huckabee’s willie horton

huckabee’s willie horton

let me just say it: i am no mike huckabee fan. i feel he was a pivotal player in why we ended up with rino mccain as the gop candidate in the 2008 presidential election, and ultimately obama.

if huckabee is entertaining a 2012 presidential run, the fact that he granted clemency to violent career criminal, maurice clemmons – the suspect in the murdering of four police officers in washington state yesterday morning – might have, thankfully, finally popped that bubble.

the lakewood, washington officers killed in cold blood were identified as sergeant mark renninger, officer ronald owen, officer tina griswold, officer greg richards. here are their photos:


lakewood officers killed

and here’s a statement on huckabee’s website which seems to blame the legal systems in arkansas and washington for the release of willie horton er, violent maurice clemmons:

“He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, this commutation made him parole eligible and he was then paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him.”

well governor… it seems to me that the legal systems in both states may have failed a bit to protect its citizens but you were a part of that failure but opening the door to this violent beast in the first place.

frankly, its pretty hard to rape children or kill, in cold blood, policemen in washington state if your locked up in prison in arkansas.

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  • robert says:

    Huckabee commuted his 1989 aggravated robbery sentence from 105 to 47yrs & parole eligible. Parole board later paroled. Huckabee cited Cemmons age of 17 when he comitted the aggravated robbery. He ended up serving 11 years before the parole board paroled him.

  • micky says:

    If anything I’m glad this will put a damper on any consideration Huckabee might have for running.
    Hes just a little too much of an alter boy for me. I’m afraid much of his religious leanings would influence decisions that call for more objective applications.
    Cant stand his show. Everything is way too peachy keen for my taste.

  • David says:

    It was noted that, “Huckabee commuted his 1989 aggravated robbery sentence from 105 to 47yrs & parole eligible. Parole board later paroled. Huckabee cited Cemmons age of 17 when he comitted the aggravated robbery. He ended up serving 11 years before the parole board paroled him.”

    On the surface, these actions by Huckabee at that time do not seem too egregiously love-the-criminal, left-wingy… but it does show what happens when love-the-(violent!)-criminal, left-wingy attitudes weasel their way into the system.
    Those who SENTENCED this guy to 105 years IN THE FIRST PLACE knew what they were doing – and knew that they were protecting society FROM this guy forever.

    It’s too bad that this attempt at giving this citizen a “second chance” made by Huckabee on the part of the Arkansas gov’t/society came back to bite us in the @ss. Now four officers & their families will never be the same.

  • PenniePan says:

    I am shocked you don’t like Huckabee Kate. He’s right up your conservative neocon alley. He is an idiot though. Too folksy. Too quick at the one-liners. I don’t trust him. This police officer shooting is very sad. I hope they catch this guy.

  • micky says:

    But dont think for a second that we wont see the left trying to use Huckabee as means to bash the right.
    To be fair I doubt at this point with the additional crimes this guy had commited Huckabee would of had the same position. Just recently there were ample opportunities to keep him locked up.

    Hes no idiot and the problem for guys like me is that you “can trust” him to follow thru on his intentions.

  • I feel so horribly for the families of these officers.

    Pennie, unlike liberals who love everyone in their party – conservatives can sort out what we like vs. what we don’t. It’s called thinking for ourselves.

    And it’s just like a liberal to insult first, then express concern.

  • scott says:

    micky: You go, girl!

  • Ken says:

    God bless those officers and may God be with their families as this difficult time.

    The truth is that an incident like this can happen anywhere in this country at any time. What Huckabee did happens all the time all over the nation, but that doesn’t excuse it. Huckabee is done. Must admit I didn’t know that much about him and I guess it won’t matter now.

    On a personal note, folks, THIS is the reason cops may act “paranoid” on a traffic stop or when dealing with people they don’t know. It’s not personal, it is a matter of survival. With animals like this walking around, we can’t take chances.

  • micky says:

    “micky: You go, girl!”

    Thank you… I think.

    This girl is 250 lbs, 6 ft tall and nick named “Tripod” for a reason

  • lmao johnson says:

    “I feel so horribly for the families of these officers.

    Pennie, unlike liberals who love everyone in their party – conservatives can sort out what we like vs. what we don’t. It’s called thinking for ourselves.

    And it’s just like a liberal to insult first, then express concern.”
    AHhahaaah..hahah yeah a tremendous sweeping generalization really speaks highly of your objectivity

  • lmao johnson says:

    A conservative showing his/her condolences: “Yes we condemn the use of violence, but that abortion doctor had what was coming to him!”

  • lmao johnson says:

    This blog has to be some kind of really good satire. I mean we have every element of the shit for brains right wingnut: endorsements of Sarah Palin, the hilarious bumper stickers, glorifications of the 50’s, this, every post written in lower case letters, zionist sympathy, token bible passages taken out of context, Islamophobia – it’s all there, all it needs is a scrolling marquee and hideous 6 bit gifs of the flag and Jesus.

  • scott says:

    Just a figure of speach, Micky, no disrespect intended. Bet you could move some furniture for me, what with those 3 legs and all.

  • David says:

    Johnson, if you don’t enjoy the blog then you’re at liberty to scurry away to a safe haven.

    BTW, support for Palin isn’t an “endorsement”. Hell, she’s not even RUNNING for anything.

    Yes, the bumper stickers ARE funny – and insightful.

    Yes, the clean, clear, competent & courageous Americans from the 50’s are to be emulated – as an ideal. We Conservatives set our sights upward (not downward)… to the least & most base elements, unlike the Libs do. We’re captivated by self respect, self reliance, defense of children, the elderly & those who are being bullied or taken advantage of & need protection. Note that I said “Conservatives” – not “republicans”.

    Posts, etc. are written in lower case here, I presume, out of 1) ease of blogging, 2) attention paid to CONTENT and 3) relaxed ‘internet protocol’. Is that too much for you to handle?

    Sympathy for the (most?) downtrodden race in the history of the WORLD – the Jewish people – is to be LAUDED, not ridiculed. Now, “Zionism” per se…. that’s another matter, and I think you assume to much.

    Being inspired by scriptural works – the Bible, etc. – isn’t a crime. And quoting them isn’t either. Personally, I haven’t been struck by many (any?) Bible verses ‘taken out of context’.

    Islamophobia? Give me a break. Did you not read or hear or been told ANY of the information from the recent attack in Ft. Hood?? Or any of A NUMBER of other attacks and attempted attacks over the last, say, 30 YEARS????

    I’ll leave the scrolling marquee and ‘hideous’ 6 bit graphics to you & yours.

  • Ken says:

    “I mean we have every element of the shit for brains right wingnut:”

    We also have every example of a left wing scumbag, like you Johnson. You babble about absolutely nothing, provide nothing to back up your idiotic claims, and spit up Keith Olbermann talking points. You’ll fit in well with the liberal trolls that infest this site, be proud.

  • micky says:


    “..hahah yeah a tremendous sweeping generalization really speaks highly of your objectivity”

    And then your following post was full of nothing but sweeping generalizations.
    That doesnt speak highly of any brains you might have

  • Dirty Harry says:

    can I thank God this liberal didn’t get elected in 08? Would he have been any better than the Osama bin Obama we got?

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