Inside the Taliban

Inside the Taliban

Inside the Taliban

One of the many points made about Obama’s July 2011 troop withdrawal date is that this gives the Taliban a timeline for how long they have to outlast us. All the Taliban has to do is hunker down and not give up until then. One July 2011 rolls around, they’ve won.

Is Obama underestimating the Taliban in this decision? Supposedly, he’s saying the withdrawal deadline isn’t concrete and conditions on the ground will dictate when we leave. Hopefully, this is true. Because, as the video below shows, the enemy we are facing is skilled, intelligent, organized, ruthless, and bloodthirsty.

According to this video, the Taliban has become strong enough that their fighters can openly patrol in certain areas of Afghanistan. Certain places are Taliban strongholds, where they are the ones who rule. They’re growing more confident. And if they know all they have to do is hold out until July of 2011, then what reason do they have to lose confidence now?

Against the enemy we’re seeing above, there’s no way we can win by July 2011. Obama needs to give our troops the time they need to accomplish the victory we can achieve. No matter how well organized they are, or how cunning or skilled they may be, we have the power and might to defeat them. But we need a Commander in Chief who will give them the time and the resources to beat them, and not handcuff them.

It isn’t a matter of whether or not our military is capable of defeating the Taliban. It’s a matter of whether or not Obama will let them.


Hat Tip: Reader Jan C., Marine Corps wife who saw a Marine friend injured in the assault in the video above.

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