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“I’m naturally inclined to have sex with every beautiful woman I see. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.”
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Rick Warren was interviewed by Ann Curry, and that was his response to the question of changing his position if homosexuality was found to be biological. Ann Curry, meanwhile, couldn’t hide the distaste and shock she was quite obviously feeling. Not only could she not hide it, but she seemed to be overdoing it a bit, probably to make clear that she didn’t agree with him AT. ALL. (You can see the video here; it’s priceless.)
Here’s the transcript:
ANN CURRY: Your position [on gay marriage] has raised the spectre that you are homophobic.
Warren responds with a hearty laugh.
CURRY: You laugh, but that is why gay people are angry.
RICK WARREN: Well, I could give you a hundred —
CURRY: Are you homophobic?
WARREN: I don’t know any church in America that’s done more to help the gay community, particularly with AIDS, than Saddleback. But the hate speech against me is incendiary.
CURRY: If science finds that this is biological, that people are born gay, would you change your position?
WARREN: No, and the reason why is because we all have biological predispositions. I’m naturally inclined to have sex with every beautiful woman I see. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.
Back in the studio, Willie Geist and Joe Scarborough openly laughed at Rick Warren.
I think we’re seeing yet again the death of journalism here. Ann Curry, Willie Geist, and Joe Scarborough couldn’t possibly have shown the slightest professionalism and kept their personal feelings to themselves? It would’ve been too much to ask of them, wouldn’t it, when Warren’s statements go against all their liberal agenda holds dear.
Hat Tip: Newsbusters
Wow – I think Warren slammed them! Pitiful that all they could do was laugh!