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Well, last night was the Oscars. I didn’t watch — I don’t find it particularly entertaining to watch already-smug actors, directors, producers, and the rest of the Hollywood establishment rub shoulders and celebrate their profound awesomeness, which is all the Oscars (and every other award show) really is about.
I did see today, however, that the Academy decided to pay tribute to our troops by letting some of our soldiers in Baghdad introduce the award for Best Documentary.
There was the good:
And the bad:
The winner, Taxi to the Dark Side by Alex Gibney and Eva Orner is about the military committing acts of torture around the world.
I wonder how it went when the Academy decided to let them introduce a category.
– “Hey guys, let’s do something to pay tribute to the troops.”
– “Yeah, that’s a good idea. What category should they introduce?”
– “How about the one where the winner is a film about how sick and twisted our military is?”
– “The one where it shows the troops committing all kinds of torture?”
– “Yeah, that one.”
– “Sweet, let’s do it! It’ll be perfect.”
– “Yeah, they’re just killing babies and raping goats over in Baghdad anyways.”
– “They’re probably too stupid to get it.”
I guess we shouldn’t really be too surprised, though. This if, after all, the only way Hollywood knows how to show support to our troops. They can’t do so without finding some way to sully that tribute. But, well, high five for trying!
Well… maybe a low five.
Hat Tips: Hot Air and Michelle Malkin
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