Hillsdale College’s 1776 Curriculum is Annoying Our Betters

Hillsdale College’s 1776 Curriculum is Annoying Our Betters

Hillsdale College’s 1776 Curriculum is Annoying Our Betters

Tiny, independent Hillsdale College has been quietly going about its educational mission for over 160 years. However, its classic liberal arts curriculum has long been a thorn in the side of Progressives. Now there’s more for the Left to hate.

For years, Hillsdale College was best known as a conservative Midwestern school that refused federal funding to avoid government regulations. The private Christian college’s Michigan campus features statues of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and frequently hosts Republican politicians to give speeches.

Recently, though, Hillsdale has become more widely known as the go-to resource for conservatives looking to overhaul K-12 education. For some, the college’s name is shorthand for civics lessons that teach children to love America and reject the notion that racism still permeates society.

Whoa! Hold on there a moment. Let’s not glance over the sly, but typical, Leftwing-style narrative of claiming facts not in evidence. #1, the rejection of all federal funding was never about “government regulation” — as I’m sure Hillsdale abides by all local health and safety laws, but rejection of Federal meddling in how Hillsdale was to set standards of admission. Hillsdale is a non-sectarian, color/sex-blind college that has admitted women and minorities since 1850. However, we have seen time and again the most racist policies come straight from the Progressive politicians and bureaucracies obsessed with the melanin and genitals of students rather than their individual skills, talents and accomplishments. #2 No where in Hillsdale’s curriculum or in the massive amount of papers and articles produced by its professors have there be any denial of “racism” in American society. Institutional racism, or the Left’s anti-American claims that the United States is irredeemably racist and an illegitimate nation because of white supremacy, is something the majority of rational Americans reject. But hey, this is NBC … just toss a smear out there and move on.

And while the author of this piece does go into detail of Hillsdale College’s approach in the shaping of the K-12 curriculum, it is always framed with words and scare-quotes in order to signal to the reader that something a bit nefarious is going on. And gives voice to Leftwing critics who aren’t afraid to level unfounded accusations against Hillsdale.

“It’s the hat,” said Adam Laats, a historian at Binghamton University in New York who studies culture war battles over education. “The red hat that brought Trump to office — this idea that America can be made great again — I think the educational part of that is that if we’re going to make America great again, children need to love it. And they need to learn to love it, and we need to teach them to love it. And so the Hillsdale curriculum is the red hat in textbook form.”


Do you feel that if the Left, which has taken over education, gutted it, and wears it like a skinsuit while demanding respect (to borrow from Iowahawk) felt it had a leg to stand on concerning their oft repeated “America Has Never Been Great” they’d feel threatened by a college with 1700 students using primary sources to teach American history?

Oh noes! Let’s not expose students to the Founders’ own words or records of their debates! No let’s teach the hate-filled, fabulist scribblings of Nikole Hannah-Jones. Do note that the article quotes yet another history professor that describes the execrable 1619 project as mere “flawed history” who then declares the 1776 Curriculum as political propaganda “they see history as politics by other means”

Smear, rinse, repeat.

And it should raise a chuckle or two, in this era of Progressive genuflecting with “land acknowledgments” towards the revived myth of Noble Savage, that

Native American tribes in the state objected that the standards minimized discussion of their histories, and portrayed them as “warlike” when they are mentioned.

Oh noes! While the pre-Columbian North and South American continents were awash in war and blood sacrifices, it is only the United States (and Israel) we should hate with the hate of a thousand suns.

Here’s to Hillsdale College, their further success, and long should anti-American academia’s panties remain in a bunch.

featured image, cropped, used via permission granted under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

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