Holy Wednesday: Church to Hold Easter Drag Service

Holy Wednesday: Church to Hold Easter Drag Service

Holy Wednesday: Church to Hold Easter Drag Service

Hosannas arise from the alphabet mafia over “the amazing church” that will hold a drag service show on Easter Sunday. How interesting we find out about this on Holy Wednesday, the day Judas betrayed Jesus.

In solidarity with Calgary’s LGBTQ+ community, a local Unitarian church will celebrate Easter with a drag show in their Sunday service. (snip)

The all-ages Easter service, which the church calls a “sacred act of protest,” will feature drag performances, a drag queen storytime, and multiple speakers addressing the question, “What does TRANSformation mean today?” Unitarian minister Oakley said the event is designed to support transgender Albertans through the “current political climate.”

“One of our principles is the inherent worth and dignity of every person,” Oakley said. “And that’s where we come from in terms of this work.”

Where to start on this perversion of the Christian faith?

Of course, it shouldn’t be a surprise this is 1) a Unitarian “church” 2) Canada. The Unitarians have always eschewed creeds or beliefs but instead have been little more than an social club with religious trappings for the portside of the Western political divide. Which may make one wonder why they engage in an Easter service in the first place. However, there is no Liberal position or institution that the Wokeistans can’t shove further left until even longtime Unitarian members are being driven out, including ordained clergy.

The ideological purge ramped up in 2019 when the new leadership condemned, defamed, persecuted, and ultimately removed from the ministry the Reverend Todd Eklof after he published three essays criticizing the UU’s rejection of liberal values. I joined with others to defend him. Then they came for me too—ultimately removing me from ministry for comments I made criticizing those who were enforcing ideological uniformity in UU spaces. They accused me of “gaslighting,” and making people feel “unsafe” with my words.Ironically, one of the accusations they made against me was that I had complained about “retaliation” and “persecution” within the church. They also came after me for my political opinions—claiming, for example, that because I had the audacity to question whether individuals with male genitalia could be lesbians, I had “caused UU spaces to actually be unsafe” for “trans congregants.”

It is hard to feel sorry for people who uncritically embraced the kumbyahhhhh-ism of the Unitarian “non-ideology” now that the church has shock SHOCKINGLY become a mess of far-left radicalism where the failure to adequately worship their golden calves of Trans will not be tolerated.

This isn’t, by far, the first swallow to indicate a Transperfect summer of Mostly Peaceful Pride Riots. The Left, led by the fabulous boys in dresses, has taken over institution after institution and:

Politics is downstream from culture and when a ‘church’ can claim “One of our principles is the inherent worth and dignity of every person” while encouraging the mutilation of children, the performance of #womanface at the altar, and the persecution of all dissenters, then it isn’t surprising to find hatred of the normies risen to such high art that it has left room for the return of old hates.

Easter is about Jesus the Jew and Christ the lamb. Jesus didn’t hang out with tax collectors, Gentiles and women-of-questionable-reputations in order to celebrate their sins. His was an out-reach program to change their lives. And His sacrifice didn’t break God’s covenant with His people — which makes the outspoken anti-Semitism of performative ‘Christians’ both cringe worthy and dangerous.

Don’t let those that would pervert Christianity muddy Christ’s words and sacrifice.

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Concur with all you wrote.

  • Cameron says:

    His was an out-reach program to change their lives.

    Which makes certain people screech about being “judgmental.”

    Personally, I don’t have a lot of love for the Unitarians. Spitting in the face of a Christian holy day is more than a little annoying to me.

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  • Lloyd says:

    No surprises here. When the ruling (yes, ruling) party of a country is made up foreigners…clowns…alphabet people …and freaks….this is what you get!

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