I am Sarah Palin; UPDATED: With video; UPDATED: The movement grows!

I am Sarah Palin; UPDATED: With video; UPDATED: The movement grows!

I am Sarah Palin; UPDATED: With video; UPDATED: The movement grows!

UPDATE: The movement grows! Some of the biggest and brightest female conservative bloggers (Michelle Malkin, Pamela Gellar, Wendy Sullivan, Freeman Hunt, and Skye from Midnight Blue) have joined in the “I am Sarah Palin” movement in a video sponsored by Right Wing News. Check it out!!

Update: I’ll be the first to join the “I am Sarah Palin” movement (and welcome to Michelle’s readers… glad to have you!).

Via Michelle, a movement is born.

The media has done more for John McCain in the last two days than he’s done for himself in the last year and a half,” [Tom] DeLay said. “Trashing her is waking up the sleeping giant, and the sleeping giant is Republican women.”

And on CafePress, what do we have?

Sarah Palin’s story is my story. And it’s the story of millions of other American women who are working hard to live their various dreams. Ladies, buy one of these shirts today.

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  • Scott Jacobs says:

    I’m blaring Heart’s “Barracuda” as loud as possible whenever I’m at home… 🙂

  • One more supposed, many-times-accused, sexist male chauvinist pig for Sarah Palin.

    Now there‘s a campaign we could really use!

    Seriously though Cassy, great movement, great vid, congratulations on being first. Well done.

  • Steve J. says:

    So does that mean you’ll cut funding for teenage mothers like Sarah Palin did?

  • Rodney C Johnson says:

    Governor Palin hit a home run! Love the video!

  • PUMApride says:

    @scott jacobs

    they need to get that song’s rights so they can make it her official theme

  • tbogg says:

    Looks to me like you’re about two Sarah Palins.

  • Diane says:

    “I AM SARAH PALIN” Bumper Stickers are available on Ebay

  • Greg says:

    Awwww, poor little Stevie needs to make garbage up. An increase that’s not as big as the Dems want is not a “cut”…it’s still an increase. Now, go take a basic logic course, and then get back to us.

  • Sassy says:

    I too am a chauvinist male pig.

    I lost my mother to cancer in March. When Sarah started speaking, I started bawling, she reminds me of my mother so much that it is scary. I see my mother speaking to me through her.

    “I am Sarah Palin”

  • Scott Alfter says:

    Stay classy, tbogg…is that really the best argument you and your buds at that septic tank of yours that you call a blog can manage?

  • This is such a good idea, I got inspired. I got a domain and made up a bunch of t shirt designs.


  • j clark says:

    Barrys MSM gravy train of free exposure is being de-railed by Sarah Palin. SHE is the most talked about woman on the planet and rightly so. She “gets it”. She understands what we are dealing with in flyover country. Im not only impressed with her Ive developed a little crush.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    channels Kosh

    We are all Sarah Palin.

  • philmon says:

    Hell, I’m a GUY and she’s me.

    She said about all the things I’ve been waiting for someone to say for MONTHS, and she said it with class, humor, and style.

    Yeah, these things may have been said before, but this time the MSM HAD to cover it. Their soft censoring wasn’t going to work in this forum without exposing it with a zillion watt spotlight.

    I’m a little giddy. I’ll shut up now.

  • Aaron says:

    I am Sarah,
    Wish I could do a vid but I’m not that savvy.

    I have a high maintenance family: wife with a severe medical condition and three growing children;
    We volunteer in our kid’s school weekly;
    Hockey parents;
    Wife has a small home business, I have two start-ups and work a third part-time job.

    We do what it takes to care for our family and do what we can to make our world better.

    Without whining or complaint.

    [B][I]WE[/I][/B] are Sarah Palin!

    Go, Sarah!

  • JustAGuy says:

    Hey, I’m a guy, and I’m clueless on how one gets bumper-stickers made.
    But, I want to buy a bumper sticker that says:

    McCain ’08
    Palin ’12

    Also, if somebody would make up some hockey jerseys with “Palin” on it, number 08, and a huge red lipstick kiss on it, I bet they’d sell.

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Even I’m tempted to buy one – and I’m male, and British.

    What has that Palin woman done to me?!? If I wear a tinfoil hat, will it protect me from the Evil Conservative Mind Rays?

