Holy cow: McCain already has an ad quoting Obama from tonight’s debate!

Holy cow: McCain already has an ad quoting Obama from tonight’s debate!

Holy cow: McCain already has an ad quoting Obama from tonight’s debate!

DAMN, that was quick. Those guys are earning their pay.

It’s a good ad, too. It hits on the biggest problem Obama had too many times: he agreed with McCain too many times. It makes McCain look good, not Obama.

But jeez, that ad came out fast. McCain’s ad team needs a raise.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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  • Don L says:

    They need to nail him as the “Me too” candidate hiding behind teleprompters -300 other people’s opinions, and John Mccain’s wisdom and experience to articulate his opinion du jour.

  • Dave S. says:

    It is true that several times, Obama has commended John McCain or agreed with something McCain has said- that’s because they were common-sense, everyone-agrees kinds of things, like reducing the tax burden (anyone opposed?), making our country safer (any nays?), and numerous other over-general examples.

    Far more often, when it has mattered, Obama has been the one who has been correct- look at his calls two years ago to get the mortgage mess under control- McCain “suspended” his campaign to attend to this. Look at his repeated calls for a scaled withdrawal of troops from Iraq- now even the Bush and Iraqi admins are behind that plan. Other examples exist that point to the fact that the bottom line is that Obama and McCain both have the same goals- safety and security for the American people, financially, diplomatically, and militarily, but the differences come in how they plan to achieve those ends and McCain has shown time and again that his wisdom and experience are what have continually gotten us into these messes, while Barak Obama’s wisdom and experience will point us in the right direction.

  • Yes Dave S., if you wait long enough everyone’s going to have made a good decision, and everyone’s going to have screwed up. And it’s a virtue to be able to point to your opponent and “that thing he just said, is absolutely right.”

    What about the other companion strength — the ability to point to your own decision, and say “this is something I should not have done” or “in hindsight I see this was not helpful”? Obama has absolutely none of this. He can’t afford it. Whoever decided that Messiah bullshit was a great idea, made it impossible for him to do this, EVER, and that’s what makes Obama a poor leader.

    As far as this “McCain’s absolutely right” stuff, it’s a schtick. Obama doesn’t mean it. He’s being two-faced, waiting for the chance to run the “Third Term For Bush” talking point up the flagpole again…waiting to pounce. Even his most ardent fans know it to be true. It’s why they admire him. Not for what he’s selling, but for how he sells it. By being oily and sneaky.

    In the annals of democrat party history, I notice their most luminous stars all have this in common. They have a craptacular ability to sell things that well-informed buyers would reject.

  • RA says:

    This is worthless. McCain lost the economic portion of the debate. Unless McCain debunks the “tax cut” for 95% of Americans, Obama will win.

    1. Corporations don’t “pay” taxes. They collect taxes from the people who buy their products and use their services. All of us will pay these tax increases.

    2. 35-40% of the public don’t pay federal taxes. So Obama will steal money from those who earn it and redistribute it to those who have done nothing to earn it. Marxism at its worst.

    If McCain can’t articulate this, Obama will win by demagoging this issue.

  • Knott Buyinit says:

    Vanity plate on Dumbarry’s Prius: 0BAMEE2

  • art341 says:

    This is good, makes Obama look like the wuss he is.

    The thing about Obama is that he is evil. Look at his friends, Ayers, Dohrn, Klunsky, Wright, Pfleger and Rezcko. If I still lived in Chicago I probably could come up with another dozen or more names.

    The scariest of the bunch is the Ayers-Dohrn duet. The bombed the Capitol and Pentagon. Isn’t that waging war on the United States? I seem to remember from my high school history class that making war against the US is treason. Treason is punishable by death. Instead the prosecutor botched the case and now those two lowlifes are holding honored academic positions. There is no justice.

    The McCain campaign ought to beat Obama over the head with Ayers and his cohorts relentlessly.

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