how many more joe’s are out there?

how many more joe’s are out there?

joe the plumber. the star of last night’s debate.

how many more ‘joe the plumbers’ are out there? president nixon called them the silent majority.

how many others ‘out there’ have fears obama is indeed demonstrating socialist policies? or are actually proud to be american and all that goes with that? how many ‘out there’ really appreciate what has been done in iraq — but because of the media blitz and intimidation by leftards (the real freaks) are silent?

joe the plumber is definately my kind of plumber. let’s pray that they are many more like him ‘out there.’ and they will vote against obama by voting for mccain.

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  • jeniryan says:

    I was SO pleased with last night’s debate… even though I KNEW the media wouldn’t give McCain his dues. I felt like he had his game face on, I just hope it keeps it’s momentum! I hope Obama’s socialist agenda opens the eyes of “Joe’s” all across our country. My husband’s boss is a “Joe”…. he was just thrilled to learn as of last night, he’s now considered “RICH” under Obama’s sinister plan… It’ll be a sad day in this country if we find ourselves in a place where it doesn’t pay to be successful…

  • Rope says:

    amen jeni!

    When did it become unacceptable to work hard and make money, or more to point make money and live within your means! Oh and save like our fathers and grandfathers did. Im all for us paying equal taxes but lets not penalize these hard working sucessful people because we want to what, spread the wealth? We’ve already got way too many people wanting their share without working to get it, Oh now I get why Obama………………………pfffffffffffft

  • chi says:

    LOL Rope! i totally agree, its almost wrong to be successful now!! shame on what theyre doing to this great country!

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