  • Joe says:

    “So does that mean you’ll cut funding for teenage mothers like Sarah Palin did?”

    False!!!This has been disproved. Stay current on those talking points, please!!!!

  • Obahmahama'sBoyfriend says:

    Sarah-cuda rocks!

  • Hmmm JustAGuy that is kinda morbid don’t you think? Maybe

    Mccain 08
    Palin 16

    Palin 12 is just a little morbid isn’t it?

    Palin/Jindal 16

  • Obahmahama'sBoyfriend says:


  • Great idea and TMQ2 Blog is behind you 100%. Keep up the great work. Looks like the lefty-liberal liars have already started with their gang-banger spray cans, leaving their graffiti all over the place.

    I say keep it up you dolts and you’ll guarantee a McCain/Palin win…as it should be.

    Now be good children and behave before we’re forced to spank you Non-PC style. Uh huh.

  • youngjim says:

    Not the Heart Tune but a great rockin tune: Sarah Palin: Barracuda


  • philmon says:

    JustAGuy – I got my “Life Is Not A Bumpersticker” bumpersticker made here.

    These guys were fast, too.


    It was a Mark Steyn line. I liked.


    I live in a college town loaded down with cars that appear to have their rear-ends held together by leftist bumperstickers. I hate that. It’s why I have a one bumpersticker rule on my car (at a time).

    Though I think I’m gonna break that one for a couple of months here. I already have a McCain bumpersticker. But I saw another that I like: Keep the Change:


  • philmon says:

    Dont’ listen to “tbogg”, Cassy. Your smilin’ face makes me happy every time your page loads up, before I read a single word. And that’s because pretty women make me happy. 🙂

    Just remember, a “bog” is a wetland rich in rotting organic matter. You definitely don’t want to drink that water.

  • Cassy doesn’t let this stuff get to her. tbogg‘s just a loser who wishes his girlfriend was hot like our hostess.

  • philmon says:

    LOL (that’s for Morgan. Somewhat of an inside joke. For now. Mheh!)

  • philmon says:

    SteveJ brings up another false Palin talking point. It appears to me that there is a huge disinformation effort going on.

    I ran across a gaggle of them in a comments section the other day and went through a bunch of ’em


    Yeah, Palin “slashed” funding for teenage mothers by only tripling it instead of quadrupling it.


    That’s the progressive definition of “slash”, I guess.

    This is startin’ to piss me off! And I don’t get pissed easily.

  • Diane says:

    I ordered bumperstickers, for myself, my daughter, mother, MIL……

    and now I’m selling them on ebay:


    My daughter is an office manager in a medical office. The staff are all young women between the ages of 20 and 25. None of them were registered to vote, and all of them thought Obama was “wonderful”. When I dropped off the bumper sticker for my daughter, they all started asking questions. “I am Sarah Palin” is a conversation started. GET PEOPLE TALKING!

    They came up with the idea of having a carwash. We’ll wash your car if we get to put the bump sticker on your car. There is a local corner where baseball teams, cheerleader…etc. wave signs every Saturday. “I AM SARAH PALIN” Car wash, what do you think?

  • bob says:

    IT’S A GIRL!

  • Robin says:

    This is great. We have got to get the word out because the liberal media is out of control. And I am so sick of the Hollywood crowd telling me how to vote. Seriously, I’m sure Paris Hilton thinks Obama is HOT and that is the only thing she knows about real issues. Shut the HECK up celebrities. I am banning most movies and all of the liberal news channel. Hey CNN most Americans are not as stupid as you think. Thank goodness for the internet and grassroots movements like this one. ROCK ON GIRLS!!!
    Keep The Change.. that is so funny!!

  • Joseph says:

    Is it wrong to think you girls are all really hot?
    I would -love- to see this as a campaign on national TV!

  • Meredith says:

    I just finished making a bumper sticker that says…”I AM PALIN, Vote AMERICAN 2008.” I was searching for better images when I saw this site. LOVE IT! I’m a gun carrying, hunting, mother of 4. I teach 1st grade in a private Christian school, and I feel like Sarah Palin IS ME! She knows my life and I know hers! I’m going to have these stickers printed as soon as I’m satisfied with how they look, and I’ll get them on ebay. Keep an eye out! I’m so glad you’re all out there!

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