Holy Hypocrisy! Tom Homan Calls Out the Pope on U.S. Deportations

Holy Hypocrisy! Tom Homan Calls Out the Pope on U.S. Deportations

Holy Hypocrisy! Tom Homan Calls Out the Pope on U.S. Deportations

The news cycle is moving fast, and Tom Homan is adding his voice. He calls out the Pope for hypocrisy over U.S. mass deportations. Homan tells the Pope to address issues within the Catholic Church instead of criticizing America’s immigration policies. Or, in this case, our mass deportations.

Tom Homan, former ICE Director until his retirement in 2018, now serves as the Border Czar. He apparently reports directly to the White House. Appointed by Donald Trump to boost border security and manage deportations, this role didn’t require Senate confirmation.

“Border czar” Tom Homan, who oversees President Trump’s mass deportation program, shot back at Pope Francis after he chastised the administration’s approach to immigration enforcement.

“I’ve got harsh words for the Pope,” Homan told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. “Pope ought to fix the Catholic Church.”

“I’m saying this as a lifelong Catholic — I was baptized Catholic, my first Communion as a Catholic, confirmation as a Catholic. He ought to fix the Catholic Church and concentrate on his work and leave border enforcement to us,” he continued. – The Hill

The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has faced major problems. The clergy abuse scandals that shook the faith and the ongoing issues with transparency. It has also faced financial challenges, including scandals involving the Vatican’s bank, which has been linked to money laundering and mismanagement.

So yeah, maybe the Pope has a few more pressing matters to focus on than worrying about America deporting illegal immigrants.

In the past few days, the Pope sent a pointed letter to U.S. bishops, making it clear he’s not a fan of Trump’s handling of mass deportations. With a heavy dose of disapproval, the Pope called out the administration’s approach. He urged the bishops to reconsider the harsh treatment of migrants. The Pope also reminded everyone that human dignity shouldn’t be up for debate.

“The act of deporting people who in many cases have left their own land for reasons of extreme poverty, insecurity, exploitation, persecution or serious deterioration of the environment, damages the dignity of many men and women, and of entire families, and places them in a state of particular vulnerability and defenselessness,” reads the pope’s Feb. 11 letter. – National Catholic Reporter

Well, maybe the Pope can invite all the illegals to his precious Vatican, which boasts a stunning display of art, history, and grandeur. You know, since he claims to be so concerned over the well-being of how illegals are treated. Give them a home at your place, Your Holiness.

I’ve been to the Vatican, and let me tell you, it’s enormous! The Vatican is filled with fantastic art by famous Renaissance artists like Michelangelo and Raphael, including the iconic Sistine Chapel ceiling. Every part of the Vatican feels unique and full of history, making it an unforgettable place.

It’s so large and expansive you could easily spend hours exploring it all. Maybe the Pope should consider letting all the deported foreigners from America stay there—there’s definitely enough room inside those walls!

Toxic Empaphy

It sounds to me that the Pope has fallen victim to toxic empathy. Allie Beth Stuckey has a take on Toxic Empathy—it’s absolutely spot on. It’s become a major tool of manipulation in the Democratic playbook. Stuckey argues that left-wing activists have hijacked empathy, using it to pressure people into adopting progressive views while masking it as a form of compassion.

Tom Homan takes his job seriously, which I really respect. He’s a man of few words, but when he speaks, he gets straight to the point—and it’s refreshing to hear someone tell it like it is. After all the empty promises and talk about fixing America’s border issues, I stayed skeptical and decided to closely watch Homan and his work. So far, I haven’t been disappointed.

Feature Photo Credit: Tom Homan by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    “Pope” Francis is a south american socialist, so of course he sides with the criminal invaders. You don’t see him calling out the cartels trafficking these people, you don’t see him calling out those exploiting children to game the system, you don’t see him doing much at all that is in line with the Catholic faith, or even Christianity, because he is NOT a Catholic or a Christian. He is a socialist, and that religion tolerates no others.
    If the Catholic church wants to remain in existence, they need to ensure that the next Pope is in the model of Der Panzer Pope, not this socialist clown.
    Ooh, and Homan NAILED it!

    • GWB says:

      And he certainly isn’t emphasizing these “immigrants” should be obeying the law of their home country and of the country they’re invading, as per Scripture and Roman Catholic doctrine.

      • Scott says:

        He’s not emphasizing it because he doesn’t believe in it. I’m damn sure no pope, but many years of catholic schooling did teach me a little about the religion.

  • The Gent says:

    I love the phrase “toxic empathy”. Conservatives need to play the “compound word” game one step ahead of the liberals and literally take away a “leg” they stand on!!

  • GWB says:

    The pope thinks he still commands the earthly kingdoms. He lost that authority a few centuries ago.
    And, yes, a major problem with Roman Catholic doctrine is how much influence the Progressive Jesuits have had over it since about 1900. Overly enamored with “reason” and explaining God’s revelation in such a way as to accommodate it to human reason, they have undercut the Word of God with too much of Man’s “word”.

    Ironic, I think, that we spent a couple of centuries in America refusing to elect a Roman Catholic because people were afraid he’d be beholden to the pope, and now we have some very traditional Roman Catholics around the Presidency and they’re telling the pope to go pound sand and educating him on proper doctrine.

  • Bob says:

    Excellent, and thanks for quoting Allie Beth Stuckey and Toxic Empathy.

    The progressive logic: if you are facing terrible hardships in your country, the U.S. needs to take you in, now. Strictly, when seeking asylum, one goes to the nearest safe country. Improving one’s condition should not automatically mean immigration by any means to the best country in the world.

    The Pope’s assertions are on a par with those who have decided that illegal immigrants should be housed in luxury hotels ($59M at taxpayer expense).

  • draigh says:

    Good for Homan! The Pope needs to concentrate on the Church, His socialist views, stemming from his history of backing “Liberation Theology,” have no place outside of the Church. Even Pope Saint John Paul II said “Liberation Theology” had no place in the doctrine of the Church!

    • Scott says:

      J2P2 and Pope Benedict were truly two of the best. The current resident of the Vatican isn’t fit to polish their rosaries…

  • American Human says:

    I have a compound phrase for the democrats: Toxic Stupidity.

  • Cameron says:

    Two words, Your Holiness: Laken Riley.

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