Murtha, Marine-slanderer extraordinaire? Because they took too long to like Obama! DUH!
Mr. Murtha said it has taken time for the state’s voters embrace a black presidential candidate.
“There’s no question Western Pennsylvania is a racist area,” said Mr. Murtha, whose district stretches from Johnstown to Washington County. “The older population is more hesitant.”
Mr. Murtha said groups he deals with regularly, such as military veterans and senior citizens, have come around to supporting Mr. Obama in the past three months. He credited Mr. Obama with being the most organized candidate he has ever seen.
Most organized candidate EVAH?! Uh, that’s not what I’ve heard, buddy.
Now, just imagine what four years under President Barack Obama will be like. Disagree with Dear Leader Obama? RAAAAAACIST! Don’t like one of his policies? RAAAAAACIST! Think that Obama’s brand of socialism is not the best way to run the country? RAAAAACIST!
Oh, wait… aren’t those his constituents he’s calling racist? Here’s hoping they’re listening.
Hat Tip: JackM at Ace of Spades
Hello Fat Jack, I live in the great city of Pittsburgh, and I wish he would come and tell me to my face that I am a racist, but he makes his comments from his palacial office on Capitol Hill. He has no idea of even the people that he represents. Vote for Roberts!! Vote out Murtha.
What he doesn’t understand is that he is representing some of the hardest working, most God fearing people in the country. People like my grandfather would never vote for a socialist like Obama, because he worked hard to achieve the American Dream, and doesn’t want, and would never accept a handout from those that worked just as hard as he did. I hope that Mr. Murtha can sleep at night.
my apologies, William Russell is running against Murtha, I went to HS with William Roberts, but he’s not a racist.