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How far will Dems go for Obamacare?

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How far will Dems go for Obamacare?

We know that Democrats in the House, and Nancy Pelosi in particular, were willing to do anything to get Obamacare passed. There was no backroom deal, no bribe, no arm-twisting, that they weren’t willing to use. Now, the Democrats in the Senate are trying to pass the reconciliation bill, and they’re running into a pretty hefty roadblock. They won’t let it stop them, though… even if it means supplying sex offenders with Viagra.

The idea is that by securing even a slight adjustment in the language, the Senate will have to send the bill back to the House of Representatives for reconsideration. Drawing out the process makes it more likely for it to be tripped up.

On Tuesday, the GOP put its strategy into action, with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okl.) introducing an amendment beyond agreeable. Titled “No Erectile Dysfunction Drugs To Sex Offenders” it would literally prohibit convicted child molesters, rapists, and sex offenders from getting erectile dysfunction medication from their health care providers.

While it will undoubtedly be difficult for Democrats to vote against the measure (one can conjure up the campaign ads already), the party plans to do just that.

“Democrats in the Senate are very unified that this is not going back to the House,” Sen. Wyden (D-Ore.) told the Huffington Post on Tuesday, minutes before the Coburn amendment was introduced.

“We would know it is a game,” Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) told the Huffington Post. “We would vote against it. It is that simple.”

It’s not just a game. It’s strategy, and it was a brilliant move by Senate Republicans. Think about it: if the reconciliation bill is changed in any way, it has to go back to the House for yet another vote. And the Democrats want this passed right now. However, this amendment puts them in a sticky situation: vote against it, and you’ve just said that you want to give Viagra to kiddie rapists. The campaign ads would practically write themselves.

But think about it. Obamacare is so important to Democrats, that they’ll promote giving erectile dysfunction drugs to sex offenders. It’s insane because, as Allah points out, Democrats think that Obamacare is a huge winner. So why would they be so anxious to get it passed quickly? If an amendment like this comes up, why not just go for it and send it back to the House? What do they have to hide? The no-Viagra-for-rapists amendment would be a sure crowd-pleaser, but Democrats, for some ungodly reason, are coming out against it.

Like I said, this was a brilliant, beautiful strategy executed by Senate Republicans. Way to go, Coburn.

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